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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. This is a good example of how these folks over weight Russian capabilities while then under weighting US capabilities. This study on the first page Armed with three (six by later this year) new, enhanced Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines, eleven thousand marines, and a surface contingent of forty-two ships as of 2014, The Black Sea Fleet,...consists of;[35] Slava class cruiser (1)Kashin class destroyer (1)Burevestnik (Krivak) class frigate (2)Kilo class submarine (5)The Fleet also includes a small number of corvettes, patrol and coastal protection ships, light amphibious ships, and support vessels. How did it go from 4 ships to 42? Okay there are some corvettes to add, but 38 of them? Sounds like the guy included rowboats (with a little googling I figured this guy added patrol boats, intelligence gathering ships, landing ships and auxiliaries to inflate the combat force impressions.) As far as I can tell the Kilo modernization program was also over optimistic. Only 2 boats were completed in 2014 followed by two last year with one of those maybe both not having completed shakedown cruises. The last two he assumes would be ready later in 2014 are not even launched yet. Then it follows up with this Russian deployment of Black Sea–based Kilo-class submarines to the region would insert a further threat into the undersea domain at a time when more advanced but already overtasked US nuclear submarines continue to decline within the force structure Overtasked? By what? The US has 54 modern nuclear boats. More than the entire Russian fleet with 11 more Virginia class on order 4 of which are actually under construction - this is the overtasked declining force? This is what drives me nuckin futs with these forum debates. They seem totally disconnected with easily obtainable information. Google for christ's sake before accepting the report and see if reality matches up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia-class_submarine
  2. nah, just a healthy bit of skepticism. If a study seems to be pretty incomplete with major underpinnings not clarified and that study is promoting major policy changes that seem to go hand in hand with a simultaneous announcement from said gov't, you'd be silly NOT to question it. I just went through a problem solving workshop last year (I work for a consulting company, but fortunately for my soul I work in IT). That study would have been laughed out of just my workshop for how incomplete it was.
  3. LOL the military industrial complex lives on!!
  4. excellent idea!! On a side note for those who aren't believers in pure coincidence. The day the Rand report was released was the same day Ash announced the increase in US commitment.
  5. Woot! Relentless fury just popped up. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-black-sea/cm-black-sea-add-ons/operation-relentless-fury/
  6. Huh not so sure on that. Was really hoping to see the battle for Budapest. I can't see not doing that and having Commonwealth forces on the Western Front in CMFB. I would not write off seeing Hungarian and maybe Romanian forces in CMRT.
  7. I was gonna say, if all he wants is a number 2 I will gladly send one his way. Hey Emrys, mind heading over to Dalem's place? He's been asking for you.
  8. CMBS absolutely feels different... it better after all. but personally I love it. I helped test the Spartan Resolve campaign and loved every second of it. The challenges are different obviously but the capabilities and potential for odd scenarios is way too cool. Personally I am hoping for the uncons to show. Go Figure.
  9. @currahee150. I expect your sentiment is far more likely. Russia will not sortie those subs for good reason 1 the convoys arrival is past the point they would hope to have the conflict being focused at the negotiating table 2 no way in hell are they going to have all those attack subs leave Russian waters. They would have a dual role centered on maintaining what Russia would consider strategically far more important. Protecting their SSBN basins and trying to keep an eye for any US cruise missiles equipped boats from being in a strategically vulnerable location. The only real item I would consider if I were in command of the Russian Navy is maybe going after some of the global internet cabling on the seabed. That would have an outsize effect on the West for very little risk. As as to the other discussion. Really, 5 old kilo boats that have had little maintenance or training are going to challenge the US Navy? Damn I am writing my congressman cause I seem to be getting a really sh***y return on my taxes. Btw I own CMANO as well, just haven't had a chance to really mess with it. I am still a sucker for naval sims
  10. umm I think you kind of answered your own question. CMRT is the safest from the point of view of your interests excepting it is also late war. The reason for focus seems predominantly financial. Those are what sell in our niche community.
  11. I am with Bud. I love CMFI. That being said, CMRT is also a blast. Face it you will own them all at some point. The first step in beating addiction is to admit to it.
  12. @Currahee150 agree with all comments. Additionally to reinforce, the Russian navy has suffered for years from neglect. While she may have some vary capable equipment, it is nowhere near the numbers it once was nor are the crews as well trained. If the Russian sub fleet had to sortie tomorrow to try and interdict the Atlantic, I'd expect a lot of lost crews. Brave men are still dead men when thrown into a situation they are not prepared for. The Severodvinsk, the latest Russian Attack sub was laid down in 1993 - 17 years in the making and there is only one active. The only other recent build is the Lada class which was at one point even pulled from consideration for active service it performed so poorly. Every other sub is at least 20+ years old and the work to try and modernize them has only just begun. Assuming it can even be done. The Northern fleet has approx 22 Attacks subs in varying condition. The Black Sea fleet consists of 5 old Kilo class boats. The Baltic fleet has 2. The Pacific fleet has 17. 46 total subs. (I have seen one note that as few as 38 boats are in active service) The US has 54 very modern nuclear attack subs and all of those subs are in better shape with better crews. I don't have any idea what someone might be learning by playing Harpoon, but the reality is the Russian Navy is not even a glimmer of what it once was- sadly. I remember pulling out the various Victory games Fleet series and just checking out the counters. I loved looking at the Russian Navy. If I had to do that now it would be odd. The flood of subs pushing the GIUK gaps being 22... total? The surface fleet would simply be vaporized. They would not even be able to perform as well as German Raiders in WW2. It is a sad truth that history has left the Russian navy behind. Anyone who thinks they could even begin to challenge the US Navy is just being emotional.
  13. and you know how he will spin it - NATO and the West are war mongers, but Russia will not be deterred from seeking peaceful solutions... blah blah blah
  14. Agreed, Wicky you gonna run with this? Go back to BBC and tell them we want a 15 mission campaign for CMBS and if they could also get to work on the ToEs for NATO members for the module set that will be needed that would also be appreciated. Oh and before I forget we will also need artwork for buildings etc for regional flavor.
  15. Now that is just not fair. Russians anywhere are just ordinary people. No reason to start name calling! Gonna have to see if I can vpn into UK, they don't allow viewing here.
  16. now now, no cross commentary on threads. Ken may not have even seen the turn yet.
  17. Just because - Lanchester exchange rates - took a bit of poking around, but I did find a reference. Lanchester used differential equations to understand exchange rates in losses. It is just a manner of using formulas to figure loss exchanges. A math geek's CRT if you will. The real question is how did they develop the input for the exchanges. https://books.google.com/books?id=NdlQAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA156&lpg=PA156&dq=Lanchester+exchange+rates&source=bl&ots=rFRAaMv7Ge&sig=RafzY96GjSjmx9QWM6eDAz5vqFs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiOltCnudzKAhUX6mMKHUWTAhEQ6AEILTAD#v=onepage&q=Lanchester exchange rates&f=false
  18. nah CM is an omfgihlcompfafm* game *oh my f**kin god i have lost control of my pixeltruppen for a full minute!
  19. sure it will, it will just have 30 minutes of buddy aid as the last remaining guy scrounges for cigarettes
  20. Not sure what you mean by that, but Steve wrote up an extensive post on how foliage is interpreted in game recently that was very interesting. I'll see if I can't find and add a link.
  21. +1 on this, a very intense and immersive scenario.
  22. Getting back to the original question, yes in game Stingers can be effective. There are typically far fewer simply because of the US ToE built around a different expectation of what kind of air umbrella they'd be operating under. However if we assume somehow that because of strategic issues and the international situation there was a perceived need to provide local AA assets, it wouldn't be particularly difficult to vastly increase the amount of AA weapons available in theater. Both at local level (Stingers) and theater level (Patriots). Want to to have a go at an alternate scenario and see how it might play out, add a bunch of stinger teams and have a go at it. I did so as a test early on in the beta process. I think you will find enemy air activity to be markedly less effective.
  23. I suspect Baneman's late arrival had something to do with your imissing ntern. Was her hair kind of in disarray when she returned? Was she kind of out of breath? Yeah thought so. Baneman is a former drill sergeant. He makes em take laps around the building. Then Bud draws anime of them when they get back. They are making a fortune in Japan.
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