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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. why? Wait long enough and he'll find an opportunity right here. kidding aside panzeralphabetsoupname it is really good info and helps make the point quite succinctly. And thanks for feeding him the lead in cool breeze...you two didn't conspire to turn the thread in that direction by any chance did ya?
  2. Yes- we are impatient as hell. Beyond that I don't think there is any reason to assume much of anything. (other than maybe Chris and Steve are playing too much X Com, one does have to wonder.)
  3. The remnants are the survivors. The ones smart enough not to stand up. So did Ken's intern make it over.? Word is she was rowing the Atlantic I
  4. mostly agree but it also is more than just giving them slack. There are limitations in the game engine. It is after all a computer game and one has to recognize right from the start that "easy" solutions and suggestions or even complaints are subject to the over riding aspect of what can actually be coded. BF made some decisions early on about the design of the game and without a reengineering effort that could take years all tweaks, features etc have to fit within that framework. To date those decisions by BF have held up remarkably well. Those decisions were also based on what could be handled by the majority of computing systems out there. I have several computer games (boy is that an understatement though I can't claim hundreds). Of the ones in 3D, CM is the ONLY one that does not crash for me. The TAC AI works surprisingly well most of the time which I do not find to be the norm in PC games. Now there is always going to be debate on some aspects of behavior - how quickly should my TC button up, what should be the norm for setting up an MG in a house when we have no idea of the conditions under which that MG is setting up, spotting issues that are at the mercy of computer power and the variability in human error. Area firing at a building when you don't have los to the base. Yet within all that 99% of the time (hey if Jason can contend 90% of the threads on this forum are totally valid I can easily claim 99% on the game!) the game does a phenomenal job of doing what it claims to do. It is with that in mind that folks want to make sure that complaints are actually valid so BF isn't chasing its tail on items that actually aren't an issue. As an example I myself had commented in one thread that I had a guy shooting directly into a tree repeatedly - a sniper no less. And when I say directly I mean barrel resting in the bark. Before submitting I reviewed in multiple times zoomed in at various angles. Lo and behold I was wrong. The barrel was just to the side and what he was hitting was a fence just past the tree while aiming at a fleeting figure moving across his field of vision. That is more the point, no issue is accepted at face value. Not because we don't accept criticism, but because we need to get stuff to not overload Charles with what may be a non issue. I have submitted multiple tickets on behalf of various users when either the issue is incontrvertible or there is enough of a question raised about intended behavior I won't submit a ticket on the set up time for an MG as I don't believe we have resolved what the time represents nor that it is inflated (Jason's uber experience to the contrary). There are far more knowledgeable folks than I on subjects like that in the beta team and if they feel that there is merit I expect they would follow through on that - and they may very well have done so. Assuming they have there would then have to be a discussion in battlefront as to what that timing represents, what it should be, what changing it might also impact etc etc. the game is pretty mature now and not much gets changed now without a full picture of the implications. That to me sounds very responsible, appropriate and not at all what Jason would like to characterize it as.
  5. America bashers. Here let me give you some links from Fox News to prove America strong. . . .oh damn no all those links say America weak and blame Obama. Time to call in The Donald.. Oh wait no he likes Putin and also blames Obama cause America weak. What the hell, wonder if we can hire away some of those RT guys for an American version.
  6. Says the man who contributes oh so much to this community...beyond the constant egotistical rants. Longevity in the space and pontificating without citing any sources does not constitute much of a contribution. Check.
  7. Yeah but it just wouldn't have the same impact at the monster truck rallies.
  8. I think there are some municipal bus drivers in SF that could assist with that.
  9. but Ken's intern is busy trying to figure out how to row the Atlantic while still getting Ken's laundry done. It's complicated.
  10. over the counter? It is always so embarrassing though cause they always repeat it out loud and then ask over the PA. "Do we have a cream for Krinkelt Rocherath? See the customer in aisle 5,
  11. agreed, and it says a lot for you to make the effort to be completely transparent. Bootie for president!
  12. yep. I was actually planning on something longer range but some dastardly scenario designer abruptly shortened the range.
  13. Don't you already have a thread all to yourself doing that?
  14. unless of course you are laid up in bed... which I believe Baneman is. The sight of all that carnage I think got to him.
  15. That's funny cause I just had a Jav team fire at 100 meters. An oncoming tank I guess made for a more pressing concern. Interestingly this is the second time I have had a Jav gunner take a horizontal shot and in both cases the tank shrugged it off. They are deadly but not at close range. Ended up with a flank AT 4 killing it.
  16. LOL only problem with that article is there were no tigers in Krinkelt- it was all Panthers and Jagdpanzers. Still a great story though. Part of why I love that book is all the photos and it has plenty documenting the destroyed armor. I would ask a huge favor. If you can get a map of the town and mark the house numbers I'll buy you your copy of the game. I've always wanted to make sense of The Twin Villages moment by moment and while Cavanaugh names houses etc, there is no over view map to give perspective.
  17. Thanks for that Ted, I have Krinkelt-Rocherath: The Battle for the Twin Villages, by William C.C. Cavanagh. Actually both the first printing ad the later. That is one of my favorite battle histories.
  18. Well we are veering well off into politics, but Umlaut I'd have done the same. Now let's get back to CMFB.
  19. There has been talk, but nothing concrete. BF has their hands full with current projects. The scope for CMSF is something I don't think BF has had time to sort out. Whether it happens or not will likely depend on the amount of effort it will take. I doubt we will hear anything more on this in 2016, but I still hope to see it brought up to current standards. Until BF says absolutely not I will continue to hope.
  20. except that it is agreed the shot came from Russian proxy occupied area and the Russia proxies got all hot and bothered they were so excited to announce they shot down a plane until they found out it was an airliner. So enough of the trying to somehow some way find a way to fault Ukraine. This tragedy lies at the feet of Putin. He's just too much a coward to own it.
  21. ha ever hear of medicare? Okay okay it's politics, sorry, but just could not let that go
  22. It is Russian responsibility to maintain the safety of passengers over areas it occupies and to which it has sent an AA unit capable of taking out an aircraft at 30,000 feet. Until that day no one including the international airline agencies had any inkling Russia had gone that far. From the Dutch safety board: The Dutch Safety Board issued its final report into the crash on 13 October 2015. There were 61 flight operators from 32 countries who flew over eastern Ukraine at the time, all who thought it was safe to fly there at cruising altitude. I think we both agree who shot it down. Where we seem to disagree on is Ukrainian culpability. No one in 32 countries disagreed with the UKR gov't and issued a warning. Russia upped the ante recklessly with no warning and should be brought before an international court, I see no reason to hold Ukraine responsible for an action it could not have foreseen. As regarding the UKR higher leadership, well what can you say. It seems to be the place of higher military headquarters to be out of step with events on the ground. The US certainly has enough of that experience ourselves. I can't really come down that hard on UKR leadership considering the circumstances. A Ukrainian on the other hand is bound to give them less latitude - it is Ukrainian lives they are spending.
  23. yeah I've noticed that the folks I have set to follow I do not get notification when they post.
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