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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Sgt Calhoun 2nd Sq 3rd Pltn C company engaged in a firefight with insurgents while advancing on the Al Qadr Al Kilami Mosque. C Company has managed to move forward even less than B Company and is now receiving the call to send their reserve Lt Van Wyk's 3rd Platoon up route Michigan to hit the insurgents at the Gay Palace from the rear. On the floor above another team provides additional support. Despite the amount of fire from multiple teams an insurgent manages to fire an RPG at the building. Fortunately no one is hurt and the assailant is put down.
  2. A grenade flies at 3rd platoon B company from an unknown assailant. Sgt Peters 1st squad, 3rd pltn B Co. loses a man from an insurgent ambush. The alley had been considered cleared a few minutes earlier. The insurgent RPG team as Sgt Peter's man goes down. 3rd Platoon responds with a volley of automatic fire that eliminates them.
  3. Baraniq - commander of the Al Bashir Bde. It is his men who blew up the car bomb. Under cover of the dust and confusion he pushes most of his men past the scout platoon. Lt Romaniecki (far left) radios Cpt Heverly as he takes a squad of his men to assist the scout pltn. At this point no one knows the situation on Cinema street, but it is obviously not good. Unbeknownst to he and his men they are headed directly at the most vicious terrorist in Ramadi.
  4. Lt Crane 1st Pltn Bravo Company (closest to the camera) watches the smoke and dust billowing up maybe a 1/3 of a mile away. He knows that is probably Cinema street, the approximate position of the Bn Scout pltn responsible for acting as a blocking force for Charlie Company and rear security for A Company. It seems the insurgents have their own plan as to how the battle will unfold. His unit has progressed a single block so far and is finding they have to clear and secure every single room. Casualties have been light, he's only had to have one guy evac'd.....for 1 block. Only a few dozen to go. He's been hearing the gunfire from A company's battle to the north and word is they have taken quite few casualties trying to seize the Madrassa adjacent to the Saddam Mosque. 3rd platoon which had been their reserve has already been detached to push toward the Gay Palace when it became clear the enemy was already trying to break through. The souk over by the Qatana district was known to be bad news. Patrols there always went in heavy. He wonders who will cover his rear now....FUBAR. The Mosques are still screaming Jihad. Screw it man, put a JDAM in each and every one and see if they like some Jihad he thinks as the dust and smoke drift to the northeast.
  5. LOL yeah not far off the mark. I come back into it in phases. I am messing with the entire Ramadi map with a BN of the US and a crap load of insurgents. Turns are slow anyway and I don't dedicate much time to it. It is hard to go back and forth and forget "oh yeah I can't do target brief...". I just love this map and CMSF in general though. I'll read something and next thing you know I am reopening this to hit a few more rounds. Speaking of which... Sgt Wood from the BN scout platoon who is holding the street behind Sgt Watson's position hears the sound of a car engine through the smoke... his men dive for cover as a car bomb detonates in front of the building next door. The facade of the storefront his men occupy explodes inward. His team is incredibly lucky. 3 wounded. 1 serious, the others are still in the fight. No one is dead.
  6. "pretty sure they quit firing too" lol ya think? The banter is pretty funny.
  7. Sgt Watson's team from the BN Scout Platoon taking insurgents under fire from their ambush position at the Gay Palace. Unfortunately their position has been located and enemy forces are closing around them- a near miss from an RPG. Time to bug out to a new position where they can have additional support. The RPG team is spotted. Below are some of the casualties Sgt Watson's team inflicted on the enemy from their ambush position. Marine video in Ramadi of the Gay Palace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_ijhf1qa84 Lt Romaniecki's position would be across the street to the right of this view. The disabled Stryker would be on the street in the foreground. Sgt Watson's position is in the building on the far side.
  8. Dawn approaches in Ramadi as tracers light up the sky. Lt Romaniecki (far left) with his HQ element taking the enemy under fire as they infiltrate behind his position. The battle for Ramadi is becoming a free for all with friend and foe intermingled in the dense urban landscape. To his left is the Stryker hit earlier in the evening. On their right is the Gay Palace.
  9. assume it hasn't lost it's main gun until you kill it.
  10. we are talking Germany here. Rationality in production was never a serious aspiration.
  11. somewhat fuel related story Back in 1983 I had tickets for dead show, but my car was broke down. My Dad offered his and away me and a buddy went. Next morning I hear my Dad at the top of his lungs Sttteeeevvveeeen! Not a good sound first thing AM. Walk into the garage , he looks at me as he is fueling the car (we had a tank in the garage) - "why the hell does the car have 300 miles on it? I looked at him kind of confused and said "we went to the concert." He pauses.... where was the concert? Binghamton NY. (we lived outsider Phila) Another pause....longer than the first....the look on his face was priceless as he realized he'd never asked. To his credit he let it go at that. He never offered his car again.
  12. He was out of gas, he waited for you to get home and siphoned enough from your tank to make it to the station.
  13. the thing that usually bites me is my overlay is a "filename.bmp" and is then as a "bmp" file recognized as "filename.bmp.bmp". and the name is special editor overlay - left out the "a" mikey
  14. My jaw was already hitting the floor and my "nutter' proximity detector was screaming in my ear, but then I saw the plate subduction note and realized you were just pranking us. Good one.
  15. just a voice engineer, but being in that dept means if the company gets subpoenaed they have to come to my team to find out what call records we keep ourselves (in company call detail recording (CDR) is used primarily to factor capacity requirements for additional circuits etc still we can within limits figure out who called where and when, but we can not record) and to reach out to the carriers we use if they need mobile or other records. I also handle our international circuits and infrastructure. We have offices in over 50 countries so you get to see a lot of different regulatory stuff.
  16. The PSTN Carriers already maintain records for US callers. I occasionally need to make requests for call records. I am not sure how far back they go. As to monitoring calls.and privacy, you can forget that. The core of the telecommunications infrastructure is SS7 and it is pretty compromised. https://hacked.com/exposing-mobile-ss7-fragility/ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/apr/19/ss7-hack-explained-mobile-phone-vulnerability-snooping-texts-calls The ACLU has done some good work trying to clarify how long consumer data information is retained in the US. https://www.aclu.org/cell-phone-location-tracking-request-response-cell-phone-company-data-retention-chart
  17. I've eaten very well in England. They have a nice assortment of other people's food. Irish pubs, Indian, Sushi even. In all my time there I don't recall eating anything "British". That alone should have been reason enough for Britain to not only want to stay in the EU, but to welcome as many immigrants as they can. One of the best lines from Frazier - "banger Dad?"
  18. Actually banning SIP peer to peer clients is not that uncommon. Russia won't be the first to demand that they be given back door keys. It was stopped for the moment in the US, but that fight is far from over. http://www.idcloak.com/learning-center/what-countries-block-skype-and-voip/a1060.html
  19. usually same as embarking troops into a vehicle. click AT gun, hover mouse over vehicle and you should get a downward arrow boarding icon...then wait...and wait...
  20. we mostly just messed around with the boards setting them up only to have our cat eat pieces and/or scatter them. Regarding BBT "Hey Sheldon, you forgot something... this plasma grenade... oh look it's raining you." LOL that was freakin hysterical.
  21. You mean modular buildings versus independent buildings? The two have no particular designation in terms of urban and non urban, especially after modding. I have seen and used modular buildings as independent farmhouses, especially if I want to duplicate the effect the Ken is referring to. In CMFI I prefer the independents in the city (nice to see railings on buildings, but not have my pixeltruppen getting massacred on balconies).
  22. Keep in mind a lot of wide open steppe with good LOS also means the tracks that show an armored force has been or is in the area are gonna show up really well even w/o fancy thermals. Once you know you should be looking...... A lot of tracking of the involvement of Russian armor included seeing the traces they left. Armor tracks coming from the border kind of blew the lie that all those tanks were just captured or found in armories. Not like there was this huge demand for caterpillar tractors to harvest crops during the period...
  23. unfortunately making maps that size takes a lot of effort. I am one of those who really does like the flexibility of a larger map and I do tend to make an effort on that. I have one on that scale in CMBS (Ukrainian crossroads) and 3 in CMFB, but that is pushing it. It takes away from time on other items. One thing to keep in mind though. Those same maps or terrain would make some great hunting territory for US air support with standoff weapons...there is always a tradeoff.
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