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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. The backstory is going to be very strong or already in progress, pick one.
  2. The backstory is going to be very strong or already in progress, pick one.
  3. If given a choice between being shot with A) Barret 50 cal. or microwave ray gun that is supposed to be none lethal. I would always recommend B, the Barret WILL kill you. The microwave might kill you. Not a hard call, but then again these idiots who put out papers like that one above are trying to make war impossible for the good guys.
  4. Will the speed of advance or other aspects of the of the U.S. players approach affect the IED detection probability? Any chance the Syrian player will occasionally off his own team?
  5. You can debate the details , but I have to give Clay this, THE BETTER ORGANIZED TEAM ALWAYS WINS.
  6. I strongly second the idea of the cutter having a menu of digging options that do not require the current amount of player input. The vehicle is just too hard to drive. If you feel that that is just to abstract go the other way and give us a real set of blade controls so that I can get the depth I want with the berm on the side I want and , and..... But this is not supposed to be a dozer training sim. Maybe it could have special explosive charges that would it could just drop and detonate. Boom, one instant atgm fighting position.
  7. The primary bug is that they don't work well in truly cold weather. It is the same reason ski bindings are still strange spring loaded thing. Batteries really do not like to be cold. The guys in Iraq so wish they had that problem.
  8. If the general on the ground calls the Pentagon and explains how someone has the choice of commanding and under-strength convoy escort in Anbar Province or getting something done now, today. At least some of the time they get it done. It also says a lot about how effective they think it will be. And a dead enemy with no collateral damage is the next best thing to priceless. Given the increased effectiveness the Russian laser guided stuff is demonstrating in Lebanon is there a new push yet for counter measures? [ August 14, 2006, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: dan/california ]
  9. Their are two fundamental issues with Dropteam in terms of overall tactics. First, the better organized team will win, always. This is as it should be but very harsh when the mismatch is large. As in Oh Bleep%^^%***%%^*&(^# we just got wasted and don't know why. Better post game stats andchat would help that more than a little. Secondly the offense and defense usually have the same force level. And the defense gets to set up and organize first, and in peace. Furthermore, several thousand years of military theory says that the offense had better have more combat power than the defense. That is not the case and so if the defense is the more organized side, with the exception of one or two maps, the result for the attacking team is inevitable loss due to attrition and the difficulty of staying organized. Much of the huddling behavior that drives Dark crazy is the result of the attacker desperately trying to get organized using the tools at his disposal on maps with no safe haven to start from. The upcoming reinforcement zones will help some of this a lot. Perhaps only the attacker should get orbital artillery if the defender starts with significant fixed point defenses. This would represent the the fact that the attacking sides liveship had achieved some level of orbital control. If there is a slim chance of winning why would a liveship hazard precious lives and resources. It/they would just keep looking for a better target. Pirates rarely engage in suicidal attacks.
  10. Think about this, especially if the designating infantry is not required to be extremely close to the atgm carrier. The carrier simply drives around in a covered position fast enough to be almost immune to indirect fire. The infantry doing the designating can in stall themselves somewhere with a great deal of cover and draw no attention to themselves whatsoever. That would be very difficult to counter. Imagine the designating infantry on one side of the objective and the atgms being delivered from somewhere far to the other side.
  11. I just read that guided 155 is being issued in a least small quantities starting now more or less. The proving ground guys said it didn't work well in seriously(0F) cold weather and the guys in Iraq said "so we care about that why". I think the 120mm PGMM is close behind, any opinion on either system for the first module? I think the 120mm PGMM really represents a huge increase in capability since it is organic to most U.S. battalions.
  12. Infantry painting for ATGM makes a great deal of sense, it will also tweak game balance a lot. Two players who had the sense to coordinate and keep moving would be way past lethal.
  13. Eventually it would be great, especially as an instruction tool for new players. Right now better bot wrangling is #1 for me. I desperately want workable platoons and formations. Everything that is not already been mentioned for 1.1.3 is secondary to that one. Even if it is just line ahead and line abreast with enough route finding not to drive off of cliffs. You could get 90% of the benefit for ten percent of the work or less with better end of game data and that chat time mentioned above.
  14. What would be really interesting, although a pain to code, is a searchable databse of every game played on the main server that could be massaged for all kinds of data. How often does a team with a certain combination of players or a certain commander win for instance. But I am bad person, I stay up nights thinking up ways for you to stay up nights.
  15. They also have such good anti artillery point defense that they almost ignore the other sides artillery. Their automated guns, and every tank has one, knock it down without even blinking. The strip around the sides of the tanks do make a ton of sense but only if the radar/fire control can sort out when to use it. However manual control when enemy infantry is too close is trivial and would put a stop to most of the really bad infantry moves currently being used. :cool: C for danger close comes to mind.
  16. At the risk of putting clay in overload, some tools to make it easier to wind up on your preferred team would be nice. But if Yurch and Crimson are on one side and a bunch of new people are on the other they will never know what hit them.
  17. Clay always answers this kind of question when he gets around to it.
  18. Think of it as the time to change vehicle indicator, It means your so shot up you are combat ineffective and about to die. That is what it always means for me any way.
  19. It takes a brave man to ask for feedback from this bunch.
  20. This was a big deal in Darks hilltop scenario. i kept trying to control my Infantry squad with an excellent view of the roof of the building they were under. Made it a bit tricky.
  21. Clay you guys are amazing. Now that I have told you what a great guy you are again, can I bring up those better bot handling tools. I saw the part about better drop control, but better formations would be great too. Also, if a player is leading a platoon of bots could you set it up to switch between vehicles like it works now with infantry. it would allow a player to deal with his worst problem without clicking through several screens and commands. Infantry drop pods will change tactics a lot. Knocking out AA defenses so that you can call infantry down on the base will become tactic #1. It should be great fun. Likewise it will make AA defenses a more strategic asset and should give a focus to game-play. Someone tell me how to shoot anti tank grenade in mid JJ burn, please?
  22. See this link, very much what you are talking about and in active late stage development. http://www.strategypage.com/messageboards/messages/2-16551.asp
  23. The link above may be the best sight i have seen for many of the questions that come up on this board. And trust me I have looked.
  24. The article points out a major flaw in many Pentagon processes. They try far to hard to perfect in a decade rather that better tomorrow.
  25. I, i say again, i am the worst speller in existence. Dark is a minorleager by comparison.
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