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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I found Seanachai wandering confusedly in the old thread. He should be shuffling along shortly. Anyone have a bat?
  2. Maybe you should go to the latest thread. come along really really Olde one. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/115611-the-peng-challenge-thread-blunder/page-67
  3. And here I was thinking this was another ad for Amazon Prime.
  4. As to dismounting at a non final waypoint. No. There are a couple threads where this is discussed and some tricks, but nothing quite like this. One item I learned in those discussions is you can order a dismount in the command phase and THEN order a vehicle movement. When the turn starts the grunts will jump out and the vehicle will split. So if your vehicle arrival and dismount didn't quite end at the end of a turn you can cancel the vehicle movement and do the above.
  5. No, just loopy Guess he is just in a negative frame of mind. My wife would kick his butt, but she has this hang up about striking children.
  6. Thanks, that was the beginning of what is now almost 4 years of a great PBEM partnership. We are both anxiously awaiting the next incarnation of CM in the Ardennes. Meanwhile we have a really brutal campaign going on in Bagration. At some point we will likely come back with an AAR if time permits.
  7. http://news.yahoo.com/ex-us-rangers-long-march-honor-wwii-hero-154600127.html
  8. well it does allow you to do something that it is otherwise difficult to do without overdoing the amount of arty in the game. The creeping barrage used in Op Epsom for example. But it is a pretty rare use in WW 2. Arty in Cm is kind of funky. Somethings are overly accurate while there are other things you should be able to do and can't. Not quite as bad as the TAC air, but it has it's own issues. Phil I do love that technique of putting your trp on your own trench. I have used that a few times to very good effect.
  9. Honestly I haven't seen it much lately, but I have seen it. Do you have a save that could be used? Once during a game in RT I watched a guy "fly" onto a vehicle. That was pretty cool while also being kung fu movie goofy.
  10. I downloaded Task Force 1942 just recently out of nostalgia. That was a cool game when it first came out. Having to intercept Japanese supply convoys and bombardment groups while trying to keep the forces supplied on the canal. Very neat concept and well done for the period. It really gave you an idea of the difficult choices regarding the resupply effort, what the condition of your ships was etc.
  11. LOL I have been working on a SIP trunk from a carrier that needs to be encrypted. It has been OVER 2 years since they first told me they could do it, we are just testing the proof of concept now. Two years is nothing....
  12. Yeah simple math will tell you the dilemma Russia faces. With a GDP around the size of Italy's they have to first start with their biggest stick - the nuclear weapons arsenal which is enormously expensive. Whatever is left after that is what goes to the rest of the military. So the reality is they have less financial cability than Italy for fielding conventional forces without savaging their own economy. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to begin to understand the implications. The economy was already going to have issues supporting the scale of what Putin wanted to do. Cut the value of their primary export in half and something has to give.
  13. Thanks squat dog for displaying a massive inability to have a discussion without being ridiculously insulting. Have fun with your issues, I refuse to have a conversation at such a childish tantrum throwing level. Ping me in a few years when you have matured a bit. You are apparently very enamored with your Gaming combat prowess. Kind of reminds me of this. http://www.duffelblog.com/2015/01/gamer-isis-syria-iraq/ Not to mention your apparently brilliant coding skills whereby you have singlehandedly told BF how to resolve the game spotting limitations. Kudos to you Mr amazing.
  14. LOL if you really want to go conspiracy mode "fry" and I are both dead heads too....hmmmmmm you recorded 4 separate instances in one game and while I occasionally run into them, they never seem to be that prevalent. Could be I am a "roleplayer" whatever the hell that means. Or it could be you play tactically too close. Driving your hetzers into face to face conflicts where they don't belong and stressing the engine in the bargain. As to your comment about that being the stupidest thing you have ever heard- well that comes direct from Steve in explaining it here on the forum. It is how the engine works. Understanding the engine is necessary if you want to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the game. And thank you for jumping to being directly insulting. I never once in my post said anything directly insulting to you. What I did was point out how the engines works and where it is weak. I also gave some credible answers for at least one issue that without a save I can't really examine. Just to point out to folks that the "aggressive fanboi" thing really is BS. If you really think the game is that borked then lower your stress level and go play something else. BF has already explained how the spotting engine works and it's limitations. Fundamentally it is not going to change. Maybe in CMx3 or 4, but definitely not in CM x2.
  15. yeah I played that scenario right after it came out. Great one actually. Funny thing is I had none of those issues. For being totally borked it worked pretty darn good for me. You do understand there are some limits to the spotting functionality right? Basically the more cycles in spotting, the more CPU intensive it gets until it is completely unplayable. Now within that BF did some work to tweak units in close proximity. As well units that might be freaking out or cowering spot for s**t. I am honestly tired of looking at people's examples trying to discern what might be going on, especially w/o a save. Video only tells me so much. For example the angle you are showing that first Hetzer from- your TC is buttoned. Is the ISU actually in the field of view of the Hetzer when it first shows up? I kind of suspect not. You are counting from when you think it should see it. I actually do not know the field of view of a buttoned Hetzer, some grog would have to hop on here and say if that was credible or not. Personally I find do find it credible because I expect that my pixeltruppen are aware of very little that I see. It is battle, it is noisy, you told them to focus on an arc. There is a building adjacent that blocks some of their field of view. All that adds up to me for plausible. Not necessarily the only or even an optimal answer, but plausible. If it were "blatantly bugged and broken" you couldn't really play the game and after several years now of playing I can say with some certainty that within the confines of what can be done with current computing power it is a damned good simulation. And Fry, if you haven't played that scenario, it is quite good. Even with the limitations the AI has on offense, it is a really tense scenario.
  16. I think I can answer that - for the simple reason that your pixeltruppen will not do what soldiers could do in real life. Re-position to get LOS/LOF for ther intended target. Because they can't do that you need to check beforehand to see if they will actually be able to do what you want. Personally I don't do this very often, but I can definitely see the rational. What I have seen folks do that I won't is actually set up a scenario to test things before the do them in a game. That is past the line for me. I may have musunderstood your reply though, you may not be referring to CM at all in which case I humbly bow out. Pardon me I think I saw someone I know.....
  17. Don't know about that, haven't gotten that far yet. But I do have a scenario with US paras outfitted with PFs In CMBN in case anyone is guessing - no not trying to recreate Cheneux... yet.
  18. I think perhaps maybe folks are talking past each other. I agree with the point you are making Bil. A simple command of go up to that point and set up in over watch is something just about anyone could understand. In CM however it isn't that simple as your pixeltruppen will go to point x and won't necessarily have observation of the point you want because the game is premised around digital criteria that may not accomplish what you'd hoped. The only way to validate that you can do what you intend is that LOS tool. Your pixeltruppen are not going to follow the intent of your order only the exact command to go to point x and face in the approximate direction. Beyond that if there is any issue like elevation or obstacles. . . too bad. I think the best example is them going prone in wheatfields. Sarge, I can't see s**t! On the other hand I tend not to use the tool that often as the Tac AI is usually pretty good. It is only when looking at the ground and I think it is really questionable whether wysiwyg that I'll take the time to really start checking.
  19. Yeah I was playing a scenario recently and US troops were in Ukr trucks and could acquire anything in the truck. Ammo not so helpful, but RPGs were a cool addition. Hmm maybe I'll have to try out that idea and see how far it goes.
  20. Sorry, did you say something Fry, I was distracted.
  21. I wouldn't let that deter you. You can keep an older install while also getting the full package. That way you have a version prior to upgrade to go back to if you really feel the campaign/scenario is unplayable on the new. All new material will be on the newer version engine.
  22. Lol but isn't that his point, the "nice toys" are deadly. That is what makes them nice.
  23. I am in the middle of a U.S./UKR vs Russia scenario. My stinger and Igla teams have been sitting around with their thumbs up their a**es while a hind slaughterd a good part of my mobile forces. Their effectiveness is definitely not guaranteed.
  24. Can we assume from this you also stopped avoiding the plague?
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