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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Normal Dude!: I/We are very-much interested to see how your adjusments will affect the game!. We all hope that you will be able to achieve what is...you want to do with SC2!. Your like an explorer, making his way through 'Uncharted' territory, going where no-man has gone before!.
  2. Liam!... the German's did lose at Kursk, after Kursk, the Russians had the offensive momentum on their side on the battlefield that took them all the way to Berlin!. The German's were lured into prepared killing boxes, where many panzer unit's were destroyed!. After the Killing-Boxes did their work, the T-34'S were unleashed in huge number's, forcing the German Army to recoil and retreat, a retreat that did not end until Berlin!. Not only that, but one of the relocated tank factories that went to the Ural's [Now called TANKOGRAD], in 1943 was producing in excesses of 2000 T-34 tank's per month. Over 50,000 T-34 tank's were produced in WW2,...and was overall considered to be one of the best tank's produced in the war, not just for what it was, but also for it's quantity of production as well as it's direct damaging effect it had on the German armoured forces.
  3. Novel Concept!, and i 'Like-It'!. Yes!!!,... Quote from SeaMonkey:
  4. Normal Dude !: Give me a destination to send your pictures, as well as a list of what you need. When i have the opportunity, i will start looking for them!.
  5. Ahhh!!!...the 'Subject' of 'Rockets'!. I would very-much like to see a way to harass or strike back at the British while they incessantly pound occupied France to Oblivion with their endless Bomber Sorties!. Here's how!.... http://www.v2rocket.com/start/deployment/wizernes.html Schotterwerk Nordwest SNW Ersatz KNW, Bauvorhaben 21 - B21 in 1943, the German Army began work on the second of several giant hardened bunkers, intended for launching 40-50 V2 rockets at London each day. In 1943, Hitler's forces faced their first battlefield defeats. These reverses of fortune for the Wehrmacht led Hitler to make secret weapons V1 and V2 a top priority program. The construction of several hardened launch sites for V2 rockets is undertaken along the coasts of France. It is in October of 1943 that the Todt organization begins construction, close to Saint-Omer, of the one of the most imposing bunkers related to the program V2 - THE CUPOLA, the domed bunker. The Todt organization entrusted the work to large German companies and they moved in a mountain of construction hardware such as, earth-moving & drilling equipment, concrete batching and mixing plants, etc., By November of 1943, construction had been started on the dome, along with the tunnel excavation at the base of the quarry. Although aware in Nov. 1943 of the existence of an abnormal building site close to Saint-Omer, the Allies were slow in targeting the bunker for air raids. Conventional bombing of the site began in March of 1944 with little effectiveness, the dome-protected underground work was already completed. More than 3000 tons of bombs were dropped, damaging the close villages and upsetting the roads to the building site. But, the CUPOLA remained intact. Work on the project continued at a fast pace even through 229 air-raid warnings. On April 27, 1944, 16 U.S. Army Air Corp planes dropped (128) one-thousand-pound bombs on the target of Wizernes with good results, losing one aircraft in the action. On June 22, 1944, the U.S. 303rd flew a morning mission to Wizernes with a small force of 14 B-17s. This Wizernes mission was ineffective due to a heavy cloud cover. After a two minute bomb run, the bombs fell short in a wooded area east of the target and one B-17 was shot down by anti-aircraft guns. In total, sixteen raids were carried out against Wizernes by Allied air forces. Allied pilots reported heavy, accurate flak batteries in the bunker area. The damage inflicted on the area was destruction of the railway, communications and road networks near the bunker. Although the bunker was not destroyed by the bombings, it was logistically unusable. It was not until July 17, 1944 that an attack by Allied bombers proved somewhat successful. RAF Lancaster bombers rained down the new 6-ton "Earthquake" Tallboy bombs. Although the dome remained intact, the RAF bombers dropped their bombs all around the dome. Three of the Tallboys exploded next to the tunnels, one burst just under the dome, and another burst in the mouth of one tunnel. The whole hillside collapsed, undermining the dome support, and covering up the two rocket vertical entry ways. General Walter Dornberger reported that although the contruction itself remained largely intact, the earth surrounding the bunker was so "churned up" that the site must be abandoned. It was believed that the dome would soon collapse also. This was probably an exaggeration based on Dornberger's own opinion of the dome- Dornberger had always been against fixed launching sites for he feared Allied bombing would hamper V2 operations. The Todt engineers disputed this finding, but the Allied invasion of France and dwindling supplies prevented any further construction. At the end of July, 1944, Hitler ordered the site abandoned, along with the Roquetoire guidance bunker. Soon the V2 would be deployed exclusively on mobile launchers in Belgium, Holland and Germany. *** 'St. Omer' is just a little S.E.of 'Calais!'. *** Just right beside the Red-Marker >>> 'N-43'. [ October 11, 2006, 04:31 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  6. Im an 'Avid-Rabid' player of the ' HONCH ' Genre' Games!. So don't stop now HONCH!,...we want more!.
  7. "Terif!!!...Terif!!!...Terif!!!..." SC2' (Not Uncle Sam!) NEED'S YOU!!!. The SC2 Beta-Team NEED'S YOU !!!
  8. jon_j_rambo!... if i was one of them, i would react the same way!. Living a 'Real Life Nightmare' can permanently shake and or shatter a human being!. So if i was one of them, i would prefer to never talk about it!. There alway's will be exception's to that, so if one searches hard enough, a willing vet or two just may share their experience's!,...and might even be glad to do so!.
  9. Hind-Sight is alway's '20-20', BUT-NOW that we are enlightened/educated, we will now know better whom to tap for the final touches & blessing's in finalizing the Yea' or Nay' on the completeness and or readiness of the game to be unleashed on us victim's/prey!.
  10. JerseyJohn!: Your idea's for your book and possible movie should be looked at...like, right-away!. 'Clint Eastwood' is releasing a new movie on or around the 20th-22nd of October, called "The Flags of our Fathers.....IWO JIMA". WoW!,...so if he even is releasing a 'War-Movie' in this day and age, then there is perhap's a real-chance of your book becoming a movie too!. Clint Eastwood is a bit of a 'Maverick' when it comes to such idea's as your's, so the two of you just might get along pretty good!. We wait with 'strung-out anticipation', of your communication with him!. Feel free to do a Web-Search to find his Web-Site,...and query him!. As an example i got a reply from the 'Vice President' [ian Gordon] of BOLDOR Investment's, and he told me that 'Things are going to get really bad!'. So, you never know, Clint just might respond back to you!.
  11. SeaMonkey !: Their last action was at 'Waterloo!'..., they bravely marched forward to fracture and obliterate the British lines, and then Wellington's troop's who were hidden behind the reverse slope's popped up all at once and then fired off volley after volley of gunfire into the Imperiale Guarde's ranks!. Not only that, but i believe that Wellington also had a group acting as flanker's who also fired into the sides of the advancing Imperiale Guarde,...so these old fart's had to endure Flanking Fire as well as Reverse Slope Fire!. Yet they continued forth until all hope was lost, then eventually broke!. That's the last i have ever heard of them!. Right about in that time period, the Prussian Army also made their appearance!. I forgot exactly how they factored into the final assualt!. Napoleone was watching the Prussian Army making it's arrival as he ordered the Imperiale Guarde Forward!. [ October 08, 2006, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  12. SeaMonkey !...Napoleone' had that same anguishing problem!. His Imperiale Guarde' were mostly made up of his oldest, most battle-hardened 'seasoned-steadfast' troop's,...and they were alway's 'Complaining' or 'Grumbling' about something [They were 'NEVER' happy!]. That's where the name 'Grognard' come's from,...COMPLAINERS/GRUMBLERS!.
  13. SeaMonkey!: Again and again, you are full of surprises!,YES!, your point is well taken as it does make very good sense!.
  14. I agree!... Minty!..., but also a sense of betrayal had been displayed to the Allied European power's, in that Germany Promised 'Peace in our time' [To Neville Chamberlin], then, almost immediately conducted itself in a contrary manner!. Which in effect,...'Spat!' in the face of all those who wanted to trust in Germany's proported 'Civilized Attitude' regarding other Nation's!. This Belt between the Beady Eye-Ball's and Beak i would think would have the effect of sounding the 'Alarm' to all the other nation's,...'That we now have a serious problem' in our sandbox, and that 'It Must Be Dealt With'!.
  15. SeaMonkey!: Hear!...Hear!...Magnificient Speech SeaMonkey!!!,...very well said, and very inspiring!. ...and i also concur!,...A Very Big "Congratulation's" to H.C.!!!.
  16. Nerd King!... yes!, from that point of view, you are 'correct!, however, like the Stock-Market which exibit's High's & Low's we in the discussion forum, can also exibit a momentary consolidation phase!. It's called a 'Time-Out', for some 'R' & 'R'!. Discussing NOTHING BUT THE GAME and nothing else, becomes dreary & tiresome at best!. From time to time, as a community, we like to unwind a little-bit and get some other current concern's that pertain to us talked out a bit!,...as well as getting to know each other a little bit better!. Never fear!!!, we will not stop discussing SC2, and as you have probably noticed, that for a moment in time, little else is concerning anyone who come's to the forum, but to come here and partake of this timely discussion!. It will soon pass and we will return to where we were before, so please, excercise a little patience and all will be well soon!.
  17. An admiral, applaudable endeavor to say the least!. Let us know when it's ready to go!.
  18. "Ohhhh!,....Sink Me!!!", Quote from the old black & white movie...'The Scarlet Pimpernel'. The Scarlet Pimpernel was an English Agent in Pre-Napoleonic France, of course his job was to spy on the French, and his most favorite expression was...'Ohhh!...Sink Me!!!.', when he was under stressful duress!. His other expression was!... 'Those Damned Frenchies'! .
  19. I have no trouble understanding either of you, JerseyJohn or TaoJah !. You both have understandable point's of view, and that's ok!. So i'll just ramble on 'OFF-TOPIC' for a bit now!, as i really do care for all the inhabitant's of this North American Continent!,and the present action's of our leader's will ultimately have to be paid for by those inhabitant's. I'll just add that it's good to support your own people, your own country, including your own leader's, provided that those leader's are conducting their effort's with their Nation & other Nation's in a responsible/just manner. Those leader's also need to have respectful regard to the inhabitant's of that country [Their Social Programs,...Fair Taxation for the common folk,...for the Rich upper-crust and for the corporation's [Not just shift the Tax-Load disproportinately to the poorest inhabitant's]. Higher Education opportunities should be available for all,...not just the priveleged [Who can easily afford them], Practical-Affordable-Medical Care, Dignified Retirement for the elderly, and so on]. These leader's if they are to get the respect that is due them, and also which is then also reflected toward's their own country, need to try to really do justice for the people first!,and then thier neighbor's. A leader should not be conducting his effort's for his own personal ambition's or gain's, nor for just the rich, nor for just the priveleged first!. They also need to do their best to provide gainful employment for them, instead of exporting the cream of industry/manufacturing and job's to where-ever the cheapest labour rates are available on the planet! [And also at the same time get loopholes, so as to not pay taxes in their own home country], or to where environmental standard's do not exist!,...so that they can drastically cut their cost's. What is going on now!,...is wrong!!!, a leader is responsible for his action's,...that's why i can NEVER support...the..."shut-up-and-support-our-leaders"...axiom. Leader's need to be held to account!,and their action's or lack of them, questioned!.
  20. Hello JerseyJohn !: This Web-Site might explain a little of what you are talking about!. http://news.goldseek.com/GoldSeek/1160159576.php -- Posted Friday, 6 October 2006 The second factor promising more inflation is the “Forever War” against Islam—already being called World War Three in many quarters. As the chart by our own Bud Conrad shows, the dollar has been a casualty of every U.S. war. War costs are paid for with deficits, and the deficits translate into rising price inflation every time. Bieng paid for with DEFICIT'S really mean's that the FED just print's more money in order to pay the expense, this inturn floods the market with lot's of money, forcing the DOLLAR to depreciate, which inturn causes prices for everything to go-up! [inflation]. This also mean's, that any money you save in the Bank, depreciate's or devalue's as this process is going on!. And a Big-Recession or Hard-Depression is/may very-very likely just be about ready to begin, it started to show sign's of it coming on since the spring of 2005, and will likely be very obvious to all in early 2007!,...with the real agony hitting us hard in 2 to 3 year's!. *** Alan Greenspan *** [ October 07, 2006, 01:34 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  21. http://www.army.mil/cmh/books/AMH-V2/AMH%20V2/chapter5.htm The Russian Campaigns Much of the hope for an early end to the war rested with the tremendous successes of Soviet armies in the east. Having stopped the invading Germans at the gates of Moscow in late 1941 and at Stalingrad in late 1942, the Russians had made great offensive strides westward in both 1943 and 1944. Only a few days after D-Day in Normandy, the Red Army had launched a massive offensive that by mid-September had reached East Prussia and the gates of the Polish capital of Warsaw. In January 1945, as U.S. troops eliminated the bulge in the Ardennes, the Red Army started a new drive that was to carry to the Oder River, only forty miles from Berlin. Overall, far greater masses of troops had been employed over the truly vast distances of the German Eastern Front than in the west. Even as late as December 1944, over 3.5 million Germans struggled against the Russians along a 700-mile front compared with fewer than 1 million on the Western Front along a much narrower frontage. Yet the Soviet contribution was less disproportionate than would appear, for the war in the east was a one-front ground war, whereas the Allies in the west were fighting on two ground fronts (Western Europe and Italy) and conducting major campaigns in the air and at sea, as well as making a large commitment in the war against Japan. At the same time, the United States was contributing enormously to the war in Russia through Lend-Lease, almost $11 billion in materials: over 400,000 jeeps and trucks; 12,000 armored vehicles (including 7,000 tanks, enough to equip some twenty-odd U.S. armored divisions); 11,400 aircraft; and 1.75 million tons of food. While Russian casualties against the Germans dwarf American and British losses, it should be clear that only the Allies working together won World War II.
  22. Good Point's hills !, let's see what our Magombo-Expert's have to say!.
  23. Maybey so, in any event, an interesting concept Edwin P.!. The Russian's had 1,500,000 Partisan's throughout the war!. Not 'too-too' far off from the number of people the German's had in their army on the Eastern Front!.
  24. Very Interesting! 'Nerd King' , now, what about the French & Norwiegian Resistance helping out with INTEL on German Deployment's?. If it is put into the game, it should reflect as reasonably possible, as close as...an actuality of what those resistance fighter's did accomplish!. I personally know very little of what they did for the Allied effort!.
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