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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. What about SC3 coming out with both 'Hexes' & 'Squares' as Grid Selection Options?.
  2. SeaMonkey ...i have a FUJITSU 17" NSeries LIFEBOOK with a [CANADIAN] ATI Video-Card, it has HyperThreading, 2-Processors, 1250MB Ram. SYSTEM INFO: - Os Version : Windows XP 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (DBCS) User.Exe Version : False Debugging User.Exe Version : False - Processor : Quantity : 2 Processor Type : GenuineIntel Processor Name : Mobile Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.20GHz Identifier : x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1 Speed : 3200Mhz Level : 586 Granularity : 64K Revision : 1025 High-End Processor : True - Windows Network : Machine Name : SYNCRUDE User Name : Owner Security Present: False - Memory Information : Total Physical Memory: 1308140 KB / 1277 MB Used Memory: 1022644 KB / 999 MB Free Memory: 285496 KB / 278 MB
  3. Im seriously thinking about getting a 30" screen or larger sometime during the next year!. So-Far my Laptop 17" Screen has had no problem with the game what-so-ever!. However if there is a download available for 'Wide-Screen-Support', i still would like to get a copy of it for the future!.
  4. I 2nd this Fabulous Idea!. Now to add to the above comment!. A Switcheroo should only be possible if there is no-physical-contact with the opposing force!. [ December 07, 2006, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  5. Moonslayer!,... You're Bitmap's are a WONDER to Behold!. I didn't think that the Tripod's would look anywhere near as good, and im very-impressed by the Palace!, 'Terrific Work' Moonslayer !. "Hubert!!!", is there a way to address the SIZE-ISSUE???...as illustrated by Moonslayer?.
  6. I think one of the places to start to increasing the 'Realism', is to have a slightly larger European Map, in order to provide increased opportunities for encirclements...and hidden movement's, and also as Kuniworth mentioned, maybey we need to go back to hexes?. A possible solution to encirclements, might include instead to use 'Overlapping' zones of control in lieu of requiring a unit in each and every square to completely encircle a unit?. So this would mean that when 2 or more unit's of the same side overlap their zones-of-control or influence, that...that would in effect have the same influence as we now have by needing to have a unit physically in that space!. This would mean now that instead of requiring 8-unit's to do an 'Encirclement', that we could now do it with only 4-Unit's!. Perhap's too, that when two-separate units exert a combined overlapping zone-of-control, that the surrounded unit would now, not be able to traverse through that ZONE-OF-CONTROL at all, other than ONLY moving directly into it! [The Overlapping ZONE-OF-CONTROL]...but, again as i just mentioned... not through it!. [ December 04, 2006, 02:51 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. I am in agreement with hellraiser !,...so far it look's like your game is well balanced regarding actual historical timing as verses other MODS that Very Heavily, Disproportionatly Favour the Allies!. I am still playing your MOD Thrawn78 ,...and so-far i am having no problems with it, i just finished taking France!.
  8. Again!, i must agree with 'Moonslayer!' , how many time's can we say 'Awesome!'. I hope that your most-excellent work will soon be used in future upcoming MOD'S!.
  9. Moonslayer!: Before i get started, i think this size-issue should be brought to 'Huberts' attention!. It would be very convenient to be able to put in game pieces of various sizes, and for this example,...the 100 foot tall Martian Tripod's. Now!,...i want to mention to you what i think i know,...as it has been a very long time since i knew this information...for sure!. When a Martian Cylinder falls to earth, it...at first is basically defenseless, then a few day's later they manage to get the Laser-Cannon [Heat-Gun] operational for self-defence purposes!, then after a few more day's, the Martian Tripod War-Machine is fully assembled and ready to go!. I think i remember that any current operational Martian War-Machines that were available would converge to wherever a Cylinder landed to afford it protection as it set's up!. So while the Cylinder is going through it's various stages of assemblage and self-defence capabilities, it should be invisible to Earth-Forces until it is discovered by an Earth Unit running into it or by other mean's!. I mention this because i believe that i read that in the v1.05a Patch for SC2 that now Engineer's will be invisible until they are DIRECTLY uncovered/discovered, as i explained how the Martians would be uncovered/discovered!. Some research will be needed to be done to see where and how the Martian War-Machines were destroyed by Earth Forces!, i think that i can remember that some Naval Ship's tried taking on a Martian Tri-Pod and then bringing it down, however since it was so long ago, i cannot really remember this information with any accuracy!. I do not recall any other situation's such as the Army taking down these machine's, even though they might have if they had enough Artillery?. So!,...for now that's it, hopefully some-one else who has had a more recent affiliation with the H.G. Well's...'War of the Worlds' can offer you more than i could!. http://www.tin-soldier.com/wow.htm There are a few more pictures with terrain shot's here, nothing special, but they might help?. Naval Ships and Artillery should be able to effect at least some damage or even directly incapacitate a TriPod, remember the BattleShip called DREADNOUGHT in the story?, it tried to attack a Martian TriPod, but...alas!, i think it was sunk!. http://www.tnthobbies.force9.co.uk/scifi5.htm http://forums.eveofthewar.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=0&page=204 [ December 04, 2006, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  10. Im finding it difficult to stop posting pictures!. http://users.adelphia.net/~alienrace/characters2.html MARTIAN CYBORG BRAINLET MARTIAN GRUNT Martian Tripod War-Machine's in Full-Scale-Assault Mode!. [The Martian Tripod's are 100ft in height!]. Martian City [ December 03, 2006, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  11. What would be the thing to do now, is to have 'Hubert' come up with a 'Fix' for this MODDING DILEMMA!.
  12. More Picture's: http://drzeus.best.vwh.net/wotw/other/other.html#models http://drzeus.best.vwh.net/wotw/0027.html Cockpit detail, showing heat ray and Martian pilot. Rear View Martian Tripod Martian THE WAR OF THE WORLDS_SOUND EFFECTS PAGE!!!. http://www.sciflicks.com/the_war_of_the_worlds/sounds.html http://www.tnthobbies.force9.co.uk/scifi5.htm http://www.subdivisionmodeling.com/forums/showthread.php?t=691 Martian City http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/284415/SID/227775/blFP/1 [ December 03, 2006, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  13. Is there anyone who is ready to delve into uncharted territory?. I know that SC2 was designed specifically for WW2 Conflict's!. So my proposal for a "War of the Worlds" MOD is on the precipitous edge of the 'Outer Limits'. In the original story, Earth was experiencing a World-Wide invasion of Martian Capsules. After a few-days, the Martians re-assembled these capsules into Walking Self-Propelled Attack Platforms equipped with Laser Cannon's. This story was premised on the early 1900's, so,...no fancy missles or nuke's here!. Eventually, Earth's natural bacteria went to work against these Martian Invader's, causing these Martian's who had no immunity to the Bacteria,...to die!,..."Thus Saving Earth!". I guess, other than a low-probability of destroying these Martian Machine's, one would be required to do a delaying action in order to save some of Earth's cities, to allow or give time for the Natural Bacteria to do their work!. This is just a thought!, i was in the mood to bring it up and if nothing else, to provide some amusement or maybey even a Motivating Spark for the Ambitious, to toy with this idea!. H.G. Wells' The WAR OF THE WORLDS Director's Cut_"We Can't Stop Them!". "Across the gulf of space intellects vast and cool regarded this Earth with envious eyes..." In the year 1898, critically acclaimed author H.G. Wells conceived of a tale so terrifying that it has captured the imagination of millions of readers for more than 100 years. Now for the first time ever, the true adaptation of the classic novel hits the screen with devastating effect! During a time of growth and prosperity for mankind, came the ultimate threat to our very existence. The events that were to take place at the turn of the 20th century would shake the foundations of life as we know it. The future of the human race was at stake as man's greatest fear was realized...Suddenly we are no longer alone in this universe and to preserve our species, we must be victorious in The War of The Worlds. http://thewaroftheworldsmovie.net/#anchor_164 H.G. Wells' terrifying Sci-Fi classic comes to the screen! When acclaimed author H.G. Wells' terrifying tale of the first ever alien invasion was published in 1898, it struck a frightening cord that has continued to resonate with millions of fans for over a 100 years! It is the end of the world. The war machinery of human-kind is no match for cold hearted alien invaders, with 100 feet tall three-legged fighting machines that shoot heat rays and poison black gas! Of Course, these images are not the Walking War-Machines that was 'Originally' intended!, but...in lieu of that,...here is what there is !. War of the Worlds VICTORIAN MARTIAN WAR MACHINE http://www.tin-soldier.com/tripod.htm [ December 03, 2006, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  14. Night !,... i haven't tried the MOD myself yet, however, it seem's that other's have had it working. So, of course my first and only question is, do you have v1.04 for your SC2 program?. If you don't, as i have been in that situation,...i have an external Hard-Drive, and i so i have made what-ever version to what i need it to be on my extra H.D. & i didn't require in this case to use up my 2nd installation option for a 2nd Computer! . So!, i hope i have helped in some way!.
  15. I agree!..." Awesome !!!". What i would like to see implemented is a 'Library' system where BitMap's for various periods or Sci-Fi/Fantasy could all be Catalogued for easy/rapid/expeditious access!.
  16. What's the NAME of the MOD?. Also, can you please leave a SHORT-CUT Link to that MOD here?. ----------------------------- Addendum: http://www.panzerliga.de/en/docs/szenarien/szenarien_sc2.php 1939 and earlier: Thrawn - European Theater - Beta 0.9 | Author: Thrawn For SC2 V1.04 english version ! ThrawnEnglish.zip [ November 27, 2006, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  17. fantomas!,... from my 'Un-Enlightened' point of view as a 'Layman' in computer programming, i would say that your idea and more like them are necessary to make the Editor...'User-Friendly' and achievable/do-able for anyone who would like to create a MOD!.
  18. Kuniworth!,... a very 'Admirable Effort', no-matter how it results!. I will be very interested to read how the game mechanic's work out, it look's like a good bit of fun!, and who know's,...mayby an actual campaign of the entire effort leading up to 'The Battle Of Waterloo' may/might come out next???. Need some WAV. music bit's to accentuate the game, to give it that historical flavour???. For example when one accesses the 'Wellington HQ' or the 'Napoleone HQ',...a short historical time period Music-Burst could then be initiated?. Also commands to 'Forward-Marche', and orders to begin the 'Artillerie Barrage',to 'Form Square' or the 'Cavalry Charge' could hopefully be found at WAV. sites to be put into the game?. [ November 26, 2006, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  19. Normal Dude!,... with this collection it will now be possible to do an..."Invasion 'IRAN', yes you can!". I suspect that there is a real possibility that something will happen with 'IRAN' in the next 2-3 month's.
  20. Honch!,... Superb Effort on your part, we appreciate your tireless commitment to fine-tuning and improving your game!. Currently im using v1.05a and your new Version 11 will not work in this latest version. Can we expect an update package for v1.05a?.
  21. Major Spinello!,... we are on similar lines of thinking!. I too am wary of 'Historicity!!!'...so as you said ..." The devil lurks in the details, however - in how to decide what´s pertinent and what not, and if pertinent, then to what degree ." Excellent Posting by the way!,...never feel like you are rambling on!. I find when one's thought process get's going, sometime's rambling creep's in, however it can sometime help to un-cover the usually uncoverable!.
  22. Upgrade to v1.05a, then Download and UnZip the new MOD. GoTo your 'Campaigns' folder and transfer your UnZipped files into it!. Now!, you should be 'Good To Go!'.
  23. Smart looking batch of 'Bitmaps' Normal Dude !. Camouflage marking's and all!.
  24. What is being done here,...is to try to push the envelope,...that is the 1st step. If alternate adaptations and circumvent's fail to realize the desired result, then we beseech Hubert Cater for his take on it!. At that point,...perhap's we can then be fortunate enough to get his assistance,...in order to allow the MODDERS to effect the new situation that they desire to create. In essence, what we are doing here is EXPLORING new lands,...to go where 'No One Has Gone Before!'.
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