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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. One of the cool things about helping test some of this is I got to understand better where Jon was going with this concept. One particular scenario I think he had 2-3 different versions using different nationalities. It really was an eye opener about how I had to alter tactics as the groups were incapable of performing the same way. Beyond being just plain fun to play them, it was also a very good teaching moment. I won't say anymore than that until folks get that far into playing and discussing them.
  2. nobody could be that uptight. From a line my father always used to taunt me with "Steven you aren't as dumb as you look, but then nobody could be that stupid."
  3. to panzeralphabetsoupname's point, the example you used might have some terrain issue which weights those three locations differently. For example a river bisecting the terrain would allow you to attack one objective and limit the enemy's ability to respond. Once that objective is secured you might now have a firebase on their flank that would need minimal force to defend it. As to that actually playing out in CM- well that is really a designer issue. Some players prefer you organize the players forces in their ToE structure so they can easily visualize and place them- in which case they aren't in a tactical formation at all. Some designers set them up in combat formation to proceed straight into the battle, Scenario design is more an art than a science and player preference can also influence what a designer decides to do. A really good game series for discussing this is the TCS tactical game series. They went to great lengths to get players to visualize the battlefield and apply orders in the manner a battle commander would actually do. They promoted the use of operations sheets (op sheets) that showed your intent as a battle commander. Changing op sheets was designed to reflect that difficulty for a commander to actually control his units on the battlefield. Depending on whether it was a company commander or a Bn commander that had access to a planning staff and the actual historical capability of the unit, the ability to change orders could be better or worse. Below is a link to an article that gets into the thought behind op sheets, how to use them etc. My dream for an OP layer game is to actually incorporate this into how you play the game but as they note, it requires a lot of honesty by the player. There are players who have done things similar - Both Bil Hardenberg and I believe Peregrine have both developed ways of playing CM that force the player to account for C2. Bil's is more formalized and easier to track, but I kind of like a mix of the two. Those are more about how the player runs the units and the types of commands they can issue and when. They don't necessarily incorporate the battle planning that goes into an OP sheet, but one assumes Bil does. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gkik977ujq2cwn1/TCS Op Sheets.docx?dl=0
  4. CMBN was developed before Microsoft changed the rules for Windows. Starting with CMFI all CM games comply with that change. I assume it was just too much to try and correct CMBN to match. CMSF if it ever gets upgraded to the new engine will most likely comply with the current structure.
  5. Well don't worry, BF is committed to staying focused. They understand and appreciate why folks would want an op layer, but it would essentially be creating two games neither of which would get the attention they devote to CM now. If we ever see an op layer it'll be 3rd party. For those of us interested there are also plenty of ways to do that now. The funny thing is, a human designed CM campaign can have far more nuance than an actual op layer would (and that includes the op layer in that other game) For example: Task Force Panther from CMSF - Chris started with an airborne drop to take the airport, but the missions after weren't just moving pieces and then building an OoB. I think the 3rd or 4th mission (the snitch) was a retrieval of a human intel agent from a market. Fantastic battle. A small SF team and a platoon from the Airborne negotiating their way through alleys to retrieve the individual and bring him back. The first time I played it I was sold forever on CM. I have the opening to that mission saved on my PC so I can go right to it. No other game out there could do this. An op layer would not have created that fight. TF Spartan Resolve - you have a mission where the force is tasked with trying to retrieve a pilot from a crash zone (Angel Down). Again a small task group attempting to deal with an issue and get out before the enemy can respond. The mission variation would be hard to recreate in an op layer. An op layer is generally going to have battles of a particular size- company or Bn and fights for a geographic area. Yes you do get to see consequences and long term impact on your decisions, but the battles generally boil down to a detailed level fight for a Battalion scale game. The point of this is, CM already has an "OP layer", but it has to be designed and applied as it is far more flexible than anything that has been dreamed up so far for campaign play. The battle pack I think clearly demonstrates just how much CM offers. Unfortunately there just aren't that many campaign designers yet.
  6. yeah I'd have to see to be able to advise, but basically CM installs consist of your exe, for the actual game, the brz files for data, maps, scenarios, qb maps etc for your game folders and the hotkeys file. As long as you move all those to the correct location you should be fine.
  7. just to confirm, when you fire up the game it does say 3.12 in lower right correct?
  8. If it were mine in CMBS it would be a total flaming write off that would kill a few additional guys as it cooked off. If it were my opponents, it would knock out the wind sensor...maybe.
  9. friggin hysterical, who cares what it has to do with CM.
  10. Well in all fairness they didn't have a crayon sharpener. I refuse to work with dull crayons! Then again dull crayons is a pretty apt description of most of the folks here.
  11. Fair enough, but for future reference I'd suggest that when someone says -"That sounds like a threat. I certainly hope it is not." Instead of replying with you instead simply try "no it isn't". It is a heckuva a lot clearer and less misleading. We can all get emotional and frustrated in these discussions, sarcastic even. You don't however want to leave yourself open to a claim of a threat as it could get you kicked off the forum or at a minimum a ding on your status. We are talking a game after all... oh wait what am I saying, this is not just any game!
  12. points for the use of "whelp". Almost as good as "get off my lawn punk" for that geezer feel. As to the issue itself. Capt Hawkeye - Ian was as much as it may be hard for you to understand TRYING to help you formulate this in a manner that could get BF's attention. That you responded with insults and by making a physical threat and affirming it with your cute little emoticon, I suspect the attention you'll get isn't about a possible change for CM.
  13. guys you really need to move on and stop trying to do a graviteam versus CM thread or resurrect the Steam discussion. Neither is really relevant and will only lead to the thread being closed. Best of luck to Graviteam. For those who like their stuff, have at it and enjoy. For those who don't, just avoid the discussion. It's like trying to decide which is better vanilla or chocolate. We all KNOW vanilla is better but we make room for chocolate lovers. I am not a graviteam fan, but it doesn't bother me the least if someone else prefers it. Different games, different likes. As to Steam, Steve has explained his position far too many times. Nothing has changed at Battlefront or Steam to make it worth bringing up again. So wait for the store to show up and then worry about info on CMFB. For all we know the launching of the store could coincide with the release. If you are bored go read a book.
  14. Exactly. Not sure why folks can't seem to follow this as it has been repeated a few times- the store needs to be done first. When you see the store done THEN you can ask where CMFB is. Asking before then is just spinning your wheels.
  15. @Ivanov - yeah switching back and forth between WW2 and Modern is a bit crazy. WW 2 infantry is dependent on terrain to provide the ability to handle armor. On the attack you better have Shreks or be in a town. Russian infantry is just SOL unless you can close on the enemy. Smoke can be a great aid, but really only works well on the AI. If you can blind the vehicle with smoke you can close assault it even without PFs and shreks.
  16. Yes perhaps it was a bit much allowing Dalem to wield the hammer. Aim is important here. Okay how about Boo? Wait, you said noble thread... oh I see you were just kidding. Yes quite funny they would let you in anywhere considered noble.
  17. well there is that aspect. Regardless of it's actual contribution or not to Russia's defense - it keeps money flowing for some... http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/25/world/europe/stirrings-of-labor-unrest-awaken-as-russias-economic-chill-sets-in.html?ref=world&_r=0 Nizhny Tagil has two pivotal industrial plants: one making steel and the other, Uralvagonzavod, turning out train cars and tanks. Both have announced layoffs, though Uralvagonzavod has since said any “optimization” of its work force of roughly 30,000 will be voluntary. The fate of the plants reflects another broad economic trend, as Mr. Putin’s reluctance to cut military spending despite the recession and budget crunch has left that side of the Uralvagonzavod humming. While workers on the train-car side of the factory have been put on two-thirds pay — about $260 a month — the tank assembly lines are still rolling full speed, and workers are paid in full.
  18. I never had cause being neither an executive nor a monkey. I can see however that would be required reading for you. So want to give us the cliff notes? Wait a moment though, Dalem has the hammer and nails so you can demonstrate first hand how it is relevant to whether we need to supply you with a rusty knife. Yes please squat over there on the "X". Dalem, nail him to the floor when ready.
  19. I'd say patience. Don't try to force it, that rarely works. Back off and let the arty do it's work and let the dust settle. That dust is likely going to make things worse for you and who knows, maybe a lucky round will take it out. .
  20. how about those who unfaithfully await. By the way, heard anything from the intern? The Atlantic is rough this time of year.
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