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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Sudowudo, Who was it that you played in that battle, that is someone worth avoiding and wasting time with
  2. The smoke of battle is littering the field, the German excaping army has fled, now it is just a few turns away until we see the verdict of the score. As far as I can tell he might of exited 15 Halftracks or so, will it be enough to swing the battle, I think not but we will soon see. The tiger still roams the field, he has two Halftracks still caught on the map and some infantry scatered around from where they have excaped death from their destroyed transports. I did as well as I thought nailing the last 3 sp guns , the PZIV, and did get 14 Half tracks, so about half, not bad considering he did find a weak location to make the breakthrough at. His tiger has 5 kills, not bad. but not like the 29 tank kills that he was getting playing the AI. He might be converted to PBEM now, the next battle will be more even and he has the skills to play well without needing to play the AI.Good Hunting [ January 28, 2008, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  3. This is why playing a person instead of the AI makes this scenario come to life, As the Soviet side it sounds like there is no way that each game would be the same as to what might appear. but no matter what, you have nothing for dealing with them tigers. I have tried taking out one tiger with 6 T34's before in another game, against a decent player, it will likely end in a nightmare. the T34 is good keeping the tiger busy while the infantry does the job becase the t34 will not. I cannot remember if you take a hit to morale when you have the exits in play, you would think that would not happen in that type of game. But i cannot remember without running a test game to see. Correct, but his last PZIV will be dead soon and that leaves his one tiger, he can leave it on the map, maybe I can get that second one also with a tank hunter team because he will be very lonely soon.
  4. If you can imagine, about 30 Halftracks now making a mad dash for their home lines, with only a tiger, Pz 4 and a couple of SP units for protection. 30 or so Russian tanks with about 20 of them being T34's in all sorts of positions around the fleeing units. My guess at the moment will be that the tiger and maybe a sp unit with most of the Halftracks making it out alive. Hard to say. Every turn a tank can get within range he loses one to two halftracks. For him the only advantage is he has most of my units behind him now.
  5. Now all of you the bought the game and wished you had waited for the Demo can see that waiting does not work well either. Maybe someone that hates this game will sell me theirs at a nice reduced price so that I can at least decide if the game is worth playing.
  6. Been waiting months now for the demo of 1.5 which has said it will be out this week for the complete time. I sure wish I could find a job where I could get away with statements like that and not get in trouble or fired because of it. Maybe it is because you do not feel there is enough future customers to bother with doing a update on the Demo.
  7. Time for a short update, Wittman has done well considering the situation of the scenario and not having played much other than AI but I think he has had a little H2H before. Just under 10 turns left and his situation is still hard pressed. He has had a few moments where he has felt success. He jumped a platoon of T34's with two platoon of MK IV's that came on as reinforcements. Total loss to my units with no damage to him. That unit of his became a focal point for awhile and more Tanks were lost to remove them from being part of forces to help open a corridor for retreat. He began his main effort to excape, once I was sure I knew his path of excape I went in thinking I had fire supremacy in one rear side area. Within one minute he had 5 PZ IV's cut off my advancing tanks and was able in a head to head duel with 5 T34's at just around 200 meters to smoke all 5 of my tanks again with no losses from that direct engagement. I was not impressed-but he sure was. I also ran into a infantry rear guard unit that ambushed another T34 platoon, he quickly took out three tanks there. He has played sound tactics and seems to be enjoying himself. It will be interesting to see what he can get off the map, but I have made it hard on him and he has lost plenty of equipment with no real success in providing a clear path as of yet to really move units through and he is still being chased from all sides without enough forces to provide protection from every angle. I am glad it is him and not me, But I appreciate the fact I could play the loaded side for once. It has been fun. He still has a chance in this thing also, just depends how much more stuff I lose preventing the excape - I am somewhat playing for "no one to get away" which is not smart but I am not playing it safe just to protect my score. He will be allowed to rumble that tiger off the map since my equipment is no match for that, but he still has hopes to get that unit somewhere where he can unleash some hell on me. Conclusion soon [ January 13, 2008, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  8. I went and played it already because of how intereesting it looks. gave you a review but was slow in that, Dorosh had already beat me to it. We both seem to have some similar comments on how it plays.
  9. Or hot seat the game and play both sides. At least you can do a better job than the AI, I hope
  10. Rum, it is attitudes like yours that prevent many of those that play only AI from wanting to play other people. Yes, it is harder and when one is not familar with what can be done by a opponant will lead to mistakes playing against them. Wittman has decided to test his skills and hopefully he can enjoy the battle, no matter the outcome. He is learning that I can keep my units hidden where as the AI would never do so. Last turn found him driving past my AT gun hidden in the wheat, It nicely placed 3 shots on the ass of 2 MK IVs. But he has luck this turn and learned the lession and lost neither tank and I lost the gun, fun turn though
  11. MichaelWittman is now starting the learning curve of playing against a Human,one that he is not use to playing either. Its very early in the Battle, but he has had his first big mishap. he can share if he would like. I am also suprised by running into enemy infantry units pretty far from his objectives, either he has a ton of infantry or I have taken him for granted that he would deploy so far from flags. But with the amount of units and the initial deployment locations, this battle could turn into a crazy shot out, with not much of what one would call a formal battle line.
  12. Creative work, at least you get something in return for it, how many hours do you think it was to make them vidio's
  13. That is a interesting Theory, it might be worth checking into, I did not, but maybe the other player did.
  14. Withdrawl with the advance command is a little overkill, the only time that is useful is when you expect a lot of enemy fire coming in, then this is the correct choice, that best chance of getting you men to keep moving and hopefully not pin. But for many situations it is too slow and also tires your men quickly. Great if maybe your moving back to a second set of fox holes 70 meters away. Not good if you are bugging out and have ground to cover and not all day to do it. Which movement command to choose is part of understanding the game and the situation you are in. One command is not always the correct command. I have had units crawl out before and have it work, but it does not mean its the way to recommend or not recommend.
  15. Truthfully, I wished I had the files but I had deleted them before I noticed my tank was operational again.
  16. Once you fire at the enemy and are ready to disengage, hopefully you are in cover that helps you withdrawl. I find that I want out of there quickly normally, because either I am stalling a larger more powerful group or will be receiving heavy volumns of supporting fire soon. Either way I do not want to get pinned and into a fight I cannot win. Try the move option and set your cover arcs so that no enemy is within it, if desperate run can work also, but is riskier. With move, unless the enemy pins you, your units will progress as ordered, do it safely and normally will iqnore the enemy if the cover arc tells them to.
  17. Wittman and I are starting a game, I try to limit myself to a certain number of games at a time, so I am afraid I cannot take on another. But I am sure there are others willing to help a rookie into PBEM, and if you are lucky, someone that will not take advantage of the situation.
  18. because I just like making fools that cannot trust another human go crazy if they cannot see what they think is hard evidence.
  19. Well the first thing you will need to do is email me, I have a work email in my profile. Just send a massege, prefer if it is from where you will be playing from. I will give you my home address once I hear from you. If you are not familiar with starting Pbem's, we might need to instruct you through it or start the game from my side, but will try and let you learn how to do it. I have played a few Aussie's before, the time difference works pretty good if you try a move in the morning and evening, since we are on total opp. ends of the world, your morning is my evening and visa versa. Anyway it works out better than playing someone in your own time frame for some odd reason. Turns come in and are ready most days where as if it is same time frame, one guy sends his turn for the evening but for the other guy it might be too late. Anyway, hopefully we will not have any problems and you might be the next converted fellow to break away from the AI Syndrome
  20. Not a method that I would normally take to find a new game, but I am more than willing to take the place of AI so that you can test your play against a Human. I do not believe I have played this battle, so I will play it blind except what has been revealed in this thread. Hope you are use to PBEM which takes a game a month or two instead of one evening, that is the drawback of it.
  21. I cant, I have not saved the files. It is seldom that I save files, normally it has to be a major event. In this battle, the tank was behind the area of fighting, so it was of no value, so I was not sure when it became mobile again, because who checks a immobile tank once its in that status. Second, even if I had saved the file, i have never bothered to set myself up to publish images here anyway.
  22. Leave poor Wittman alone, he enjoyed blowing the AI away with his tiger and racking up some huge numbers.Was it a amazing feat, probably not, but it was a good challenge for him. If he could adcheive it against a human it might be more memorable. Personnally, give me all those T34's, I am sure the Tigers would die, the question is how would the scenario score the effort. If you want to prove them Tiger's against more than AI, your more than welcomed to email me.
  23. Guys, chill!!!. Not talking bog, the game was designed to do that, but it was not designed to have a immobilize vanish. I just was saying that it did for me in a game I am playing at this time (PBEM). I just wanted to see if anyone else has ever had this happen. "It was amazingly Lucky" Nothing else in the game seems un-normal
  24. Hundreds of games played but I just had a first, had to have been a computer mistake. But a tiger tank that had been immobilized for about 5 turns became mobile again,this was in a PBEM. Now there is some amazing luck. At least it is mine. Just wondering has anyone ever seen or heard of this happening.
  25. I been waiting, hearing that the latest patch demo 1.4 is coming, wanting to see if this game is worth buying yet, but it appears not. Thus I need not worry about spending money or wanting to update my computer. It is all good in a sad sort of way.
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