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Everything posted by juan_gigante

  1. Here in Seattle we've been having quite the rainstorm all day. 2+ inches, easily. This was made worse by the fact that I had to be outside all day today, so I got all wet and cold. I don't think the weather will get much better over the next week, so I'm battening down the hatches.
  2. Unless TacAI takes over, natch. And really, if they're in open terrain, I'd rather they keep running and get to cover than stop in the middle of a kill zone like that.
  3. Never mind - I tried to make a diagram but it didn't really work.
  4. This, of course, begs the further question about such suit's inclusion in CM gameplay. Going with the mud thing I outlined before, could the defender buy mud as a fortification to identify "cloaked" foes? Would mud have rarity?
  5. Oh! Oh! Problem! What about their weapons and kit? I'm going to make a guess here and say that it will be a lot longer than 10-20 years before we would see such "cloaking" fiber-optics on an assault rifle. And would they have to have all their soldier stuff on under the special suit? If not, wouldn't their ammo, etc, be visible? "What's that floating gun doing there?" "It's got some grenades and crap attached." "Let's shoot at it!" I can see how that could turn out poorly. Excluding the whole "you could still kind of see them, especially when they move". Hey, and what about in almost every movie with an invisible person, when they get mud on them or something and you can totally see the outline of the mud on them? Will we just not send soldiers to places with mud?
  6. I don't think that they're making that many updates, if any, to CMBB for CMC. Maybe obvious bug fixes, but really, CMC will almost certainly be using CMBB as we're playing it today.
  7. Perhaps the Canadians have developed it, and Dorosh is wearing it right now. Watching.
  8. A lot, but it will probably end up hitting your own tanks anyways. Damn CAS!
  9. Your mention of the 101st Jager reminded me of a year or two ago when I, for some reason or another, got really interested in the 100th Jager's actions in the battles of Stalingrad. I've got to remember to look around and see if I've got any of my old stuff about them, maybe try to make a CMC scenario. I personally think that the Jager divisions are some of the cooler ones, but it can be tough to find info on them.
  10. They say a division per side is what it is designed for. While I'm sure that limit can be increased, an Army on a side is a little much. Next they'll be asking for all of Kursk.
  11. I've found that I am incapable of eating all of the candy corn I buy, no matter the amount. I buy 10 pieces, I feel done after 8. I buy 7 metric tons, and I feel equally done after 5. It's strange - my stomach will never allow me to finish what my brain deems a "serving" of candy corn.
  12. Well, probably not available to Syria - but Blue on Blue... M1A1, those pictures you posted take me back to the days of my youth when my dad and I would construct these large styrofoam gliders which would (if the advertisment is to be believed), fly hundreds of feet. They invariably took an immediate nose dive into the ground, and broke in some way. While I am sure that those in your pictures are of higher quality, when I first saw them I was a little afraid for the future of the U.S. Army.
  13. That might well be the only time in my life that I will see "OMG :eek: " used in reference to a tea preparation method.
  14. There was a book by the guy who wrote "War Of The Rats" about Kursk, and one of the characters was a "Night Witch". I think that many people who read said book might have an exaggerated view of their influence.
  15. Wait a second. Perhaps I need to bone up on my MBT rules and regulations, but if I recall correctly, serfs serve the Cesspool as a whole - not individual knights of it. It is only after one becomes a squire that one becomes the vassal of a particular knight. So Sir Sir 37mm, it is wrong for you to assert that I was stolen from you by Sir v42below, because even though he requested my serfdom, I still serve the MBT as a whole. We'd need the Justicar to confirm my suspicions, or the Auxilary Blah Blah Blah Replacement Justicar Boo, but I believe that I am correct.
  16. I'd say that between the two of us, if any probing is going on, it's my infantry probing your rapidly collapsing defense. And that crappy Valentine you bought, which (IIRC) never even hit any of my units, and fired around three times.
  17. I was at the game where our valient Seattle Seahawks defeated the evil Dallas Cowboys (the only NFL team I honestly hate) with a field goal on the last play of the game. It was incredible.
  18. I had a bazooka team take out a 20mm AA gun once. I've got a screenshot of the zook's kill sheet in the AAR, but I (I confess!) don't really know how to post images here, so you'll just have to trust me.
  19. Befitting my status as a serf of the Cesspool, I have been toiling long and hard, devising ways to help the MBT in any way I can. My latest discovery regards the missing Grog Dorosh. I have found a way to summon him. Say "Mamma Mia" three times, spin around, and he will appear. With this tool, we can hold him accountable for his actions and bring him to justice.
  20. IIRC, Colin is correct. In the same way that in CMx1, a casualty might be a rifleman or the LMG guy, it is possible for the squad leader to be hit, and then the squad would be worse led as another guy takes over. And that hasn't ever been in a CMx1 game.
  21. They're conscripts. They won't walk across open fields and get mown down without breaking and getting pinned. Keep them in command, use advance, short hops from cover to cover, and supress the enemy. By the way, I'll bet that many troops on the 1st day of the Somme were broken or were pinned down. It's realistic.
  22. Yeah, I think that a bug are at fault here. I've heard of this happening before. The last time, though, the fight was in a huge city, and the pics the poor victim posted were incredible.
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