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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Without the Oil, your not going to be able to transport your Food, extra Fuel for equipment, Ammunition, Reinforcements...and what-ever else!. If you do, it will have to be done by foot or by horses!. So as i see it, Oilfields are Underrated!.
  2. When one is younger, especially then,...such deed's are more likely to happen than at any other time in one's life!. If Murphy had a little more life-experience under his belt, his action's would most likely have employed more care for his personal safety then demonstrated in "jon_j_rambo's" posting. Never-the-less, Murphy displayed uncommon courage in the face of near certain death!.
  3. What i am seeking from MODDERS is gaming that is Riveting, Absorbing, Realistically Challenging, & also that which incorporates Historical Correctness as much as is possible, other than Hypothetical or Fantasy Adventures. The game should reflect realistic combat results, not grossly heavy leaning's or favouritism to either side [using Unfair Combat Results or other tamperings]...unless there is a good argument for it!. The MODS have been of excellent quality, by everyone, however,...some do incorporate features that have been slightly beyond what the standard game offer's,...and 'That-Is-A-Good-Thing!'.
  4. "Panzer General 2" is referenced time and time again!. It is a Historical Gaming Genre' [icon] in it's own right!.
  5. Dominator !: My understanding is that the 'Characteristics' [Land or Sea or Air Unit(Fly-Swim or Crawl)...are Categorized, and have only certain given capabilities...such as Attack, Defense & Movement, these capabilities are variable (I think to some degree)]. The parameters will remain the same for the different types of units for their categories, BUT!,...you will not be able to 'Create' Entirely New Units With other than the Standard-Characteristics/Abilities/Capabilities for each type [Land-Sea-Air]!. The only thing you can really change is the 'BitMap' Image that you will see on the screen. I haven't created anything myself, so other's may have to fill you in better, as in giving a better explanation!.
  6. Historically, according to Hoyle, the argument seems to be that going south to the Caucasus may have been the best 1st-target of the German Armed Forces, in-order to aquire those very-important Oil-Fields to keep the Axis in supply of oil/fuel products. In SC2 it seem's to me that capturing the Caucasus doesn't supply enough of an MPP bonus to make it a first and foremost prime-target!. Am i wrong in this gut-feeling???. Also the Ploesti Oil-Fields as well seem to be Mediocre in this game compared to what it really represented Historically!. So!...what does anyone else have to contribute on this subject?.
  7. Hello Normal Dude : FORTRESS AMERICA_WEST COAST The game play's just fine over-all, except that i noticed a big discrepency especially to do with Naval Combat!. For example i attacked a Russian Submarine with Surface Vessels as well as Land & Carrier based air asset's and found that out of 9-attack's i was able to only land 1-hit!. The Russian's on the other-hand had nearly the reverse in result's for similar action!. The Russian's are very powerful [Everything at Full-Strength] and U.S.A. asset's are mostly depleted or understrength at the beginning of the game!, whether that's really right or wrong, i couldn't say,...it's just a disgruntling observation. The relocation cost's for U.S.A. air assets is very expensive, again, right or wrong i couldn't say. All in all, a promising game, though it does take some getting used to,...to be able to play it well enough to make positive gain's in the game!. It'll take some time for me to stomach the near hopeless situation in repelling the Russian's. I've saved the game and will put in a few more round's now and then as i can get to it!, and so shall then see more of what it is about!.
  8. Then,...howcome when the German's & Italians combined have around a 64% chance per turn to swing Spain over to the Axis side, that instead a hit to achieve a swingover is nearly non-existant [Even 40-50 turns later] and that, instead the allies are consistently winning over Spain more and more every few turns???. [EUROPEAN THEATER_perman]
  9. Balance is required here because, not all National Armies had the same Drive or Purpose in their Psyke', 'Some were more Motivated than other's'. Not all Military Equipment was of the same quality, so one Army from one country would not be the exact same equal of an Army from another country. Also the way that Equipment is Utilized or Deployed make's a difference too!. Example: the French had better tank's than the German's did, but the French dispersed their tank's piecemeal verse's where the German's concentrated their's. Concentration of these forces was the winner in this contest!,...not the Dispersal of these asset's!. Not every country had the same access to strategic materials or had equal Industrial Capacity, as well as other factor's that i can't think of right now!. Some try to make all thing's equal for everybody, then say that this...[The Production Number's Game] alone make's the game realistic & balanced!. I say 'Horse-Puckies'!. All the various factor's need to be wieghed in order to balance a game, otherwise, it will not be realistic in any sense and is then a game of pure fiction!. [ January 08, 2007, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  10. Normal Dude ...your game is NOT the problem, the problem has been the holiday's getting in the way, as well i am at least giving some of the other MODS a go too!, BUT!!!,...we will/shall again!,...play your game!. It cannot be ignored!. Im just finishing off 'Thrawns' EUROPEAN THEATRE, then i will give your effort another go!.
  11. If "Thrawns MOD" is named 'EUROPEAN THEATRE', it is also now my favorite as well for a WW2 Game!. More Space to Maneuver it seems, also...little Heavy-Slant Dispraportionatly favoring one side over the other. Much more time to do what was historically done without reducing the time-frame so severly so as to make what was historically done...nearly impossible or impossible!.
  12. You may be right ' ev ', i really don't know if Perman & Thrawn are both and the same or not!.
  13. I favour a reduction in Fortress-Defence reconstitution!. Meaning that after the 1st round of attacks, the Defender's Defence will return/recover to Defence-4 during the following turn, and then if subsequently attacked again,...during that following-turn, then the MAX Defence would be 3 instead of 4, and on the 3rd-round if there is still no cessation of attack's, and these attack's persist or take place during the 3rd-round, then the MAX Fortification Defence Level would only be limited to a Maximum of 2,..."then!", perhap's go no-lower than 2 until the Defender's have had a turn or two or three to reconstitute/recover their MAXIMUM-DEFENCE Level Capability!.
  14. There should be a 'FAIL-SAFE!'...built into the game to help prevent such glaring research deficiencie's. So!,...instead of waiting till 1944 to get 'Level 2 IW', the 'FAIL-SAFE!'-SYSTEM...could be monitoring your research situation, and say...allow you to conclude that particular research within for-example,...a 6-month time frame,...from inception or instigation of implementing that particular 'Research!'. This-Way!, depending on how the 'FAIL-SAFE' is set up, you will then have a 6-Month, or 9-Month, or 12-Month window from the inception of that Research...with which to be able to make progress in making 'Head-Way' or 'Progress' in achieving success concerning that sanctioned 'Research,. [ January 03, 2007, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  15. Personally i hate that when it happen's!, 'ITALY!'...in this game is ill-prepared and not equipped well enough to attack 'GREECE!', nor is their MPP-Income Level even marGinally adequate to support any WAR of any-kind!. [ January 04, 2007, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  16. Finally!, i cast my vote for the most realistic, syncronized game depicting the European-Theatre'...and that is by "perman!". I gave it a rating of '5' out of '5',... as i internally determined so-far as by my personal knowledge & experience with this game/history... as well as with other game's,...including 'time-passage' to assist in realistically being able to be able to actuate event's to occur within a realistic time-frame!. 'perman'...hasn't been around lately, but...i 'Salute' him for his very fine work!. His game doesn't absolutely favour any-side!, it seem's to give due credence to both sides capacities...at all level's. Who know's???...maybey im just transgressing into the strictly-forbidden area of the twilight-zone???, but...until im am enlightened otherwise,...these are my determination's!. I say finally!,...that 'permans' game...EUROPEAN THEATRE...should be the central-fix of what SC2-European Theatre should really...actually represent!. Addendum: Spelling-Fix...'O' in European was missing!. P.S. Other feature's are such as it seem's that there is increased space or vastness in the Map [More room for maneuver], there is more space between cities, the Map...im sure is larger. [ January 05, 2007, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  17. Ive installed the FORTRESS_AMERICA_WEST_COAST_v1.05 MOD!...and have given it a go for about 5-rounds!. My observation's to this point are: -Movement Capabilities/Capacity over Forest's, Mountain's/Rough-Terrain is too-great, i live in this country/area...and so i know how nearly impassable some of this terrain is!. For Example: I just bought a lot in Kitimat, B.C. and after walking through the lot for a few minutes, i thought that i was in the Darkest-Deepest jungle of the Darkest part of Africa!,...i was glad to get out of there!. So!...in NO-WAY should Ground Formation's be able to blast through this terrain as if it was Clear-Terrain!. -I found that i was UNABLE to move my U.S.A. 'Air-Assets' from Uncontested Quiet Area's,...they could have been a great help if i could have been able to relocate them, but so far i am unable to do so!. -Russian Air-Power seem's Overly-Strong & i would think that it would also be unable to strike from the Russian Continent to the U.S. mainland in such force!. To begin with, perhap's only Russian Strategic Bombers should be able to do that, then as Air-Fields are procured, the Russian Fighter Wings would be transferred over 1st before they,...too...would then be able to participate!. -Weather seem's so-far to have little or no-effect, and in the North-West, WEATHER is a tumultuous-beast, IGNORE it at your own PERIL!. Weather should/could have an effect on the number of Air-Mission's that could would be able to be conducted!. As is right-now, the Massive Russian Air-Power Might...relentlessly, without respite,...keep's hammering the U.S. mainland from the Russian Continent without any interruption. That's it for now!,...so-far im enjoying the game, so what about some U.S. PARTISAN's???. There are so-many Gun-Loving addict's down there, that i think that this inclusion in this game would not be out of order & would keep the Evil-Russian invader's on their toe's!.
  18. GOOD ADVICE "Terif!" for those who are in a position to use it!, i,...however will not be using it just quite yet!, 'Even-so',...your advice is welcome by myself 'at-least', and i will now imprint your seasoned learning experiences into my thought-process!.
  19. We are "Ever-Vigilant" in our mindfullness [i am anyway!] of your effort's Moonslayer!. Your 'Martian' project has been mentioned at least once outside of this discussion topic![i think by... 'DESERT DAVE' ]. Keep us apprised of your work, so that we can offer suggestion's or alternate idea's, in order to make this MOD, a 'MOD-to-Remember!'.
  20. Pesonally, if i was going to fortify France's beaches, i would do it 1-Square Back, in order to obviate Shore-Bombardment and to let them come onto the beaches and get slaughtered!, especially from Your Missile or Artillery Groups. It's called..."Bring Em On!". Otherwise those assualt troop's will find somewhere else to land if you fortify the Channel Area/Beach Area!.
  21. Your 'New-Look!' ,...is looking better than ever before Fantomas!.
  22. No 'GrassHopper!' ,...what i think you need is an 'Efficiency-Fix' for those Port's!.
  23. Honch!: I just read your posting, and i have the flag i think you want!. http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=182
  24. You are breaking new-ground Normal Dude! , an appreciated change of direction at least for a bit!. Im very interested, but will wait a couple of day's to see first if you have enough play-tester's, and if you don't,...im signing up!. Good to see those 'Interstate' High-Way's put in, & where is the Major SeaPort City of 'Vancouver'?,...as well as now 'Vancouver Island'... has a land bridge-way across the strait's,...which is normally about a 2-hr Ferry-Ride!. UPDATE: If you want too!...send the files to... retributar@hotmail.com [ December 11, 2006, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
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