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Everything posted by juan_gigante

  1. It's a wonder you would still have a job. That is, if what you said were true. And don't try to claim you're not a native English speaker. No non-native English speaker will list their location as "hell, USA". Even the non-native speakers do significatly better than you. Come on. If you want respect from us, show us a modicum of respect and give 10 SECONDS to edit your post. I mean, come on, really. If you don't want to get made fun of, don't give us ammo to do so with.
  2. Paragon of rationality, aren't we? Consider the Peng Thread the play ground bullies of the BFC forums. We make fun of outsiders (like you, SSN), we have a strict hierarchy, and the teachers don't do anything about it. I recommend that you read the rules and SOD OFF!!! Also, I contend that a location of "hell, USA" is no location at all. I am eagerly awaiting your AAR of our battle, Sir Sir 37mm. I am looking forward to seeing what it is like to lose to me.
  3. While I know that JasonC can get a little patronizing, I stand with him on this. RSColonel, I'd love to here how your tactics work and an example of their functionality, so I can learn more. But merely saying "They work good" isn't much.
  4. Stonewall?!? Only genius? First of all - Lee was better, and Lee wasn't that great. Grant was arguably better than either. Second, best commander of the ACW isn't that great of a title. After all, what's the competition? George McClellan? And Stonewall wasn't so great. Sure, the Shenandoah campaign was good, but that was the only thing he did that was that great. I personally feel that the only Mongol of note was Genghis. The others were just building on what he did. Rommel is overrated. He was one of the best (IMHO) divisional level commanders EVER, but he utterly failed above that. Blaming the failure of the Atlantic Wall solely on Hitler is irresponsible and inaccurate. Rommel's plan involved panzer divisions on the beaches themselves fighting landing infantry. Think for a minute what the Allied destroyers and battleships would have done to those tanks. Read about some of the Italy landings (Anzio) where the Germans tried that, and see what happened. Or try it in CM. Set a few dozen German tanks up against 10 or so 14" spotters who can't be killed. See what happens. The failure of the Atlantic Wall was because of general German collapse. It wasn't like Rommel's plan would have worked if he could have done it as he wished or anything. Remember, Rommel also expected Pas de Calais. He also expected high tide. I don't know enough about the Napoleonic campaigns to comment there.
  5. SWAT 3 was pretty awesome. If only it had ANY REPLAY VALUE WHATSOEVER :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: .
  6. Yeah, but how do you know what the Katyushas killed and what the tanks and AT guns killed? And the IVth Panzer is not a small formation. The engagement in question seemed to be a battalion level action or so, IIRC. Divisonal at most, right? So just because IVth Panzer is taking losses doesn't mean that the losses are from said engagement or from Katyushas at all. It makes perfect sense to me in this scenario that the Katyushas strip the tanks of infantry and AT guns and tanks to the actual killing of tanks. And besides, Andreas's tests have proven, to me at least, that Katyushas do have the ability of killing nearly any German AFV if a direct hit is achieved. I don't exactly see where the argument is about this anymore.
  7. I notice that lots of people are OFP fans here. That game never really did it for me in the same way that, say, Ghost Recon did. While I really, really, liked the idea and concept of OFP, I thought that in practice it really wasn't taht fun. The interface was a bitch to use, and the one save point made some of those long levels a real chore. Plus, I never put in enough time to really get good at using any vehicle more complicated than a truck or jeep. I do think that OFP was a great example of a groggy game that did well - 1 million plus copies sold, a number that surprises me greatly.
  8. After reading his posts, here and elsewhere, and his excellent ROW AARs, I think I'll start paying Bigduke6 to write my papers for college for me. I want to just quote the whole post and put "Great post!" afterwards. But I won't.
  9. No! I demand that we be sent actual metal medals in the mail from BFC so that the successful player may pin them to his shirt to show his victory.
  10. I suppose that Dorosh will have to remain bolded. I'm not sure why, but it seems proper. I think that a good way to judge the staying power of a game is the community and the things added by the community. Think about many of those great games - CM, Half-Life, Rainbow Six, Warcraft, Falcon 4.0 (these are but a few) - they have great communities that are adding content years after the game has come out. Whether it is a causal relationship or not can be questioned, but I think that you can judge a game by its community.
  11. Jesus, I should join the army. I don't get fed nearly as good as that.
  12. And besides, if they add anything it should be heavy artillery units.
  13. Dorosh, I totally feel your pain on that level in Medal Of Honor. That part sucks. I like that in Call Of Duty, there is a lot less of the save-killed by hidden sniper-load that lots of Medal Of Honor had. Realistic? Maybe. Fun? No. Also, now that you are back on the forum, should I still be bolding your name? I started because in your absence, you became some sort of mythic creature, like Bigfoot or something. Now you're just you again. The reason that I bolded is gone. Should I still be bolding?
  14. Nothing wrong with eating spaghetti. I think I'll go eat some now.
  15. Is there any video floating around out there of this NE rocket taking down a building? That'd be quite a sight to see.
  16. Forgive me for sounding like teh n00bz0r, but what is this SPMBT? Where might I get more info about it? It sounds fun.
  17. I think that an East Front game would be either Stalingrad (name recognition) or late war (cool toys to play with).
  18. Steve, release in spring 2006?!? That's earlier than I thought! I was expecting Q3 of '06 or so. This is good news for me. (BTW, my birthday is March 8. It'd be great for it to be out by then )
  19. I think that a CM:SF module is much more likely to be something like "the British/French/German forces" or "U.S. Marines" or "Some extra crap for the Red team" than "M113 APC"
  20. Well, Sir Sir 37mm, perhaps you should try once more. This time, try alexbond@u.washington.edu That one might be less likely to lose it to the internet or something.
  21. Something like "This area has high value" at the simplest, and you could take it to "Counterattack through that valley" is what I would look for.
  22. Dawn of War was easily the funnest RTS I've ever played apart from Warcraft 3. I guess we'll see if RT CM:SF will wrest the crown away.
  23. As I recall, in CMBO Allies identified pretty much every German AFV as a Tiger at first. It happened, of course, quite a lot in the real war. I recall a story in the Ruhr werein a German commander found that he was facing black soldiers. He assumed that the black soldiers, having seen less action, would be more likely to misidentify AFVs as Tigers, and deployed his forces to take advantage of this. Apparently, his gamble paid off. The black troops reported being attacked by Tigers (Panzers IVs), and the higher-ups sent Pershings to fight them. Meanwhile the German commander's Tigers emerged somewhere else and wreaked havoc while the Allied heavies were elsewhere.
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