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Everything posted by Yskonyn

  1. Ouch.. you in for it, man... bigtime. This will take some serious damage control.
  2. Me too. But some more objects would be fine. Civilian vehicles maybe too. And water ... and bridges ... </font>
  3. Happened with my mug of coffee... TWICE. Although it did not burn (obviously) I let it cool down twice...
  4. I might add that the freely downloadable Steel Beasts 1 manual has a few pages with background information about munitions and armor. There's also a short paragraph about the Javelin. Interesting stuff. Get it at www.steelbeasts.com and be sure to download the manual for SB1, not Pro PE.
  5. I tried to contact him via both email addresses listed at his homepage, but they both bounce... Does anyone know anything about rumours for PBEM Helper to support CMSF in the near future?
  6. Getting them close to a wall is where my problem lies!
  7. Sure I do as well, but your reply still doesn't count then!
  8. I am all with the OP here. Funnily the biggest batch of people complaining are newcomers to the forums as well (if that might be used as an indicator). Anyway, I am confident that CM:SF will be the game we all want in a few months. In the mean time I am also confident that I will get tons of pleasure from it regardless! Again, as far as I am concerned, great job BFC!
  9. There are a few things that really annoy me (especially playing in WEGO): -Getting stuff from the Stryker for your infantry is quite easy in RT, but wastes a few turns (and thus minutes) in WEGO mode as you can't stack commands. -The face order is executed before all other orders regardless. So you end up, for example, with a Stryker lining up to face a certain direction and then moving into position neglecting the face command in the end, eventhough you gave the move order first and the face order last. EDIT: This can actually be prevented by clicking on the last waypoint and then issueing the face order. So it seems to be by design rather than a bug. A bit cumbersome, but still, it seems to work. [ July 29, 2007, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: Yskonyn ]
  10. Would be true Exel if the keyboard commands would translate in smooth camera movement, which on my rig, they do not. Mouse view is the only way to smoothly control the camera unfortunately. As might be the case with the OP.
  11. Nice to see a congrats thread. Too bad only that your subject is a bit misleading. I was expecting to find another moan and groan thread. Anyway I second the OP! Great job Battlefront as far as I am concerned!
  12. No, I wasn't clear with my description, sorry. If I manually target them, the first Javelin round always fires at the bunker, however eventhough they should have additional ones in inventory they won't fire anymore... Or does this have to do with the other Javelins being HEAT versions and therefore wont fire on fortifications? Rendering my issue completely bogus for that matter... For which I then humbly appologize.
  13. I was wondering if there's any way to tweak the grass disappearing too soon. The grass seems to fade already a few meters away while this probably helps performance it looks rather 'rough' and I was wondering if there something we can do maybe to increase viewing distance for grass and foilage to make the terrain (even) more realistic looking? I know, I know I am whining...
  14. Hi guys, This issue has been raised a few times now and forgive me if there's already a dedicated thread for this. I wasn't able to find it. In the 'First Impressions' thread the issue about the 'not firing' Javelins has been raised already and Moon suggested that the Bunkers were perhaps abandoned in the given scenario, therefore the TAcAI decides it isn't worth the effort to pound it with another rather expensive Javelin. I can confirm though that the bunkers (talking about the Tutorial scenario with the 4 static Strykers where you can get the Javelins from insode the Strykers) are NOT abandoned. I advanced my MG squad and they came under fire from one of the bunkers. The Javelin squad still refused to fire the Javelin eventhough they ID'd the Bunker. Is there a difference in ID-ing the structure and not knowing wether it is still occupied? Is the reason for not shooting a difference in munition type, as suggested by another user in the thread? Its rather annoying not having them fire, but I might be doing something wrong here...
  15. To further illustrate the issue: In RTS mode you don't really have any problems because with a bit of micro-management you can order queue. However in WeGo-mode you often loose a whole minute because of the inability to order-queue. If I want my infantry for example to get a new Javelin from the Stryker I will have to embark them, let them get the Javelin and disembark again. You can't do that in one turn in WeGo mode while the whole process might be done in under a minute in RTS mode. Loosing a whole minute just to make my infantry embark in the Stryker is not only a loss of effective time, but also quite annoying.
  16. There are two campaigns. One is a tutorial set of missions, the other the real campaign. So if you want to get up and running quickly without spending time in the manual I suggest playing through the tutorial campaign. It tells you a lot about neat tricks and features. Good show!
  17. Running fine at 1024x768 with Unit Detail set to Improved and Texture Detail set to Best. Furthermore AAx2 and Anisox8. P4 3.4Ghz HT 800Mhz FSB, 1GB RAM Dual Channel 400Mhz, Sapphire ATi Radeon X1950Pro 512MB, SB X-Fi Xtreme Gamer Pro.
  18. Razer has got a point here. It seems that the keyboard commands are delayed in some way. They give sluggish camera response. Instead get used to using the mouse.
  19. Thanks for joining in chaps! Lets make this a nice warmup party as the first few hours pass after the release of CM. I've just finished my first complete Quick Battle; an attack on a small village, although is resembled an airfield more to be honest. I started with about 10 Strykers, 4 Bradleys, 3 Engineer Squads, and a whole bunch of riflemen. The first Syrians were spotted the very first second and 2 Bradleys started to shell them causing panick in the first 2 minutes of play. I quickly forces their flank to give in and overran the western part of their fortifications. I rushed the 2 other bradleys over to flank the other side and quite easily broke the whole Syrian squad in under 13 minutes. Played at lowest difficulty setting though. *grin* Anyway, the camera control is much better now after having set the Unit Detail backwards two notches, so its now set to Improved, texture detail is set to Best and I have hard-set my Anti-Aliasing to 2x (going to try 4x) and Anisotropic Filtering to x8 in the Catalyst Drivers as the game seems to read those settings directly from the driverset. So yes, it does seem that the Unit Detail setting was too high and caused sluggish performance. Resolution of play is 1024x768. Framerates are constant and comfortable and I am running the game on a P4 3.4Ghz HT 800Mhz FSB processor, 1GB RAM (Dual Channel setup, 400Mhz), ATi Radeon X1950Pro 512MB, Soundblaster X-Fi Xtreme Gamer Prof, Windows XP. Using catalyst 7.6 driverset, DirectX 9.0c (june release). Rightclick + Hold to rotate the camera and Leftclick + Hold to pan the camera needs a little to get used to, but even after my first game it seems to work quite well! And as Elmar stated: CTRL + leftclick still jumps the camera. *thumbs up*
  20. Hi George Mc, thanks for joining in on my, still quite empty, first impressions party! Thanks for the camera control tips they are bound to come in handy, although I do wonder how anyone would be able to play RealTime with a slow camera? But anyway, waaaay too soon to give a funded answer yet. I am missing the LOS tool though!
  21. Don't put in your Order ID number in the confirmation email from BFC. Scroll down to the line where there's a license number given along with the download link (which brought you to the page telling you that the download would be enabled the 27th). Put in that license number, because I guess your talking about the eLicense utility? It'll work then.
  22. Received the email at 18:00LT, clicked the link, download started! No problem! Downloaded the game in approximately 8 minutes with my full bandwidth (710KB/sec!! Thanks guys for not joining in too soon! Gna gna!). After download, installed without problems, although when trying to get the license thing going it asked me (and everyone else I suppose, hehe ) for my order ID. Be aware that it's not the order ID you have to fill in but the license number that's given in the same row in your order confirmation email as where the download link is. Logical enough, but still confusing, no? Anyway, got the license to work and fired up the game. It started without any hickups. Jumped straight into the options to crank every detail up and started a quick battle. Great visuals! Superbly detailed models, nice textures although the shadows seem jagged and don't display as they should (Catalyst 7.6 drivers), but only a minor gripe. Camera control is very slow, though and while panning the camera movements speeds up, then slows down again making it quite a burden sometimes to get the right view or to switch position quickly. Maybe I am doing things wrong here? Just first impressions here. Sounds are great. Difference between speed of light and speed of sound nicely modelled! Well that's all the time I have for now... Join in and add more first impressions! Oh and.. please refrain from posting things like: "The game doesn't work, crap!". It's about first impressions in-game. Cheers!
  23. The ironing is delicious. </font>
  24. Nobody here knows because the patch hasn't been released yet. Just wait patiently and find out when its released. Most of us are still waiting of the game to be released anyway. Not much sense in posting bogus threads...
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