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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Plenty of good suggestions here. I agree with most of them. I feel exactly as Womble does as for using movement, for me it is either quick, hunt or slow for most situations. Fast and move have hardly any use in the game for me. Fast is used if I know I am going to take fire and I am just trying to get to cover that will hide me as soon as possible. I feel time is my enemy; it is giving the enemy more chances to kill me. So fast is used when I have real problems. Move is used when I have troop’s way far away; I am not in a hurry to get them into place and am lazy to want to watch over them. I know I can give them that command and they will not get tired and will be in good shape when I do need to give them other commands. So basically for behind the battle front line troops that need movement to get to a start off point to the front lines. Now onto the question, like most said, no sure answers. I prefer to be stealthy on defense, that is where I know I can be sure the enemy does not know where I am. If I want new locations, I move to spots away from the enemy, not closer if I want to know for sure I am not being seen. But on offence, even though the game now does give us the ability to move without being noticed. I never count on it. I plan offensive moves expecting the enemy will figure it out and be able to counter. If by chance they do not spot me, they then have hell to pay, which has happened a few times in games now and is just fantastic from my end of play. Anyway with this attitude I am moving the amount of units it will take to get the job done no matter what. Why would I move troops that will get their heads handed to them if they by chance get spotted. (Only troops I do that with are scouts- and even then I normally have over watch ready to exact revenge on any fool that opens up on my scouts. Very, very seldom do I see a good use of moving units into enemy lines in an intended stealth mode other than to do guerrilla like tactics and to cause delays to the enemy or gather data as to what the enemy is doing. All of which is possible now in the game. Nothing like getting a few men behind the enemy front line now in the game and for him not to know it. It is one of the best features I like about how the game plays now. As one person pointed out, nothing replaces good tactics. Trying to move in and ambush an enemy tank with likely infantry support is not good tactics if you are only sending in a AT team. But the game now has so many options; there are always chances to try crazy stuff. Let me share one of my latest plays. Playing on defense I have stopped my opponents advance as he appears to be regrouping and trying to decide where my front line troops are since the last arty strike. I have ambushed his forward infantry units and he has lost 2 tanks to pin hole located defensive guns. So he is unwilling to push his attack again until he gets more information as to where my units are placed. So I prep for his next likely moves but as I do so. I start to see that he has two tanks sitting behind his front lines ready to be added to his attack when he is ready. The thing is, I have an avenue to these tanks thru wheat fields with bocage edges and none of my spotting units have seen any enemy activity there for a while. I decide he has taken enough losses. I bet he is shifting his infantry from this sector to likely the place where he has made progress to try and help support his limited success there. So is it worth risking a team to sneak in there and see if they do not get spotted and manage to take maybe a shot on a tank and get a cheap kill and frustrate my opponent to no end. Of course I decide to go for it, since He is putting me to sleep anyway with his preparations for his next move. To my surprise and relief, I manage to move to the 20 meter location behind a bocage showing me the flank of his Sherman and I prepare my unit to make a Faust attack with about 20 seconds left in a turn. They fire, hit then watch in disbelief as the Sherman somehow is not destroyed in the attack. Return fire is almost immediate from multiple sources and the Sherman immediately also reverses out of range. Though close to being pinned, I manage to end the turn not harmed. Next turn I manage to run the troops for safety. They only make a few yards before being pinned, but far enough away that all the incoming is hitting where they were instead of where they are at. They are alive, lucky little bas*****. A few turns later I manage to start crawling them to what I figure is the location the enemy will come to make sure I am dead or to verify I am dead. To my surprise not only do I see infantry coming, but the other Sherman that I know is there. He figures I might have more going on and wants to place his infantry as a fire line and flank the area with the Sherman to put to waste what he finds. But he would never bring that Sherman in to close, knowing I have AT capability. So I decide where he thinks he is going to get that thing flanking me and be safe. So I run the troops as fast as I can to that opening location which was a good 150 yards away. And somehow do it without being spotted. Boy do I love this game. A little time passes, he is shooting the field with area fire, I am sure thinking he is keeping whatever unit I have pinned. Is sending troops to the area I was and brings this tank to watch he figures is an over watch area. Kaboom!!! Victory, not only did I bag the tank and crew as they bailed. But just the mind freak I just placed on my opponent had to be great, plus the delays it has already caused him, plus likely will make him even less aggressive as to wanting to push his attack. I just recalled why I am so addicted to this game.
  2. Bf, please hurry and get the next release out, I think we are all going crazy as we wait, just looking at this thread, it should be plenty proof that we need something new to get our minds wrapped around on for awhile.
  3. Steiner14 thanks for the input, I am not claiming to be any type of expert on science. but I get tired of people who try to set limits, saying it must be shown scientifically. I figure there is plenty to still be discovered about our world and about us, and as we as a human race continue to make discoveries we will have science to back new things that we presently do not understand in the future. But to just fight hard against others just because it does not make sense to present logic or science does need a little rebuttal. John I just dont what to say to you, It would be in your best interest to stop with your topics other than if you want to discuss wargaming on this site. Because you likely are not going to get the responce you want here. But it was entertaining for a while, but it is going down a path that continues to degrade here and likely will stay on that path if you keep feeding it. But I still would like to hear what type of weapon I need to be in the market for so I can wax Alien butt when all this becomes real. You cannot knock me for wanting to be prepared (just look at it as the Boy Scout in me.)
  4. I am afraid that it is only science fiction, and not good science fiction. since he talks and writes in a way that leads the reader to no conclusions and gives no definition of terms that no one knows except for him. But for him I beleive he does think all this is true. It does not mean I need to try to change his view just because my present logic tells me these things are not part of what I concider to be reality. But if tomorrow a UFO was revealed to all of us here on earth (shown to the public, then most of us would need to adjust what we consider to be true very quickly ) I just am not going to close my mind to at least the possibility that things could be going on out there that we are clueless about as to if it really exist.
  5. Problem is, I might have a little of Storm in me, but I do beleive science and the methods in which it works. Thing is, when science has facts it is a method that comes to correct conclusions. When science has theory, then it creates facts that might not be totally correct, only correct for the present time. And when science does not have something to prove what is, it is not designed to prove what isnt. So basing ones life on what science only has proven, is not living a full life for me anyway. For you, that might work. It might also explain how you want to look at life. So be it, but you attitude towards others that just do not see things the way you do, even if it might be foolishness. Is in poor taste and shows a level of personality that could surely be improved and worked on. And since you are nothing more than a low carbon form of existance with so little time left. You can start working on it right away.
  6. So neither side here is going to say or do anything that can answer the question, so just be mindful of how foolish you might be making yourselves appear as you continue to add nonfactual text to your debate. I have come to a decision long ago, that some of the smartest people I have met. In many ways are also some of the dumbest people I have met. Intelligent people have a few tendencies that make them hard headed and unwilling to see any point but their own. They normally excel in a few areas of learning and so start weighing the world around them by these areas of logic and in general become very imbalanced people when it comes to using just common sense and applying it in areas of normal logic. You also have the type that trust their own knowledge over that of any one else, so they weigh the views of others as for not, because they place themselves above most everyone else as to their understanding. And the list goes on, thus a world with people of many personalities. But keep in mind, the more one tries to prove their intelligence, the more foolish they normally portray themselves to be. It’s the quiet man that listens that actually is the most intelligent of all. There are plenty of things in this world that are unexplained, well as far as science can explain it anyway. But to deny that they might still exist just because modern science has not found answers for it is also foolish. Because the last time I checked, science is wrong and correcting itself often. Plus if one looks hard enough you can find those that delve off the main stream lines of science that do go into areas of study that normally get them the outcast treatment of their peers. But there is plenty of interesting stuff out there that can make one think, whether true or not I do not know But learning to have an open mind and be somewhat receiving, does not mean you have to agree with someone else’s point of view, but it does not mean you have to attack it either. You have judged for yourselves, what has been said by others here, you will not change that persons view of what they believe to be correct in their view of the world. So attacking it is not a trait that is accomplishing much. Now if you can provide knowledge of what is true and share it in a way that allows others to judge for themselves it is true, then you are doing something. ET or no ET, that is the question. As far as I am concerned, it still is a question that needs an answer. Too much out there to think it is all made up, but not enough solid evidence to put the debate to an end. So john talks like they are as real as your next door neighbor, OK hard to accept, especially since John has factors that make it easy not to trust his opinions. But to say that there is not something out there that many people claim to have seen and many a story from people who claim to have seen them is also foolish just to ignore.
  7. You are absolutely correct. But I do know where some of these guys get their concept of what they think they can demand from you for free. "other game companies" I am amazed at times at some of the things I have received in free upgrades from some companies. The most amazing being a complete game on the same engine - that being Red Orchestra when they did darkest hour. I never could figure the bussiness logic of that, but they did it and I assume it helped generate additional selling of the base game, but I wonder about that. Anyway, continue on the path you have made, as you said, you have managed to stay in there these many years as a company, it looks good for the future and you all seem to be doing ok with the choices you have made. You have been successful in a area that is full of challenges and deal with users that are at times just a pain in the ***. But I am grateful you spend your talent and energy in this hobby and am so willing to continue on with new design, even when it comes back at you in many unthoughtful comments. I just hope to be buying you products up until I am too old to find use in them anymore.
  8. Well if you use this statement, you might as well beleive in almost nothing. because there is many a thing that uses the memories of human minds for what knowledge we beleive or what is cast as fact. I agree that the mind can distort things, I have been tested myself in training to help improve one's memory and am amazed how we can recreate events into what we think we saw instead of what we really saw. But man has past knowledge on for countless years and it all has been done with the thoughts of his brain. So do not tell me that people are always full of it just because.
  9. Womble now stop that, you are wrecking all the fun. I was just about ready to get information for a new alien weapon to buy instead of investing in my 308 heavy bore floating barrel rifle or maybe a new 50 cal. This has been the best hijacked thread in a long time and I was really enjoying it, now you want to bring a end to it all. Here , just to help give some spice to what is real or not. For 25 years now I have worked in the engineering field, I have found that if I keep a open mind and not judge people to hard that they will open up and tell you many things they might not tell someone else. In these years I have had 4 co-workers tell me they have seen a UFO. now 3 of the 4 stories are more than just a little dot in the sky type thing, their stories were detailed and full of memories. There were others with them, so witnesses that could account for what they were saying. These were people that are sane, intellegant, married and living normal lives. Now, when you come across someone that seems level headed, deals with life in a conventional way and seems responsible. You have to ask yourself what did these people see. Like these co-workers I have known. They would not even share these stories with others because they know how most people will react. So why ever tell anyone except for the fact that they wanted to get it off their chest to someone who would not judge them. So I will not thrash anyone too much about it, even though there is many a hoax out there with many a reason that has nothing to do with truth.
  10. John Since you have connections (out of this world) could you not just have someone fly in and take JonS on a one way trip away from here. I think there would be plenty a forum visiter that would apprieciate that, since about 4000 of his over 8000 post are made in a tone to just irritate others. Maybe he could be offered up as a dinner item to the enemy. Then there is part two to this that is not making sence, every other person that ever has been releasing such inside information has always been on the run, Because if the aliens do not want to kill him, the men in Black do. So here you are just living a peaceful life with no fear of being eliminated. Not making much sence in the big picture, John. Plus did this site of yours start before or after you were out of work. Because it looks like a good way to me to keep money flowing in without having to have a real job. (so you are not as stupid as some here want to make you out to be). But dont take this as I do not beleive you, but at least inform me what I can arm myself with so that I am prepared when this alien war breaks out in full and we can all see them. so I can notch a few of them lizards on my rifle butt.
  11. John, where are you getting all this info. that the rest of us just have a hard time beleiving. I mean, not only are you saying they are real, but such detailed material as to all their purposes would lead most normal people to think you are in the twilight zone. if nothing else, you will get more hits to you site today.
  12. It would be good to test, I normally leave my tank behind bocage and let infantry spot enemy armor, then move my tank up to the same location as my infantry. feeling it has been helping get a quick spot on the enemy unit with my armor. But truthfully I have not tested it, it was something that I had observed a few times that seemed to be happening and helping get quick spots so I just started putting it into practice. now I am wondering also.
  13. Look at the instruction, I think it is Alt-s that turns off the sound. But you have to do it before you hit the load button, if it is already loading you cannot do it. Then just turn off your speakers. It is also handy to turn off the sound in Wego once you are done watching the turn. No need for it while plotting your moves unless you like that backround noise.
  14. Well in a backward way that answrs the question. It sounds like the AI makes a decision which smoke to use when it has a target.
  15. not a bad question. What would be nice is that sometimes you have units that have wp and normal smoke. I wish there was a way to direct the unit to fire which type you want. But there is not . So you have to live with what they shoot. This last time for me it being the WP stuff first. I am not sure if that is always the case or not. Maybe someone can answer that question for me.
  16. Since the comments are on the "scottish corridor" I will add also, Even though I am into it only a few missions so far. Thinking of myself as a good player, I am finding this thing a nightmare. I cannot beleive the challenge it is giving me and I feel like it has given me a better fight than many real players might. Which I find amazing, knowing the limitations of the AI So it is a masterpiece, as for fun or fair, I dont think that is part of the designers wishes in this. I found this out in the very first mission as I lost my two churchills to immobilization, never to be seen again. I knew I did not want them off the road because of the mud. But after striking a mine, I sent the second in the fields and watch him get stuck. ( but playing the next few missions knowing I could have them but having to work without them, in and of itself has driven me crazy. In another battle I have to push the map, time being limited, and each and every place a good ambush spot has been where I dont have time to clear or check it first seems to have had a enemy MG at it. I keep watching my lead men go down and it just cost me lives I dont want to give. I really do not think this is bad luck. he has designed and placed units at perfect locations anticipating my moves. Which I do not like to play moves that will be anticipated. but in some of these battles I feel like My hands are tied and I have to try stuff that I know I dont want to do and then it deals my punishment for doing it. So it is a love hate relationship. I give you credit for your design, if I fail this campaign which might be a real possibility, I have no problem with it. It was a fantastic challenge, but would I go back and play it again, not likely. First I never play them more than once anyway, I find that boring and unfair generally. But in this case, it would be more of a fact that I feel like I would need to roll my lucky dice to get a good results in many a battle, and that is a little bit of the reason it is has not been a love love relationship. But the designer skill level is not in question, just his way of loving to deal out pain. But at least the pain feels similar to what the poor men who fought and suffered felt when things did not go their way either.
  17. Dont make me bring up my panther loss to a bazooka at 250M I had. I still feel the sting from that loss, happened last summer. But in general, you will not see it in the game much, if you allow your troops to shoot, they are generally wasting ammo. But like the event I had in that game, the player did not expect the AT team was going to shoot, they just did. and when when they do, there is always a chance to hit, no matter what the odds are. But stop wasting that luck in this game, you need to go place some bets.
  18. I think it is a simple fact that they are presently focused on years 44-45. They have most of the work done in a sence with the Americans , Brits and Germans, that they just add Italy, do the changes to the other country units and they could kick it out. So even if it does not sell well, not a problem. it shows us they might be able to do much more than we expect once they really get rollin. Plus Italy needed tackled at some point to add to some of them futher Russian games. So I think it just came down to the fact that it fell in the time frame of that late part of the war as to why we are seeing it. No, it was not a decision that they thought this would sell great volumns of games, but we are a odd group and I bet most serious players will buy it becase we love the unusual match ups, even if unbalenced. Just another challenge to face when trying to fight with a army that has weakneses. but can you still lead them to victories.
  19. Good one, I knew you could do this but had not thought about checking it and stopping the aid because the incorrect man is doing it.
  20. Normally, I have learned to avoid too much buddy aid. sorry but the game does not reward us enough for making sure it happen. I only make sure it happens if I want a lost weapon or I have troops behind my front line troops that can do it because they are not presently needed. As for getting the correct weapon exchange, Not always. Just in a game I am playing now, I had a british light mortar out of ammo. I see another team dead behind a wall and they are showing that they have 8 rounds. So I send my good team over there, never did they have a chance to use them round and neither did they receive any after the Buddy aid. Sorry, but I agree there could be some improvements with how the game does this feature.
  21. That looks perfect, looks pretty flat also. The one thing I have not figured out yet is how many action spots into the tall grass one should place the gun. But the farther in you can and still have a line of sight out of it is what you are after. All I can say, I always thought a ATgun did well if it managed to kill 2-3 tanks. Placing it like this, the best result I have seen is 5 enemy tanks and some grunts. So hopefully you will see the benifits of it also. Nice photo
  22. NO, YOU ARE NOT GETTING THE CONCEPT CORRECT. YOU WANT TO FIND A TALL GRASS FIELD WITH NOTHING ELSE CLOSE TO YOU. if you place a gun near a bocage, then I can at least area fire on the bocage, but in the middle of a field , I cannot area fire on you at all, not unless I am looking down on you from a higher elevation.
  23. Actually, its a great place to put a gun. I have found that the toughest guns I have faced have been AT guns in tall grass in the open, But the range needs to be pretty long. If they are about level with you, the guns will spot and fire on tanks but you cannot return fire because you cannot spot them and if you try area fire, you cannot do it because the grass hides the ground so you cannot return fire until you see the gun, then even when you do. It shoots at what it sees so unless it is a direct hit, the shells go long. So that means you want arty to take it on, If the player has then in the correct depth. Spotters will not be able to spot the ground either, so no pin point arty. So in otherwords, Tall grass can be the best protection in the game for a AT gun I have found
  24. Now here is one that needs to be checked, if what you say is true, sure would help them strikes for arty when the F.O. is under possible enemy fire.
  25. I cannot remembr the last time my arty has been off. Most of my arty errors happened in the first few months of playing. But Truthfully, I cannot recall a mission that has been off target in at least the last 15 games. So dont know what to tell you.
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