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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Yes... 'hellraiser' ...that is a "Hell-Raising" Game!. Im glad that it was you instead of me in it!. I would like it if our Game-Scripter's could Script in those moves for the AI in a future MOD!. It would make for very-exciting game-play!.
  2. While were on 'Subs', what's the deal where the Allied Sub's can attack the Axis Sub's, but that the Axis Sub's are unable to attack the Allied Sub's?. As far as im concerned, Sub's in WW2 should NOT be able to attack each other!.
  3. Very 'Impressive Analysis' and 'Conclusion Solution',... Capt Andrew !.
  4. pzgndr!: ... Scream to H.C. to make a 'BitMap' editing tool!, i ask this because i want you guy's to make the MOD's that i want to play!. Normal Dude!: Your BitMap's look great!, too-bad they are past the WW2 Era!, but anyhow...i am still appreciative of your effort's. I was hoping for an end of WW2 'Invasion of America' MOD!.
  5. Mr.Dozer , what your thinking, i was also thinking along those lines, except that im partial to having a 'Super-World-Map', where-from all of WW2 could be played from, or portions there-of that Map, or even just specific Campaign's played in only certain Map-Portion's of the World-Map!. So the idea you mentioned of a "zoomed up map", to be then able to get into the 'nitty-gritty' of the subject, would then be possible and also possible as to playing out a Campaign in greater detail!.
  6. Since there has been much discussion about the inability of the Armoured formations being unable to protect themselves from allied air attacks. I will now present but... a little bit of information on this to show that the German's were not unaware of the problem, and were working on a few fix's!. TAKE A LOOK AT SOME SAMPLING'S... http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/2833/wunderwaffen/missile/missile.html Now, here is another example of Anti-Aircraft Weaponry!,...in an AFV configuration,... however, i don't know if it was actually employed in any meaningful numbers during the war!. Here are picture's of the German Anti-Aircraft Self-Propelled Gun used in WW2. [Coelian FlakPanzer]. Guided anti-aircraft missile's as well as a German plan to protect 70 cities with a fourfold belt of antiaircraft rocket batteries...was in the work's, however, unfortunately...the website that had this information is now gone!. As well...German Secret Weapon's including Anti-Aircraft Rocket Technology!. http://www.worldwar.nl/secretweapons/secretgerman2.htm Sooooo!!! ...what this could translate to in 'Game-Terms', is that each Armoured Group could elect to pay for a built-in SELF PROPELLED or MOBILE "Anti-Aircraft-Capability", if and when the Technology is researched!. As the research in this field get's more involved, the Anti-Aircraft-Effective-Weapon's rating could be increased!. [ October 20, 2006, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. I remember a game with that subject matter i think in TOAW [The Operational Art Of War], that was made many year's ago!. It was great-fun!. The 21st Century is fine, but what about WW2???,...where...how about for instance, that the Japanese are now...not detected during their attack on Midway, and are instead successful!. From here we would probably see the Japanese conquest of Hawaii, then at last, the invasion of North-America!. The Invasion could start with the Japanese on the West-Coast, and maybey later on by the German's & Italian's later on as Europe is mopped up by them and consolidated!. So from here, as the American's, one should not be restricted by what they could build, it will only remain to make the correct choices as to what to build to make the repelling of the Invasion(s) successful!. The only thing that i would like to see, is that...if the Industrialized areas are over-run or in danger of being over-run, that the American's should be able to relocate their factories as the Russian's did!. There should be a %-Loss of production output for a period of month's until the factories are completely re-located. Im sure that the Axis, if they were to achieve what i have just speculated, they would then also be able to muster additional forces from the conquered nations to assist them in their effort's. Such as Chinese conscript's for the Japanese, and subjugated Soviet & European conscript's from Europe for the German's & Italian's!. Australia and New-Zealand at this point probably would have been over-run by the Japanese anyway, and couldn't really be counted on to assist!.
  8. Interesting idea's Colin I ,...including a 'Mobility Tech!', this may or may not mean any movement changes in the game???. If it doesn't, then perhap's a penalty charge of some kind need's to be levied for the Increasingly 'Heavier & Heavier Tanks', in order to simulate the extra Mechanized Difficulties as well as the additional Logistical Support that would be required???,...for these Armored Unit's!.
  9. Hey Liam !,...just take him out at the Knee's, and bring him down to your size, for a fair fight!.
  10. I agree with you Liam !. Hence, my thinking of someone, perhap's YOU to do a MOD on this concept!. What you say makes sense, these large heavy tank's, such as the Tiger-1, Panther, etc...were very slow [Wouldn't Travel Far] and were very-hard on precious fuel supplies!. [ October 20, 2006, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  11. I have watched a few show's on WW2 that discussed production. In one of these show's, they stated that if Germany had instead, invested more research & development,...and then production in the Panzerkampfwagen IV Tank alone for example, that they would have been much further ahead!. It was upgunned, up-armored with a turret skirt, as well as outfitted with side-skirts to absorb flanking shot's. The chassis was also used to construct turretless self-propelled anti-tank hunter-killer tank's!, the 'Sturmgeschutz line!'. I have never done further research on this idea, nor would i know where to look to see that if this was in fact done, how much more Armor would have been able to have been fielded for the Armored Forces,...verses...doing all of that time consuming research & development as well as the effort for the construction of separate production facilities for the Tiger, Panther, King Tiger, & Jagdtiger. Sturmgeschutz IV: The Sturmgeschutz IV was an assault gun produced for the German Army based on the Panzer IV chassis. It was used mainly as a mobile artillery piece to knock out hardened enemy emplacements such as pill-boxes, anti-tank guns and other obstacles. The guns were used throughout WWII and served on the Russian front, plus the battles around Normandy after D-Day. Is this an idea that anyone would care to explore for a MOD?. [ October 20, 2006, 03:24 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  12. Colin I , i can't argue with you too much on what you have said. What i am trying to determine or what im driving at, is why for example, do the Japanese & German's have such an overwhelming strong commitment to carry out major conquest on a 'Grande' scale?. What drove them or motivated them to 'Roar like Lions?',...i figured that it was more than just... number's,...or morale, but instead an imbued driven sense of spirit!. In other-word's...a 'Driving Fanatical Spirit', like 'Muslims' on a 'Jihad'!. Inturn, that Driving Fanatical Spirit i thought, could be translated into some kind of 'Combat-Bonus-Factor', above and beyond...say...'Morale!'.
  13. That's the insight i was hoping to strike in someone like you Liam !,...these aspect's are somehow missing and not available in the game, leading to unrealistic MOD's that have no bearing on the REAL-HISTORICAL-SITUATION!.
  14. It just occurred to me that perhap's one important military attribute is missing!. We already have 'MORALE', which i think mean's a level of well-being and willingnes/ability to carry on!, but what is missing is 'FANATICISM', which i interpret as an 'Extreme Zealous Component' which drove/incited the German's & Japanese to propel them forward beyond what is usually normal, in their conquest's!. If all we do is pro-rate all combatant's on what they produced or what their output was. Then the Japanese would have clearly won hand's down in the Pacific, and also it would have been no contest between the Axis and the Allies in Europe!. In Europe the Allies would have won without there being any doubt about the outcome in this European conflict!.
  15. True Blashy !...but what's missing here is Superior Tactic's, Superior Weapon's and a Fanataticism that no-one else had at that time!. Remember Napoleone?...'Morale is as to Number's as Three is to One'!. So what you have now done with your MOD is make everyone with EQUAL CAPABILITY when in truth that situation did not exist!. You have just forced the German's to lose, and made any chance of any victory totally impossible!. That situation never existed in reality!.
  16. Veeerrryyy Inteeerrrreeeessstttiiinnnnggg!, BUT!, not Veeerrryyy Fuuunnnyyy!. Will download soon, & start playing it in a few day's!.
  17. JerseyJohn: Your hypothetical Scenario is very interesting, but i would like to add one more thing that i can think of at this moment!. Off the top of my head, i want now to relate some detail's about 'Charles DeGaulle', he had advocated for decades to have an independent Armored-Force instead of integrating Tank's into the regular Army formation's. In-Fact much of Guderian's idea's for Panzer Division's originated from 'Charles Degaulle'. Charles Degaulle was treated like a Crack-Pot by the French High-Command, and did not permit him to employ his ideas to concentrate Armor or to vastly increase the size of the Tank Armoured Formations!. Finally, when France was in it's death-throes and all hope was lost, they finally conceded to give him command of the Armoured Unit's which he used to limited success!. He was not able to be able to have more success with so little time to prepare!. I have already mentioned some of this information in previous posting's some way's back, so that now when i have the inclination or time for it, i will try to find that information!. Otherwise a new set of internet searches should be able to validate what i say here!. If the French High Command had heeded De-Gaulle's idea's, the battle for France may have turned out quite differently than it did!.
  18. I played the latest version of your MOD, as the Axis, and the game did Not Crash after the Fall-Of-France!.
  19. Those are the idea's that we need to hear much more of Mr.Dozer , i have been bringing this similar subject up time and time again. So if many of us start 'clamoring' for it, then hopefully,..."The Squeaky Wheel will then get The Grease!:.
  20. Hubert!: I rarely waste your time, but this time i must!. I just purchased and downloaded 'THE OPERATIONAL ART OF WAR III',...courtesy of 'Norm Koger'[Whom i have a lot of respect for], and i have to say, that from just the little bit of gameplay i have done,...that even though his game seem's to be quite sophisticated,and i yet haven't explored it all yet, I DO MISS SOME OF THE FEATURES THAT YOUR GAME HAS!. For one, im not 20-Year's old anymore, and so i of course select the resolution rate to maximize the image sizes on the screen!-to make it easier to see what is going on, you cant do that with OPART III!. Also his map background screen colors make everything seem DARK, so there isn't the contrast that your SC2 game has, which makes it easier visually, Your game has an enriching feature to give sound effects for Movement & Battle, his does not![i really did miss that], the detail on your unit's is greater than what he has,..."so" this evaluation is based on only 3 turns of play!. I figure with a little more tweaking for realism, gameplay, MOD creation improvements/enhancement's, and other such feature's...as what Edwin P. and other's have presented, can only make the 'standing' or overall 'respect' for your game to increase ever more. You have a very good thing going here 'Hubert' [Even i have taken them for granted], so if it's at all worth it!, please don't give up on continuing perhap's with an eventual SC3, which can then possibly incorporate the myriad of requested features, some such...as a 'WORLD MAP', & also being able to include more Nation's that could be in the game, Larger Map's if at all possible, More emphasis on Naval Warfare, etc!. UPDATE: Ok!,...There is sound, but it's not as rich as compared to what SC2 has, it is in my mind anyway, only a mere shadow or whisper of what your game has for sound effect's!. [ October 15, 2006, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  21. Mr.Dozer...it does indeed seem like as you say, a 'GLITCH' of somekind?, guess 'Hubert' will need your information and also/or save-game, if you have it!.
  22. Mr.Dozer...it does indeed seem like as you say, a 'GLITCH' of somekind?, guess 'Hubert' will need your information and also/or save-game, if you have it!.
  23. Honch !..."Dont Be Sorry!, Just Don't Do It Again!." We Take It Very-Hard And Personal Here!. Just having some fun in this somber environment!.
  24. Yes Liam !...i am of your thinking on this!. Numbers are important, but not the final say!. Even Napoleone Bonaparte once said!,...'Morale is as to Number's as Three is to One!'. Napoleone never worried himself to great distress about 'Numbers' and neither did 'Alexander the Great',...nor 'Julius Caesar'!. Number's and quantity are not alway's everything!.
  25. I just came across this, and was hoping to get a honest response to this concept!. http://members.shaw.ca/gcsaunders/welcome.html World War II in Europe - THE FIRST BLITZKRIEG!: Map scale is 10 kilometers per hex and two days per turn. Each game map is part of a greater Master Map, encompassing the whole of Europe and parts of North Africa and Western Asia with a quarter million hexes. The Master Map will be released with the final game in the series So,...if this help's for a WORLD MAP or just larger map areas for our campaigning, then!, so be it!. Maybey this MAP-IDEA can be used for...'SC3'???.
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