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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. Can we have this in CM Maybe one day - who knows Take a look at it very impressive modelling of trees on fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lNHuTQV4EY
  2. Or even typing all the code for a game from a computer magazine only for it not to work and impossible to find where the error was Man, we sure have come far since then
  3. Well, if you need playtesters let me know. I'm interested and the guys I play with regularly are also into playtesting/scenario making.
  4. When in doubt - coffee Looks fantastic, especially like the building complex in the center of this shot. Looks like some government center or like that. Curious, do all the buildings take a heavy toll on framrate/performance?
  5. Oh I loved it too - one of the first wargames that really got me involved. Recently downloaded and played a working version. The memories ...
  6. Main point is that anything set as shelter in the editor should be named shelter in game as well for clarity.
  7. In the editor they are listed as "Shelter (Bunker) (Shelter)" but in game as Bunker in the UI. At least this goes for the concrete ones.
  8. IIRC a shelter does not have a mount for a MG in it.
  9. There are bunkers with weapons and others without, called "shelters" in the editor. I think it is impossible to deploy a heavy weapon inside a shelter. Though, a bunker with MG that has lost its crew can be manned again if the MG is operable.
  10. Just noticed that that lone guy had 21 grenades as well. Too bad he didn't get to see any fighting. He would have been a one man army.
  11. I have never takes as many casualties from one arty shell, no matter what caliber. I suspect 120 mm at the most. Maybe my oppo @Bob Willett can chime in on this. Before dismounting I debated with myself whether to do it or not, but thought that "the strike is about to end and I'm on the fringe". MAJOR regrets one minute later
  12. Do not dismount when artillery is near... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B15S-x7FhyQ The lone surviver, the driver, buddy aided the whole lot and ended up with 10 demo charges, binos, a MG42 and two panzerfausts. He could barely move afterwards. Edit: couldn't embed.
  13. This seems to be right up my alley. Great @Bud Backer for letting me know it is on iBooks - will get it soon.
  14. We would expect nothing less from you That's your MO right?
  15. And his video editing is top notch. He frames each shot to make the most of the game.
  16. Ninja'd by a slysniper - how appropriate
  17. Target Arc in any other direction, or Face another direction? I hate balconies because of how exposed infantry gets if you're not careful.
  18. You're damn right you will - and you won't regret it one second. You have years of content to immerse yourself in. What I like to do is read a book about the battle or setting I play to really appreciate how CM can be a realistic reenactment of those battles. It has come to the point that when I read about WWII to my imagination, the "inner eye" - it is most times in the form of CM.
  19. I know one pack I would buy for sure for BN, that is a "Commando/Special Forces Pack" - pretty please
  20. Keep up the good work guys. I am waiting patiently for all releases, but I know my wallet isn’t
  21. I use a combination of Photoshop and Power Point. Some things I just fins easier to do in Power Point so not to have endless layers in PS. I have been meaning to learn MILSKETCH, but haven't yet. There is something about BFC's templetes that I just don't get, despite knowing how to work with layers.
  22. I seem to be able to place both HMG teams wherever I want, over and over again, using "N" for move. Even into the house that is halfway outside the setup zone. I'm on latest engine and PC Win 10.
  23. @axxe can you specify which scenario you have this problem in so others can try the same and see if it is repeatable.
  24. I'm thinking about upgrading from my 24 inch 1920*1200 to a 30 inch 2500*1600 - so for you who have upgraded to higher resolution, have you noticed a significant lowering of performance with the same graphics settings? I'm afraid my laptop (a good gaming one though) won't handle it, but I'm no tech wiz and can't really understand if it will be a problem or not. Or how big of a problem.
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