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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Steve is 100% correct, if soccer hooligans had guns the games would be much more entertaining. I mean positively scintillating television. You just can't get the multiple view angles and slow motion replay from a real war. :eek:
  2. Steve is 100% correct, if soccer hooligans had guns the games would be much more entertaining. I mean positively scintillating television. You just can't get the multiple view angles and slow motion replay from a real war. :eek:
  3. Steve is 100% correct, if soccer hooligans had guns the games would be much more entertaining. I mean positively scintillating television. You just can't get the multiple view angles and slow motion replay from a real war. :eek:
  4. I DO NOT want to know where the banana is going.
  5. I DO NOT want to know where the banana is going.
  6. I DO NOT want to know where the banana is going.
  7. If they will give me a pre order link I will boost said bottom line immediately.
  8. A tremendous amount of this discussion, like all of this game turns on what is considered to be acceptable collateral damage by the U.S. side. If the terrorist incident that launched the invasion was severe enough I would argue that that calculus could change, a lot.
  9. The most important point was that an F-15 could carry SIXTEEN of them. I assume an A-10 is even more. Thus a single plane on call could reduce 16 strong-points.
  10. "Yikes Im about as dead emotionaly as they come. But that sounds rather cruel even if it is just a goat" Not if it saves your life and/or leg when they drag you out of a burning AFV. If there is a better way to get past the shock of seeing what real weapons can do I can't figure it out. You don't get the blast injuries in particular in civilian settings.
  11. My computer is very similar, and in windows it runs games flawlessly with bootcamp. I just wish I could swing a 30 inch screen and the horsepower to run it. Unfortunately divorce would be unpleasant so this is my rig for a couple of years probably.
  12. Add me to this list, unless you take another year. Then I will need it to be even bigger.
  13. My credit card number merely awaits a destination. It makes me feel less bad about screaming for it when I have already paid for it. [ February 14, 2007, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: dan/california ]
  14. [same for airstrikes, especially considering that Syrians have quite good short range AA capacity. bombing from 5000 meters leaves a lot to be desired regarding accuracy.]
  15. Back to the original topic of this thread. This article says in excess of 120 GMLRS unitary warheads have been fired in Iraq so far. Sounds operational to me, and very bad for Syrian strongpoints. http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htart/articles/20061108.aspx?comments=Y
  16. In terms of recent history, Afghan fighters with U.S. air support would seem relevant.
  17. Give me a pre_order link. I want to be able to gripe about it not being finished with legal standing.
  18. I'm sticking with the theory that the forum IS the game until it is on my hard drive.
  19. Only if battlefront staff can't play. It would give a new meaning to inside information.
  20. The single most useful thing it can have is good formation commands and route finding. All units form standard column x or line abreast y ect.
  21. I want a beta copy. Rudel deserves one! :eek:
  22. Please add chocolate, vanilla, and caffeine to Charles's IV/nutrient solution and finish the &*(&*(&*&(()%#@#())(^&$ game!! This will be an outstanding argument to have with module 2 on my hard drive. then we can argue about what is wrong with how it actually plays. All effort at this point should be for a great player matching server that will ensure that there are lots of people to argue with. :cool:
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