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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Nah after reading all your posts I realized it is utter tosh. (I think I got that right, I always wanted to use that expression. Thanks for granting me the opportunity) They are totally inconsistent, illogical and childish. I want what I want regardlerss of the reality of physics and coding restraints and if I don't get it I am gonna throw a tantrum. Then you have the usual - "no one can criticize CM or the fanboys jump in". You know what? I HATE bridges in CM. They are still buggy, they break my immersion worrying if my unit is gonna do something goofy... Oh crap! Stagler, Wiggout and Wroclaw, did you see that?!! A Fanboy criticized CM!! Hold on I think the world is about to end!!! And Yes, we won, you lost. Don't ask we what yet I haven't figured that out, but it must be about that as otherwise all the last 10 pages would have been wasted nonsense and we can't let that happen. Woot USA, USA, USA... don't ask me why I am chanting about that. Leftover from World Cup maybe? As to the Germans caring so little about Women's soccer, I expect that...cause you lost. Go England!! Hey I am an American, how much do you think we care about soccer (football, LOL yeah right), and we still won. Have I so derailed this thread yet that it can be closed? Please? I am gonna starting typing out Green Eggs and Ham next. I swear, I WILL DO IT!!
  2. Nah it is EXACTLY the same. He should just mod CMFI.
  3. How many people remember this particular entry and the AAR it is part of? I dunno about you guys, but I distinctly remember at the time thinking how much improved over CMSF was the stuff in CMBN. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/93414-cmbn-beta-aardar-bois-de-baugin-german-side/?p=1211977 edit: ha own goal! Seems that was added in the NATO CMSF module. I feel like an English women's soccer player..... kidding, they did beat Germany. Still the rest of the AAR is instructive on how we all felt when CMBN came out. It was definitely not a moment of huh CMSF in ww2.
  4. I never said it wasn't superior in some aspects. Find me that quote. What I said was it being better in some aspects wasn't enough. Man you are really floundering for an argument aren't you, it is getting pathetic. You are so far out in left field you can't even see home plate. Bet all you want, I don't frankly really care what you think. Fact is BF has a business strategy and it has been successful. Unlike your proposals, BF is clear what is possible and what isn't if they are going to keep producing games. Thank god for that because if they followed your strategy we would have had CMSF, then nothing. Despite your hyperbole the game rocks to the point that even an insufferable whiner keeps hanging around here and will still buy the next game. We win!!!
  5. No, won't be happening because I don't play for the eye candy and I get bored playing the AI.... hey but go knock yourself out. If it works for you fannntastic! Why you bother bringing it to the discussion here is confusing. You were asked for this better game you pontificated on, not a better game in some aspect. Hell chess is better then CM, in some aspects. What is this supposed wonder game being developed in Kharkhov? If AP is the best you could come up with, you are running on empty.
  6. Well unfortunately BF believes in evolution. Something about maintaining their financial security or some such other nonsense that you guys don't have to care about. So if you want revolution, you'll have to find it somewhere else. That would be funny except you are serious. How long has it been out and you can't even play against an opponent? Seriously? But if you really like that great, go play that. It is a solid game and I wish those guys the best, but it is not Combat Mission. Sorry sell that line somewhere else.
  7. wrong thread sir. But thanks, I LOVED Heckle and Jeckle! I bet you could have guessed that.
  8. Tastes great! Less filling! Tastes great! Less filling! I loved the scientific test and proof. I asked a 33 year old. He agreed with me. I must be right. A truly scientific test would require 2 33 year olds, a dachshund, 4 nanny goats and a camel. And I will bet you didn't even skew that discussion a tiny bit to make sure he only looked at and understood what you wanted him to. Did you show him the map overlay function in the editor? I on the other hand went out and found 5 33 year olds, 2 dachshunds, 6 nanny goats and no less then 3 camels. My results 2 33 year olds just wanted to drink my beer 1 33 year old was a plant by ken in the hopes we had a pbem running he could see what I was up to 1 33 year old only wanted to play minecraft 1 33 year old agreed with me, then I found out he was only doing so cause he figured to get the beer the other 2 had not gotten to. The dachshunds dug holes in my yard. Still trying to see if that means anything relative to the game, maybe a comment about foxholes The nanny goats stripped what was left of my lawn for what it is worth I had a terrain mod in. The camels spit on me after pissing all over my lawn, see above. There you have it, proof that you are wrong.
  9. holy crap, I gotta learn that asking if there is anything more you have to say John is tied up very closely with Murphy's law. The one flaw amongst many in your arguments is the simple fact that having the V2's mattered not a wit if they didn't launch them. Germany was completely deluded about the Normandy invasion so having 2,000 or 10,000 is irrelevant. So all the words you strung together got you to exactly nowhere. The rest is not worth my time, I need to exfoliate my heels after walking back and forth to the keg at our block party all day.
  10. Well what do you expect? You went bear hunting with a BB rifle. It didn't even feel it.
  11. no actually I do not say that about everyone who criticizes the game. I rarely say that. I reserve that for people who are NEVER going to be happy. The rudeness starts with your attitude. It gets returned in kind. Imagine that.
  12. you can write the name to provide folks the info to google. BF does not object to that, they simply object to ANY commercial links.
  13. Then please for all that is holy, go play THAT game and leave us in peace.
  14. what the hell Ken, it is my birthday, I expect your first order of business is to lift a glass of something tasty and toast it. The rest of that stuff you should delegate. To Wiggum15. He seems to have an unlimited power to accomplish things we mortals can only dream about. Oh and regarding that water, could you send it our way. the state is a bit short.
  15. I have had it on both and have not seen a significant difference. The nice thing about CM helper is when it notifies you, by the time you can respond, the file is already in your CM folder. Laziness is the primary factor in human technology development.
  16. I don't think you should underrate your importance. Now get me a coffee and see that the head is wiped clean. I don't like messy stuff on my toilet seat.
  17. not quite. Similar but it becomes extreme. And then there is the really weird s**t - right now Japanese teenagers have a huge influence in global pop marketing. What happens when there aren't any Japanese teenagers? Oh my god, will Hello Kitty finally fade? The tragic loss to humanity is incalculable. But seriously - how do you fight wars when you aren't cranking out 18-19 year olds to serve? Do we start recruiting older soldiers because we don't have to even worry about them having kids. It is a sci fi rich world. What happens to a 20 year old sentenced to live imprisonment who lives to be 2-300 years old?
  18. Not so fast, it is MY birthday (yeah really, go figure) and this is how you go about it correctly. The tie dye banner is out and the band is playing. Ain't nothing patriotic about cat scratch fever or stranglehold.
  19. right by the newport news creek inlet you can see the sunken hulls of two older ships. (to the left of the hampton roads beltway tunnel entrance off to portsmouth to see if I can get a glimpse of HMS Victory! Bummer it is all blurry Meanwhile the Carl Vinson is in San Diego
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