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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Hmmm never considered that, I like! Sounds like a project for tonight. Thanks man!
  2. Now that is just wrong. This joke was deliberately left for that half wit Emrys so he could feel like an actual contributor. Don't you feel any remorse? It is like stealing a toy from a child..... an ugly foul little child.
  3. And parfaits, have you ever met a person, you say "let's get some parfait", they say "hell no , I don't like no parfait?"
  4. I realize I am a lowly squire, but isn't there an OSHA rule about too much exposure to Aussies or something? I am a little nervous I could end up like Boo or even Emrys. Next thing you know I'll be answering ads from that company that currently advertises "have you or a loved one suffered from Mesothelioma?" only it will be an illness from exposure to Aussies. Ya think the Aussie gov't will put up a $30 billion fund for the victims?
  5. You are telling this to a person with Putin done in the likeness of Alfred E Neuman for an Avatar. I got weird down. Just stare at that face for a while.
  6. the data (ie BRZ files and exe) are all wherever you select. That is the bulk of CM.
  7. I have them all installed on another drive, never had a problem. In Windows it will put your game file directories (scenarios, saves, incoming and outgoing pbem and QB folders) on C:, that is a windows issue. The game itself is wherever you want it.
  8. While my liege Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House is an admirable example of inspired leadership, the attention you guys are bestowing on him and your insistence on fantasizing about him is getting right creepy. Aren't there some kind or rules here about that? And yes Emrys we are feeding you another opportunity for the same tired old joke intentionally, go get it boy!!
  9. our snipers aren't good enough shots for that.
  10. Sticks foot out to trip Baneman. What me worry? I am Alfred E Putin.
  11. Umm Steve is his employer. Ergo he can cater his response to abusive customers however he likes. It's good to be the king.
  12. One note, during the stream someone asked about medics. I am one of those who have kind of played around with the idea as something to add to the immersion and it has been problematic. Buddy aid is a funny item. It is sometimes hard enough to get a team to buddy aid an individual, try doing it with a single pixeltruppen. This would not be just a ToE item. BF would have to code the AI to get this to work better. The medic behavior would have to make him find casualties in an AS much better than the AI currently does.
  13. Umm, well uh okay whatever you say sir, I'll just be umm leaving now (as I back away slowly...)
  14. pfft they can't even do that. What they can do however is make a godawful mess. The Aussies don't know what "facilities" are. I guess they just go wherever they feel like when the need arises. Those waders Stuka uses to stand at the bar all weekend are great until he decides to pass out, then they just pour out all over the floor. Meanwhile Emrys thinks the bathroom is his private sleeping quarters. Really wish he would understand that bowl is NOT a drinking fountain. Donkey actually is the closest to getting it right, but that is only because he has decided Emrys is a good spot for "marking his territory" and Emrys is usually hanging over the bowl. As to House Rune... that condemned structure is such an example of urban blight it is attracting tourists. Tourists in the CessPool!!!! I've discussed this with speedbump and we are thinking maybe a nice 20 megaton nuke would be enough to clear out the vermin. Iffy , so perhaps we should go with something larger to be sure.
  15. Yes I am, but that has nothing to do with this. Still it is a joke in bad taste. Even being weird I could recognize that.
  16. Another F'd up day for Marines in Ramadi as a massive IED explosion raises a dust cloud along the MSR. Casualties unknown yet.
  17. no we must have this. CMSF will only be replaced by CMSF2. CMBS is no replacement. I haven't posted anything on the repository in a while, but I don't recall having any issues. Have you tried opening a help desk ticket, they should be able to get you an answer rather than simply repeating the effort.
  18. I'd have left it with a negative point, but I already used my one for the day. This was pretty darn ignorant. A good part of the team I work with is based in India. A great bunch of men and women. Referring to them in the way you have would get me in front of HR and rightly so. It is rude and disrespectful. You may want to watch comments like that as it is one sure way to get yourself banned off the forum.
  19. think not? Better think again. Those tanks aren't built from legos. They need components, the plants need components, the workers need to eat. Building a strong military requires absolutely a strong economy. The Allies beat Germany partly by the fact that they had economies that could adjust and far out produce the Reich. The Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of a poor economic model and an expensive military. Russia's economy is more on par with Italy versus Germany and forget considering the US. This is a game Russia has no hope of winning, to even attempt it ignores what is in the best interests of the Russian people. They need a solid diversified economy that is growing as part of the world community, not a petro dollar dictatorship trying to play world power. It will fail and collapse like every other country that has followed this path. Unfortunately for Russians, they will have to start all over again from where they were 25 years ago. Russia has lost a generation repeating the mistakes of an empire that will never come again.
  20. Yes and no. Talking about it is fun in the context of what you can and can't do. This has gone way beyond that. You will know how it works when the game is out and you can try it. 99% of the suppositions you have floated are just flat out wrong. No offense intended, just a clarification. It is cool you are excited by the game's impending release, but slow down just a tad. I think you will find the advantages are not totally overpowering. I have been on the receiving end of Russian T90s spotting my FOs who I thought were well hidden in woods and I have seen other circumstances where they went right past a guy hiding. CM's variables are huge. You'll have to learn what you can get away with and sometimes you'll find things work sometimes and not other times. Stop worrying about Ghillie suits, or uber tech that makes it impossible to scout. The fundamental concepts of recon still work and you will find your scout/sniper teams to still be functional. US scout sniper teams have some advantages based on doctrine over Russians. (They function as a team as a weapons platform rather than as an individual). This makes them excellent recon elements. Due to the god eye phenomenon of playing a game, you also get the same amount of intel from a Russian sniper, however because of the nature of doctrine, what you can do with that intel is very different. It is a very very different game in how it plays, but the same core precepts are still very much there. Ignore them and you die just like in CMSF, just faster.
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