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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. If you try to access units in Holland in the editor or QBs you need to set the date to that period and select the correct force. Can you see all the Market Garden battles and campaigns?
  2. "Mord Patton Rommel Jr." - must be their secret love child.
  3. Glad you guys like the map. There is a story behind making it. I had played the "Ramparts of the Pallikoi" scenario in FI and was struck by what dramatic landscapes were possible to make in the editor. When FB was announced I read a book about the Bulge campaign in preparation for the release and there was a photo from the south west overlooking Ouren nested between mountains and the snaking river valley. I instantly felt I had to try to make a map of it. In part as an exercise to get to grips with elevation in the editor and secondary to expand it into a scenario.
  4. Not a tech wiz, but try to find an old driver at Nvidia's homepage and do a clean install (there are instructions how to do that). Tell me how it works.
  5. I've noticed more screen tearing with newest Nvidia drivers too. Haven't found a workaround yet For some reason it seem even more noticable in the editor.
  6. It is my impression that it does override the Control Panel, but haven't looked into it thoroughly.
  7. Sounds interesting Think it will be suited for H2H? In that case, in time, I think I can get someone to test it with me.
  8. You can't load saved games or campaigns into the editor. Campaigns can be "unpacked" using a special program someone made (can't remember the name) to individual scenario files that can then be loaded in the editor.
  9. It has been a long time in the making, and was previously known as the project "Man of the Our", but is now "Rittersprung H2H". Scenario description: After being severely decimated in the battle for the Hürtgen Forest, the 28th Infantry Division was sent to the rear to rest and refit. The 112th Infantry Regiment got located in the tri-country area of Lieler-Ouren-Lützkampen, spanning Luxembourg, Germany and Belgium – a six mile stretch of land on both sides of the Our river where the Siegfried Line had its westernmost fortifications, now occupied by the Allies. The 28th ID had just about recovered 100 % strength, with replacement units getting basic combat training, when the Germans launched their massive attack in the Ardennes on december 16th 1944. The crossing of the Our at Ouren would be an important part in the German advance and it was upon the 112th IR of the 28th ID to protect it as long as possible. It is 10:30 on Dec 17th and the 112th IR was engaged in combat with German forces on the 16th and throughout the night. The morning fog has lifted but it is still misty from the cold and the wet ground. Visibility is reasonable but it is hard to make out units in the mist. Units in Lützkampen and Harspelt were swept aside on the 16th. Sevenig town was also attacked by a green force of Volksgrenadiers but was able to hold on. The Volksgrenadiers suffered a lot of casualties and many prisoners were taken. They are now presumed to be hiding in the woods west of Sevenig. Semi-historical scenario which is aiming to capture a “what-if” combat based on units and turn of events that happened in the opening days of the Ardennes offensive. It can be downloaded here: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/uncategorized/rittersprung-h2h/ Enjoy, and all feedback is very welcome.
  10. Anyone who is interested in making maps should study this master map. It is a masterpiece. Loaded it up in the editor just to have a look again and the landscape is very real looking.
  11. Check this thread out: https://www.feldgrau.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=141 It contains a list of what equipment was left in La Gleize, which is some indication of available units (some not included in CM though).
  12. Cool project, I'll see if I can find something in my resources. I have played a QB in La Gleize and it is one fine looking map, so definitely looking forward to this.
  13. Try making a search for an even newer Win 10 update via settings. I just saw that I'm running 1709, so it must have updated again after the problematic 1703. Also, I have Windows 10 Home version, maybe problem is due to Win 10 Professional?
  14. I'm playing @LiveNoMore and have no issues. But then again, I don't use passwords. I updated Win 10 about a week ago and have had no problems in a PBEM FI game in a FGM tournament with password locked files.
  15. That is good to know. I have no clue, but how much more accurate is a modern weapon compared to WWII bolt action rifle?
  16. The tests I made was usually at 300 m or more, and all kills of gunners were upper body direct hits and not HT penetration shots. So, I maintain that my conclusion is valid but agrees that care is needed and using them up close is not wise. In a suppressive role with other units firing at the same target they can perform well despite their fragility.
  17. A while back I did extensive testing on why HT gunners seem to be bullet magnets and one conclusion was that the incoming fire is for some reason more concentrated on the HT than an infantry target in the open. Thus, the HT serves as a kind of "beacon". German HTs with gun shields have a much better chance of survival even at relative close range as long as the incoming fire is from the immediate front.
  18. @carcer I just PM a dropbox link to some documents/scenario files that migh help you in your endevour.
  19. @carcer I was just going to ask how this project was proceeding when I saw this. I'm not sure about the AI arty/rocket thing, but there was a thread about it some time ago that IIRC found things out. Try PM @kohlenklau, I seem to remember he was part of it. I would try littering the beach with TRPs. I know I have seen somewhere, a map with all the preplanned ranged positions on the beaches that the Germans had in advance, so lots of TRPs wouldn't be that ahistorical perhaps. But I don't know how the AI would handle it. Then again, rockets tend to scatter all over the place so it might not matter all that much. Chaos was the order of the day after all. I took the liberty of having a look at the map in the editor. If you want smoother terrain and more gradual changes in elevations, refrain from setting fixed elevations too close all over the place. Although, it is handy to trace elevation lines if you have a map overlay. But when the map starts to take shape it helps a lot to weed out about 50% of fixed elevations. That's my experience. Good luck with the continuation of this
  20. Maybe this is a language thing. To me blizzard is synonomous with snow storm and according to the Swedish Metorological Institute (SMHI) it is defined as such: "Snow storm: Snowfall, heavy wind and very bad sight. Snow drifts block some roads. The wind does not have to reach up to true storms to be called a snow storm." IIRC LOS was far shorter in blizzard conditions in CM1, but I might be mistaken.
  21. From RL experience, a snow covered landscape, especially with a lot of trees heavy with snow - will muffle sound quite substantially. When FB was released I asked BFC in a thread if this was simulated but got neither "yes" or "no" for an answer. My guess is no, based on the snow scenarios played.
  22. And I actually think it is way too good. I have a scenario where infantry are easily spotted some 200m away. That's no blizzard in my book.
  23. Just to chime in on this, I run all my CM games on a laptop with a 1920*1080 screen but most of the time have it hooked up to an external screen that is 1920*1200. Only slightly larger, but I find that the games run smoother on it than on the smaller built in screen. Perhaps some other explanation fot this, but I'm not really a tech wiz.
  24. I did some testing a while back and tried it again with the Linnet example above. To me it seems like one of the biggest loads on FPS are the amount of units on screen at the same time, which is exacerbated when panning. This might include fortifications like in the Linnet setup. One way to improve FPS in this example is to maintain a camera angle but zoom in. The less amount of units the better FPS. In a way this makes sense as in the orders phase no action or movement can put a load on the computer, but I suppose it needs to keep track of where the units are in the 3d environment while redrawing what is on screen when panning. The testing I did before, IIRC, also improved during the action phase, that is a lower camera angle and zoomed in a bit improved FPS. Now, I don't know if that is something that BFC can improve on given the current engine, but one can hope.
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