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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I thin you are mis-reading this. Clicking on a dead vehicle IS the same as clicking just anywhere on the map. it is essentially the same as not clicking a unit. It does not "see" and is not passing C2. You are essentially not selecting a unit.
  2. I doubt with a many years as you have in with CM that there are enough changes in the manual to make it worth your while, but only you can determine based on the price difference if that is the case. Considering I think you require int'l shipping I would suggest not. Besides you get a PDF version anyway in DL
  3. Not true, however if you are expecting an instantaneous fix, yeah you are not gonna get that. They just completed a patch and they have a backlog for other projects. This one is not gonna jump to the front of the priority list. Whether it eventually gets changed or not is a BF decision and they have not commented. However you can use Syrian army units and get the result even though they won't be wearing uncon outfits (unless someone does a mod...hint hint...)
  4. no I can recreate with a brand new map with no blu force units even present. Will post this one as an issue. Done - posted
  5. yeah that is weird. I thought maybe something going on with elevation settings or setup zones or something but nope. Doesn't show at all till you hit the big red button and nothing stands out as a cause other than the trenches themselves.
  6. I am not seeing this behavior. What mode are you playing? Iron,Elite? What I see is the vehicle sees (or it's crew in process of bailing) only what they were already seeing. Nothing shows for example not in their LOS already spotted. Once the crew dies it sees nothing.
  7. it's in the comments section. Even a non metal head like me could figure out the gibberish.
  8. so getting back to your original post. Skip the Trump one, that is just the craziness of our new reality. Putin's moves is a topic maybe worth a conversation, but do you consider that as something new or just the latest aspect of his disinformation/revisionist history program? The linked article is kind of blah. No real analysis beyond the general stuff. It does make one wonder why he would rehabilitate the image of a war with such a negative impact on the Soviet Union where the generation that experienced it is still very much a part of the active population. It would be roughly comparable for the US to try and rebuild an argument for the Vietnam war. WW2 stuff you can get away with a bit more as that generation is fading and historically it was a huge achievement for the Russian people that a lot of the negative aspects of their leadership can be whitewashed over. If I were in Putin's shoes I don't know if I'd rehabilitate the whole war, but I would definitely expend effort painting the US as the creator of the Islamic insurgency. Yeah it is a false narrative but there are enough seeds there to plant something to make the US look bad. More interesting right now is what may be developing in the Saudi/Russia relationship. Between the Kashoggi murder and US withdrawal of support for Yemen there are some opportunities for Russia to expand. Problem for Russia is they are straddling two avowed enemies, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
  9. because...….. no other reason, just because. Seriously yeah it would be nice if they could and be a bit more realistic. Sgt Squarehead has gone so far as to give clues in scenarios as to where IEDs will be. Nice workaround but would still love to see a different capability to spot an IED.
  10. well there are definitely some negative unique things about Japan and occupation. There are very few countries as homogeneous as Japan and that insularity is just the beginning of their view of anyone non Japanese. Hell even now I have had the wonderful experience of trying to work with employees in the same company where I am literally doing stuff FOR them and they still mistrust my perspective because I am a foreigner who doesn't know how things work in Japan as if the rules of physics were somehow different. And that is when they actually like you! Still I do love the place and it is one of my favorite places to visit. As an American you should also be a bit more realistic about how the US has treated other people, even allies. Yeah Japan and Germany were bad, but the US has a very long history...well relatively anyway of relations that were not so good. Beyond even the nature of the conquest of North America we bolstered governments around the globe (and still do) that supported our corporations and those governments did horrendous things. We can't pretend we don't have a role and the list of places who have felt that type of impact is a significant part of the globe. You want to talk boot to neck subjugation there is more than ample material. There is nothing unique about Germans or Japanese that makes them so different than us that somehow they are capable of a level of brutality we are somehow immune from. It was in our interest that Japan and Germany get back on their feet as part of the Cold War. Would we have been so altruistic if there had not been a threat from the USSR? I am not so sure. Our generation is significantly removed in a lot of ways from those in the 1940s and the lense we view things from colors our view that what is true today was true then. Same goes for others. Britain has the uncomfortable distinction of having been the world's biggest drug dealer and yet it is the Chinese who are demonized for the boxer rebellion. Heck the British Empire was built on the opium trade. But those were Chinese addicts so no one cares.
  11. I don’t disagree but you can call it what about ism or whatever you want I frankly get tired of Americans complaining about other people rewriting history. It becomes our knee jerk way to defend our “exceptionalism”. Americans rewrite history just as much as most anyone else. The indignation rings hollow. Japan isn’t so much rewriting as something new, they have never held the same view as us about WW2. There are a lot of reasons for that which are not just political but also cultural. Keep in mind Japan was an essentially feudal society at the time of the US civil war. Americans have simply no idea how huge it was to even hear the emperor at the end of WW2 much less announcing a surrender. Japan then started to go through a transition that would have ended up with a significantly different Japan than we see now but it was stopped by....guess who.... the US govt. so yes you can get upset at how WW2 is taught in Japanese texts, but as an American we partly own that. We put the war criminals back into power. We supported the zaibatsu maintaining their grip on the economy. We rewrote the history of post war Japan and washed our hands of it as long as Japan was our new ally against communism. There are quite a few good books on this era “Embracing Defeat” is one. It also didn’t help that there wasn’t a political party to point to and blame where even Germans could say “well that was the Nazis”. In Japan the culprit was the emperor and the emperor was/is essentially a god. MacArthur himself led the effort to insure the imperial family was exonerated One other interesting item is the whole policy on war criminals. The nazis ran a huge system of deliberate genocide unlike anything before. How many nazis were actually executed? 920 Japanese were executed. Not saying they didn’t deserve it but one can see a disparity in action that is difficult to explain. Most people suck at really researching history and trying to fully understand the how and why. Americans are no exception. Pearl Harbor is a really good example. It has gained infamy as a sneak attack. The reality is that japan and the us were heading towards confrontation for well over a decade and the plan for Pearl Harbor was to have the formal declaration of war in us hands just prior to the attack. Somebody in the consulate in the US screwed that up, but would the us reaction have been different if japan had declared war then bombed pearl a few hours later? Doubtful. Considering the situation of the two adversaries though it was a brilliant and daring stroke on Japan’s part. If I was Japanese damn straight I would own it and say war is hell screw your chivalry rules. We caught you with your pants down unprepared even though you knew things were escalating sucka. Unfortunately it was an all or nothing move and they actually totally failed. A freakin bunch of old battleships (in no way intended to denigrate the loss of life of so many of our people) that couldn’t even accompany a carrier task force and the result of getting the us 100% behind a massive war effort. Oops. Yamato did warn the imperial council... As to the firebombing of Japanese cities this is where we practice whataboutism. Japan did x so therefore we are justified in waging war on civilians massively. Read about the Tokyo firebombing. 100,000 people in one night incinerated. A million left homeless. Classic American response is “well they started it” reflecting a really poor understanding of US/Japanese history. Long winded enough?
  12. Not sure what you mean. CMSF 1 maps and scenarios should just open in CMSF 2. They do for me and I have tried a lot of them not just the BF ones
  13. To mjkerner’s point I would discard all uniform mods. The soldier models are all redone. Beyond that I would be skeptical of vehicle mods. Buildings and terrain appear to be fine
  14. I’d stay focused on the original topic. This is sliding sideways into another pointless rant thread that BF will be forced to lock down.
  15. That is an enormous amount of work, but yeah it would be nice.
  16. Moments like that are when I realize just how beautiful this game is to just look at much less play.
  17. Keep in mind BFs view of what uncons represent is starkly different than what ours may be based on Iraq and current Syria conflict. Shock force is a fictional invasion with a large force in a short period of time. Developing the infrastructure and experience among uncons to utilize mortars isn’t something that started on day one. That they even have mortars in CM2 is more a reflection that the game now allows for on board mortars. CMSF isn’t really the sandbox that many of us want to turn it into. ..... unfortunately.
  18. Lol somebody needs to keep you in line. one never knows with Trump but his recent positions on Syria, his conflicts with Mattis (which is where I think this particular statement came from) all reflect his frustration that involvement in the Middle East is one of those items where all choices are bad. When he starts getting bad press on Fox and friends he probably starts banging his head on the wall. He doesn’t have a coherent plan on Iran if on the one hand he smokes the Iran deal and on the other gives them a free hand in Syria. He and Bolton are out of step as well as the pentagon. Back on Putin. This isn’t something new for him either. He has been rewriting a lot of history to buttress his own regime. Moscow apartment bombings ring any bells?
  19. I'd need to look at this to verify but I can almost guarantee this won't be added to the current patch. If BF holds it up for everything cited we'll never get it. I'll give this a test run and bet ticketed, but if you have an existing save that may help if there are specific circumstances to create. I have not seen this behavior yet myself.
  20. going straight to holocaust denial is a just a wee bit over the top dontcha think? It is interesting that Putin chooses to do this now. Trump's statement is just his usual "I don't really know a freakin thing about history but this sounds good". Considering he is in conflict with most of his Generals now it isn't all that surprising.
  21. I’m kind of with danfrodo. Yeah you cited 2 countries rewriting history and yeah that sucks. It is however what people do including us. Hell our President rewrites history every day sometimes in multiple contradictory ways.
  22. Any other email addresses you want to post? You know that isn’t the best thing to be doing right, oh yeah I guess not.
  23. Ooh something for my flight to India, thanks!
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