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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. No it was 31, 13 is typed in backwards, shows you my keyboard skills. About none
  2. Two scenario completed with your scores. Also where you stand at the moment in the other one Sceanrio #1 - St Saulon Allied vs German Shellshocksye 1st - Custard 3rd Crow Warrior 2nd - Major Tum 2nd Mntineer tied 3rd- MichaelWittman tied 1st Mikado tied 3rd- Dinga44 tied 1st Bert Hamoen - Redbear (Not COMPLETED) K.A. Miles - Mccobbler (Not COMPLETED) Scenario #2 - Mackays Fortress Allied vs German 86/14 Mikado 1st- Neal aka Major Tum (Mikado 3 points) 85/15 Bert Hamoen 2nd- MichaelWittman (Bert 2 points) 84/16 K.A. Miles 3rd - Custard (Miles 1 point) 55/24 Crow Warrior - Redbear 3rd (Redbear 1 point) 69/31 Shellshocksye - Dinga44 2nd (Dinga 2 points) 43/44 Mntineer - Mccobbler 1st (McCobbler 5 points) 3 points 1st + place 2 points only weak side victory Scenario #3 - Devils & Dragons Germans vs Allied 61/39 Bert Hamoen - Mccobbler (Bert 4 points) 3 points 1st place + 1 point weak side victory 50/29 Shellshocksye - Major Tum (shellshocked 3 points) 2 points 2nd place + 1 point weak side victory 42/43 Crow Warrior - MichaelWittman (crow 1 point) 23/63 Mntineer - Custard (Custard 1 point) 35/65 Mikado - Redbear (Redbear 2 points) 21/79 K.A. Miles - Dinga44 (Dinga44 3 points) Present standings Bert 6 points McCobbler 5 points Dinga 5 points Mikado 3 points Shellshockye 3 points Redbear 3 points Crow 1 point Custard 1 point Miles 1 point [ May 18, 2008, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  3. Miles, please send that score again, If I did receive it, I likely misplaced it. That will be good, I can then score that scenario also and you can now discuss two of them.
  4. Round two match ups Sceanrio #4 - Hornissenest Dinga44 vs Redbear Bert Hamoen vs K.A. Miles Mccobbler vs Custard Crow Warrior vs. Shellshocksye Mikado vs MichaelWittman Major Tum vs Mntineer Scenario #5 - New Years Eve Resolution Dinga44 vs Mccobbler Bert Hamoen vs Major Tum K.A. Miles vs Redbear Custard vs MichaelWittman Crow Warrior vs Mikado Shellshocksye vs Mntineer Scenario #6 - ? Dinga44 vs Bert Hamoen Mccobbler vs Shellshocksye Custard vs Redbear Crow Warrior vs Mntineer Mikado vs K.A. Miles Major Tum vs MichaelWittman Let me know if there is any mistakes, no one should play anyone they have played in the previous round [ May 19, 2008, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  5. Two scenario completed with your scores. Also where you stand at the moment in the other one Sceanrio #1 - St Saulon Allied vs German Shellshocksye 1st - Custard 3rd Crow Warrior 2nd - Major Tum 2nd Mntineer tied 3rd- MichaelWittman tied 1st Mikado tied 3rd- Dinga44 tied 1st Bert Hamoen - Redbear (Not COMPLETED) K.A. Miles - Mccobbler (Not COMPLETED) Scenario #2 - Mackays Fortress Allied vs German 86/14 Mikado 1st- Neal aka Major Tum (Mikado 3 points) 85/15 Bert Hamoen 2nd- MichaelWittman (Bert 2 points) 84/16 K.A. Miles 3rd - Custard (Miles 1 point) 55/24 Crow Warrior - Redbear 3rd (Redbear 1 point) 69/13 Shellshocksye - Dinga44 2nd (Dinga 2 points) 43/44 Mntineer - Mccobbler 1st (McCobbler 5 points) 3 points 1st place 2 points only weak side victory Scenario #3 - Devils & Dragons Germans vs Allied 61/39 Bert Hamoen - Mccobbler (Bert 4 points) 3 points 1st place + 1 point weak side victory 50/29 Shellshocksye - Major Tum (shellshocked 3 points) 2 points 2nd place + 1 point weak side victory 42/43 Crow Warrior - MichaelWittman (crow 1 point) 23/63 Mntineer - Custard (Custard 1 point) 35/65 Mikado - Redbear (Redbear 2 points) 21/79 K.A. Miles - Dinga44 (Dinga44 3 points) [ May 18, 2008, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  6. It is 42.5%, And the answer is, nothing will ever get it right but this is the best thing available to this date until something better is created. For now its the best model of the events of combat that is available.
  7. I will start round two without waiting for the last few games when I get a chance Redbear has been our only slow player,I do not want to lose him, he appears to be playing well, everyone encourage him to play faster. K A Miles has also been slow, but he had issues and I can understand that, he has been staying with it as much as possible. So we will be progressing to round two soon, I will post where you stand as to the reported score but will not give out the scores until all are in. At least that will give you a general feel for how everyone is doing.
  8. matches That have reported in so far are Sceanrio #1 - St Saulon Allied vs German Crow Warrior - Major Tum (COMPLETED) Bert Hamoen - Redbear Mntineer - MichaelWittman (COMPLETED) K.A. Miles - Mccobbler Shellshocksye - Custard (COMPLETED) Mikado - Dinga44 (COMPLETED) Scenario #2 - Mackays Fortress Allied vs German Crow Warrior - Redbear Bert Hamoen - MichaelWittman (COMPLETED) Mntineer - Mccobbler (COMPLETED) K.A. Miles - Custard Shellshocksye - Dinga44 (COMPLETED) Mikado - Neal aka Major Tum (COMPLETED) Scenario #3 - Devils & Dragons Crow Warrior - MichaelWittman (COMPLETED) Bert Hamoen - Mccobbler (COMPLETED) Mntineer - Custard (COMPLETED) K.A. Miles - Dinga44 (COMPLETED) Shellshocksye - Major Tum (COMPLETED) Mikado - Redbear Now we are up to 13, getting there Redbear wins for being our slow player with K.A. Miles second (At least Miles has given a reason) [ April 27, 2008, 06:11 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]
  9. It has been uneventful for a week now, I would believe all is going well. I have 4 reported games completed, so that leaves 14 to go for round one, I figure I might start to see reports in about two weeks if things go about normal. What turn are you at in your battles might be good to know. Give a report.
  10. Who knows what command your friend has done in truth, but your test is showing pretty good results if the order was given to move fast, with that they should hopefully continue on weather fired on or not. Russian armor in CMBB has a great love to try and retreat and hide when they think they are outclassed by the enemy armor, If a few units did this and the rest are in the same movement lanes it could be that they hit or had stop because of the units around them, once that happens, AI has taken over, given new movement orders. (which by the way is never "Fast". So now it sounds like every unit is converting to the AI's great love to try and reverse and hide. Bad things happen if you have traffic jams and it sounds like he is in one out in the open against a killer. Point out that test concept you did would have worked and was likely the only method to get the results he would have liked.
  11. AFV at 196 yards with a panzerfaust! against crow. Yes, Crow was really wondering what type of weapon could do that. I would say that was a little over adcheiving for a faust.
  12. Does anyone in the group have the setup to post photos here at this site, it would be fun to maybe post a few shots as we get close to wraping up round one. I know I have never bothered with getting it to work. Bert has a Hero story he would like to post, there might be a few others. Major Tum tried another page last time, I do not think that went far, but I never did check to see where it finished at.
  13. One battle already completed and all I will say is Dinga is back and has what appears to be a strong score to post in one match already.
  14. Thanks, see if that is all that there is to solve my problem. I hate to say it, your comics so just what I am talking about. One side seems not to be able to even respond, like they are blind to being able to see the enemy. The best way to understand this is play both sides of a hotseat setup and see how many battles only the US forces can see the enemy. You cannot shoot what you cannot see. In some situations this is true because of equipment, but I have a hard time understanding the vision issues potrayed in the game at times.
  15. I also have a question about the game, I have been playing the latest Demo, trying to decide if I like it or not. The question is, in set up, I have not figured out how to relocate units before turn one, the instructions are not clear to me, one battle I was able to do it by accident but other times it seems to be impossible with no clue as to why, the units are not able to move in their set up zones. I see no lock or indicator stoping me. help. Just to add, I see potential in the second game engine. I think for me so far the only real turn off has nothing to do with the game design or the design changes. So it is different, people need to learn to adapt. The modern warfare is playing out as a battle of who sees who first in many firefights. the side that can fire, will hit and normally kill first. I hate to say it, but that is not as interesting as WW2 fighting where luck can be more of a saving grace. The game is likely potraying things pretty well, it just is hard to watch units die because they cannot seem to see the enemy that sees them and is killing them. Not a fair fight many of a time.
  16. Put you two together again, not likely. Actually, i have no clue what round two match ups are yet, it will be determined by round one results, some random drawing and so forth. What I can state is you will play three additional different players and will more likely be playing players that are near you in results, but no promises. My wife has the same frame of mind as yours Dinga, But she still Loves me, that is what matters.
  17. Kingfish, I have sent you a email. A reminder to everyone, after we complete round one, it is polite if you can give Kingfish some feedback on what your thought are on his scenario design, if you enjoyed the challenge.
  18. Time to log in, it appears all matches are somewhat going smoothly now and that everyone is in the mist of battle. Remember to keep me informed as to any issues and try to work them out yourselves if possible. I like to stay informed of slow play, but I also do not expect fast play even though some of you do manage to do a good job of moving the games along quickly. The goal should be to be completed about the middle of April for round One.
  19. Yes, I have the CDV published versions on all three games, but i will stand corrected, CMAF did not come with the printed manual like I was thinking, It just had a small pamplet. My BAD!!!!
  20. I have a commercially printed manual, that is almost the same from start to finish as the CMBB one. I should state here that I did buy these games in the US and not from Battlefront direct.
  21. That sure is funny, I have one. it is also on the disk in PDF, which you should have
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