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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Just a update for those of you that might not know, We have also Lost K.A. Miles, it has been over a month since anyone has heard from him, so we will consider him missing in action and that hopefully the body can be found and shipped home to family. If you notice 9 games completed, one not needed now since they are both are dead and 8 remaining to turn in. I have three of them that I am stepping in for and the slowest game out of them is at turn 14. So there is your update
  2. Sceanrio #4 - Hornissenest Dinga44 vs Redbear (Reported) Bert Hamoen vs K.A. Miles Mccobbler vs Custard Crow Warrior vs. Shellshocksye (Reported) Mikado vs MichaelWittman Major Tum vs Mntineer (Reported) Scenario #5 - New Years Eve Resolution Dinga44 vs Mccobbler (Reported) Bert Hamoen vs Major Tum (Reported) K.A. Miles vs Redbear Custard vs MichaelWittman Crow Warrior vs Mikado (Reported) Shellshocksye vs Mntineer Scenario #6 - The Summit of the Black Brigade Dinga44 vs Bert Hamoen (Reported) Mccobbler vs Shellshocksye Custard vs Redbear Crow Warrior vs Mntineer (Reported) Mikado vs K.A. Miles Major Tum vs MichaelWittman (Reported) It appears we might be having problems with K.A. MILES Mikado could you report to me on what is happening with your match with Miles
  3. I will post the games completed that I have received the scores for, I cannot remember if I have that one, but when I get a chance when I am at home I will check into it.
  4. Mr Miles Please email me right away, I have been trying to contact you this last week. My emails are bouncing back. Or anyone who might know his email address if it has changed
  5. Ah Yes, Keith has been a slow player throughout. He has not affected us much in the past because of other player issues. Just email me at my home and let me know how you are standing with him. It should be ok unless the situation is as bad as Redbear, but I need to know more details as to where you stand and the turn rate you have been adcheiving at normal times. Vacations and such is playing a factor in many of the matches, that can be tolerated.
  6. The first and hopefully the only this time, Redbear has been removed from the Tournament, I am stepping in to finish his games. He was appearing to be good competition, but his situation was not allowing him to play and complete the games in a timely manor. Thus he will be remembered but as all soilders lost in battle, he must now be left behind. Not to be seen again. If there is issues with any of the other matches, this is the time to report. I have been pretty easy so far but its time to crack down and get this tournament in order, to be able to complete it and rap it up in a timely manor.
  7. Three are reported and I know of about 6 others that are about a week or two away, so I should have half of the matches in by then, if you are way behind I would like you to try and look at finishing within about a month. If that appears to not be possible, let me know where you stand and what the situation is. Game turn on and turn rate you are having.
  8. Costard, did you get my email wanting a status report on how things were going, with Redbear. Everyone is having problems with him, he just does not have available access to the internet much, if he is still trying great, but if all the other games start coming in, we might need to pull the plug and finish them up for him. Please contact me and let me know your situation.
  9. Interesting efforts. You might want to add a few for two sectors in a certain time frame, The Russian front was so big that there was times when it was two major battlefronts at the same time. action in the north, and action or activity also in the central or southern front. And the fighting was very different in ways by which area it was on. Some players here might be able to point out the periods and twin major actions that were happening at the same time frame.
  10. Neil, I have only seen your final game score from you and Bert, send me the other.
  11. WOW, with the new set up, I might be able to handle attaching screen shots, must give that a try!!!
  12. Well, the forum is up and running, the question is are all of the players??
  13. I will tell you how the battle is going, any smart Russian would have pulled out and licked his wounds a long time ago. I did not anticipate the level of defense I was up against, did not have a large enough amount of units commited to the flanks and am amazed that I have killed any Panther that is sitting on the main hill since that is helping that front sloped armor even more. But with that said, we play the game, where pulling back and waiting for another day is not a option, so I push the attack which is costing me dearly, somehow I have managed to make myself a thorn in his side but at this point he is sitting pretty good, making his own efforts to remove my few units that have managed to push around the base of the hill. But he cannot sit back and rest just yet since I still poise a threat as too gaining a draw at this point. He would not be doing so well if he would have had to use the units that he had left from our previous battle of him trying to take the hill which did not fare well for him, but now it is my turn to winch Love the game and am having great fun, even if this is likely a lost cause. Think, wow, how a operational level and this tactical level game tied together would make for such a great sim.
  14. Yes, I only play battles that I have 4 to 1 odds advantage. Being so bad, it is the only way to manage a draw
  15. Forgot that we played the other one also for the Tournament, you are correct. It was not a scenario for the tournament. It was in france, A town with a huge railroad bridge through town, I recall you had a photo of it also, We play tested it before you released it. A interesting Historical one Oh, None there. I normally am accepting of all sorts of things, it is hard to know what others are thinking and I misjudge people plenty. I appreciate all your efforts and help. All I meant by the comments was You and I didnt really hit it off as to wanting to battle each other. Nothing more than that. Normally, I do not lose a opponant unless they get discouraged or we get bored with each others play. [ June 05, 2008, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  16. I did playtest two battles with him years ago. The one battle I designed and I wanted to see how my defence could hold, but not really a fair fight since I knew exactly what I had to defend against. The second one we playtested a battle of his, I attacked in the battle, from what I remember from viewing the end map, it was as if I had radar as to his unit locations. I sweep both ends of the bridge with as wide of flanking moves as the map would give me. He had no units on either route. No, I forgot, maybe a platoon or so at that most on one end. Anyway once I had the ends, it gave me a great fire lane along the complete path of the objective. To say the least, He did not like or want to play anymore with me, I personnally could understand his thoughts. But there is plenty of guys that know I am human and can play as bad as anyone else. Just ask Crow or McCobbler, both of them have given me *ss kickin's. Bert has had a hard time giving me a good whoopin, but I am sure he will at some point. Wittman is a new player for me. But he is smacking me around right now in a battle and I am very impressed with his play. He plays tactically very smart. So watch out, though his score does not reflect it yet. He could be a challenge. Of course, his problem might be he only knows how to play with German Super Tanks. He would not be the first. [ June 05, 2008, 05:09 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  17. Round one completed Of "Out of the Dust III" Bert 8 points Dinga 8 points Miles 6 point McCobbler 5 points Shellshockye 4 points Mikado 3 points MichaelWittman 3 points Redbear 3 points Major Tum 2 points Custard 2 point Crow 1 point Mntineer 0 points Sceanrio #1 - St Saulon Allied vs German 68/26 K.A. Miles 1st- Mccobbler (Miles 3 points + 2 points weak side victory) 36/39 Bert Hamoen 2nd- Redbear (Bert 2 Points) 24/71 Shellshocksye 3rd- Custard 3rd (Shellshock 1 point)(Custard 1 Point) 19/75 Crow Warrior - Major Tum 2nd (Major Tum 2 points) 17/83 Mntineer - MichaelWittman Tied for 1st (MichaelWittman 3 points) 17/83 Mikado - Dinga44 Tied for 1st (Dinga44 3 points) Scenario #2 - Mackays Fortress Allied vs German 86/14 Mikado 1st- Neal aka Major Tum (Mikado 3 points) 85/15 Bert Hamoen 2nd- MichaelWittman (Bert 2 points) 84/16 K.A. Miles 3rd - Custard (Miles 1 point) 55/24 Crow Warrior - Redbear 3rd (Redbear 1 point) 69/31 Shellshocksye - Dinga44 2nd (Dinga 2 points) 43/44 Mntineer - Mccobbler 1st (McCobbler 5 points) 3 points 1st + place 2 points only weak side victory Scenario #3 - Devils & Dragons Germans vs Allied 61/39 Bert Hamoen - Mccobbler (Bert 4 points) 3 points 1st place + 1 point weak side victory 50/29 Shellshocksye - Major Tum (shellshocked 3 points) 2 points 2nd place + 1 point weak side victory 42/43 Crow Warrior - MichaelWittman (crow 1 point) 23/63 Mntineer - Custard (Custard 1 point) 35/65 Mikado - Redbear (Redbear 2 points) 21/79 K.A. Miles - Dinga44 (Dinga44 3 points)
  18. Round one completed and the Present standings Bert 8 points Dinga 8 points Miles 6 point McCobbler 5 points Shellshockye 4 points Mikado 3 points MichaelWittman 3 points Redbear 3 points Major Tum 2 points Custard 2 point Crow 1 point Mntineer 0 points Top 3 players, two are previous winners and the other has played well in both previous tournaments. Talent seems to raise to the top once again Sceanrio #1 - St Saulon Allied vs German 68/26 K.A. Miles - Mccobbler (Miles 3 points + 2 points weak side victory) 36/39 Bert Hamoen - Redbear (Bert 2 Points) 24/71 Shellshocksye - Custard (Shellshock 1 point)(Custard 1 Point) 19/75 Crow Warrior - Major Tum (Major Tum 2 points) 17/83 Mntineer - MichaelWittman (MichaelWittman 3 points) 17/83 Mikado - Dinga44 (Dinga44 3 points) Scenario #2 - Mackays Fortress Allied vs German 86/14 Mikado 1st- Neal aka Major Tum (Mikado 3 points) 85/15 Bert Hamoen 2nd- MichaelWittman (Bert 2 points) 84/16 K.A. Miles 3rd - Custard (Miles 1 point) 55/24 Crow Warrior - Redbear 3rd (Redbear 1 point) 69/31 Shellshocksye - Dinga44 2nd (Dinga 2 points) 43/44 Mntineer - Mccobbler 1st (McCobbler 5 points) 3 points 1st + place 2 points only weak side victory Scenario #3 - Devils & Dragons Germans vs Allied 61/39 Bert Hamoen - Mccobbler (Bert 4 points) 3 points 1st place + 1 point weak side victory 50/29 Shellshocksye - Major Tum (shellshocked 3 points) 2 points 2nd place + 1 point weak side victory 42/43 Crow Warrior - MichaelWittman (crow 1 point) 23/63 Mntineer - Custard (Custard 1 point) 35/65 Mikado - Redbear (Redbear 2 points) 21/79 K.A. Miles - Dinga44 (Dinga44 3 points)
  19. Miles, I have resent to you the file. You are to start this match
  20. Make sure you are placing the file in the saved game folder, these are saved games when you start them the first time, proceed normally as to being a PBEM from that point on
  21. Thanks to kingfish, we have now sent out the final scenario. He has done a great job in providing us 6 scenarios for play. Some have had some one sided results, but what is interesting, at least one player always seems to be able to beat the one sided results. Also some of the results really have not reflected the force match ups correctly this time either. If the player's were not playing blind as to what the other guy had, the game results would likely be different. Anyway,the last scenario is out and now only the battles remain. Keep Low and aim straight. For Glory awaits the next victor of "Out of the Dust III"
  22. where you stand at the moment in Sceanrio #1 - St Saulon K.A. Miles looks to not be dead after all, he is sitting with a chance to score big in this one. Allied vs German Shellshocksye 2nd - Custard 3rd Crow Warrior 3rd - Major Tum 2nd Mntineer - MichaelWittman tied 1st Mikado - Dinga44 tied 1st Bert Hamoen - Redbear (Not COMPLETED) K.A. Miles 1st - Mccobbler [ May 28, 2008, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  23. Just in case you have not noticed, Game 4 and 5 are out for you to start. 6 is still in developement, But Kingfish shoud have it done in the near future. So round two is on its way and still have the two scores to receive for round one.
  24. First question I have is how did McCobbler pull out a victory in a scenario where the Germans were normally getting thumped and Surrendering??
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