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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Aries Infantry - yes (with corresponding weaponry).
  2. Maybe your notebook runs on lower clock speed (power saving) by default?
  3. I've played Polish campaign long time ago... In fact, Polish campaign is the hardest. Then the Soviet i think. Do you have Normandy campaign? It's difficulty is much mmore managable) After you beat it, go for other ones)
  4. If there are JSH units in your saves, they will crash in vanilla TOW. When the game frozes?
  5. Some people found it useful to deploy Polish troops on reverse slope, almost near river. In general, tanks crossing the hilltop have huge disadvantage - they can't open fire immediately (their guns can't depress enough), while guns or tanks from below can fire immediately after seeing them and sometimes even score hits into thin bottom.
  6. Mission Editor and Battle Generator should work in Vista 32-bit, it's 64-bit which is not compatible.
  7. Human hitpoints are hardcoded. You can modify bullet damage, but this should be done for each small arm you think is not powerful enough)
  8. If you place new sound in the game dir with correct path (like 'Theatre of War\Samples\50mm_KwK_39_L60.wav'), the game will use it instead of existing one in SFS archive.
  9. ALL penetration values in the game are for 0ยบ. Please keep in mind that values calculated theoretically using ideal formula and real life penetration ability of the gun are totally different stories. Our values for Soviet and German equipment are based on tests documentation. Various nations used different methods of gun penetration tests, for example, Soviet tests terms were narrower. Because of this, most values for Russian and German guns are from authentic gunnery tables and gunnery tests data of captured German equipment. Allied guns penetration data was corrected by Battlefront. If you want, you can replace all values with theoretical data, but this will be the simulation of ideal tanks and guns and will be far from real WW2 engagements. If most wargames just take values from Jentz and such books for German, another books for Russian and Allied guns and throw them together into the damage calculation system, it doesn't mean this is the right thing to do. These values were measured using completely different methods (or much worse, calculated theoretically) and can not be used together 'as is'.
  10. Addon. Can't provide news before official announce)
  11. Yes. Because the patch has no proper installer, shortcuts are not created. Battle Generator executable is in MissionEditor directory, file MissionGen.exe.
  12. Quite interesting... please post model names of these DVD drives. In addition, which driver labels had LG drive and old one (e.g. "E")? BTW, you can leave both drives in your PC simultaneously.
  13. Opilein Do you have Kalypso logo on the DVD box?
  14. Please try the new executable file, which should recognize ToW DVD properly in Vista: ftp://ftp.1cpublishing.eu/Theatre_of_War/ToW.exe Copy it to the game directory after patch installation, overwriting existing one.
  15. Of course we read the forum. I'll post the solution ASAP (this problem occurs on Vista on some configurations).
  16. Lowest two buttons are "Don't shoot" and "Don't move".
  17. Gnasher, i've tried copying your two textures to one of the blank maps directories (Clear_Summer_map) of the game version and they appeared in the game fine. It's difficult to say why you have such errors. Maybe reinstalling the game will help, but i understand that this is not easy as it will require backuping all your hard work.
  18. Only for English one, it won't work with German version
  19. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=63&t=001780#000000
  20. Anouncement on 1C Publishing site: http://www.1cpublishing.eu/news/theatre-of-war-patch-ver-1-10-0-81-released-br-kalypso-version-only Direct link (845Mb file): ftp://ftp.1cpublishing.eu/Theatre_of_War/ToW_Eng_Kalypso_110081patch.exe
  21. It's a pity, but they are not compatible
  22. Kalypso English version owners, i'll post news (good, hopefully) regarding patch for your version soon.
  23. French patch, as almost all others, was sent to publisher. I suppose it will be released after testing, making installer for it and such tasks.
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