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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. I didn't download & install the 'New-PATCH' right away, as i was currently embroiled in a Major-Action-Adventure!. However...since i have now downloaded the 'PATCH', and tried to install it into my current v1.0610 game on my Lap-Top,...what i got was a 'New-Folder'made up instead???. ...'Entitled'... "Battlefront_v1.07". My ORIGINAL v1.0610 game/game-folder was still intact, 'without any changes to it' & 'it still works' as good as ever, but instead of re-writing the 'PATCH' over this existing Folder, the 'New-PATCH',...instead makes me up another folder as i just stated above in the previous paragraph!. When i tried to start the SC2.exe program,...the game would not start!,...the message i got was... *"SC2.exe_Unable to locate Component"* *"This application has failed to start because elicen40.dll was not found. Re-Installing the application may fix this problem."* ???So what gives here_signed ..."Confused & Perplexed!".
  2. Excellent Write-Up "pzgndr"!. I am astonished at your reports of ramping up the 'AI' [ Coudo's to Edwin P.!]. He had an 'Unlimited Supply' of 'Out-Of-The-Box-Ideas!' . I hope to see 'much-much-more' of them!. Im hoping that continuing 'AI' improvement will be an unending work project until it finally achieves at-least a level of being a challenging opponent for the majority of game-players!.
  3. While reading through my 'Analyst-Reports',...from time to time i come across tid-bits of 'Current World Events'...that have that Military-Inflection!. So...here goes & i'll continue to add more as i come across it,...whenever that is!. http://www.321gold.com/editorials/degraaf/degraaf092107.html *Militant Islam is committed to a multi-year war against the USA and or Israel will most likely bomb Iranian nuclear targets, later this year, or early next year. *This time the French are co-operating. A French carrier force has been exercising with 3 US carrier forces led by the Enterprise, Nimitz and Stennis. *Once the 2008 Olympics are over, China will likely make a move to annex Taiwan.
  4. "A' La' Marche'!!!"... Tromp!!! ...Tromp!!!...Tromp!!!. 3 SC's or SC3?.
  5. TOO LATE TO POST!... But, great Summarization and information on the 'Real'-'Reality' of WW2 by both Liam & Stalin's Organist!.
  6. Read 'My BLUE Lips' in "October"!. 'Fort McMurray' sure isn't anything like 'Oregon' was WinterWise!, it's damned near at the 'Freezing' Temperature outside this morning!. So...as 'Count Floyd used to say'..."Monster-Chiller-Horror-Theatre'!!!".
  7. The Russians got most of their supplies from the West through 'Lend-Lease',...but at the same time Aircraft & Supplies run in by Aircraft were going on!. Im not sure about the rest, but...i believe that other land-routes were also utilized to supply the 'Russian-War-Effort'!...however!,...not on the scale of 'Lend-Lease!'.
  8. I haven't played anything else in 2-years!. Having 1.07 will just aid in the continuation of the 'Excercise-Non-Stop!'.
  9. It just struck me when i saw a helpless USA 'Invasion Fleet' on its way to Invade [or...Debark its Troops] France!. If Allied Air & Naval Power is REALLY sufficiently that strong!, then when 'I' [As the GERMAN-PLAYER] should only have a marginal chance of success at damaging or eliminating the 'Allied Invasion Taskforce'!. Right-Now!,...it's just Too-Easy to destroy an invasion fleet coming from Britain!. Whot...say...you???.
  10. Hubert!!!... in my "Mind's-Eye"... you've only just begun!!!... "Your still in KANSAS yet!!!",... there is so very much more to do with this game!. ' Das Ist Not The End Yet!!! '
  11. powergmbh!... 'What a wonderful effort you have presented to us!!!' ,...please try to get help/assistance to help 'Polish' up your Mod... "Especially" in regard's to the 'AI'.
  12. I forgot when France did actually fall???...however i believe that the 'Battle of Britain' was already underway by around June?. What im trying to say,...is that if any adjustment's are made as to the difficulty of taking France down, then it should be managed in such a way as to then be able to allow a Historical Time-Table to fall within range of where it actually did History-Wise!.
  13. We know that 'Hubert' is concerned about having a 'Quality-Product',...so for him there is no blinding panicky rush to get anything out!. When 'It-Is-Very-Good',...then and only then will it be released!.
  14. Yes! it is the "Cutting Edge!"....OR...in other words,... "The Leading Edge Of The Steel Wave", ...a phrase used by a Reporter during the Invasion of Iraq when an American Armoured Task-Force was driving very-deep into the Iraqi countryside!.
  15. 'I WholeHeartedly Agree With You!!! ' Stalin's Organist!!!... " Even Though Million's Of Other's May Not!!! ".
  16. Konigs!..." I Second That Motion !". I also want to add that improvements should be on an ongoing basis as far as it is reasonable to do so!. When the Current Version is tinkered with all that it can be tinkered with,...then it will be time for SC3!!!.
  17. Now 'another fanagaling-managaling item', ... 'Why can one Move & Fire![Which Works Like It Should],...BUT cannot instead... Move then STOP![Without Firing For Now],...then later...Fire?. "Panzer General II" allows you to Move & Fire in that motion-action, or move all of your units first, then fire with whichever ones you want to later!. Im sure that there are other idiosyncracies such as the one mentioned above,...so why not identify them and weed them out?. [ September 05, 2007, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  18. I enjoyed the game, but found the Map-Scale not large enough for my liking in an effort of this magnitude!. However, my 'Real-Beef' is the demarcation line selected to divide the German/Italian and Japanese sphere's of operation/control!. For example!,...the Japanese take all of 'China' from their side of the Map, then at last,...the Germans finally take 'Kashgar'[This is NOT even the Chinese CAPITAL] and then instantly control 'All Of China???'. This is not-a-good-thing!,...so the demarcation lines between the two spheres of influence should be fined tuned a bit more. ---- Ohhh!...one final note...what if the North-American & South-American Continents were removed to make more room for Europe & Asia!,...would this not be a consideration to make game playability more enhanced?.
  19. Honch!... Good to see you here again!. I too secretly hope for the same/similar effort that you do someday!. As far as im concerned,...too maybey help make that be able to really happen,...a game could be designed to hold several different Map's at the same time,...instead of just one Big,...but...perhap's...not quite big enough Map in order to play European-Theatre or Pacific-Theatre or even both theatre's combined!. To make this a reality,...Italy, France, North-Africa [Different Theatre's of Operation's],...etc, etc...could all be separate map's that could be played in an orderly succession or prioritized according to the player's personal preference's...all during the same game-turn!. So this would now mean that there would no-longer be any Map-Size-Restriction's to hinder realistic size Map displacement's/development that would be needed to assist in an enrichened environment full of historic fortifications, natural topographical barrier's, etc!. I can only see nothing but a myriad of advantages to a larger Map-Scale!. The only downfall of that, is that now it would no-longer be able to be as readily categorized as a 'Beer & Pretzel' game!.
  20. Yes!!!...SeaMonkey!,... [Geological Survey_NO!!!('Not that im aware of anyway!')...However the Trenching was within 2-ft of my Porch & 10ft-Deep...the Porch did not collapse or give way in any way at all!]..it has been checked out by 'Dave Anthony'-"INSPECTOR" [ of The District of KITIMAT]. The soil is 'Ancient River-bed Soil' ,...so it's very sturdy!. EXAMPLE: When the 10ft-Deep Trenches were being dug,...there were no cave-ins or slides of material going into the Trench! [Even i was impressed!!!...it rained later...quite a bit, but even that didnt disturb the Open-Trenches]. There isn't much give in the soil, unlike how regular soil gives way or...compresses!. Even my builder Kevin Howe was grumbling about how much Foundation Work went into this construction!,...he was of the opinion that it was somewhat overdone![OVERBUILT].
  21. Im with you on that count jon_j_rambo!. By-the-way...my "Geo-Thermal" lines [6000ft] are now underground [10ft-deep] and as i speak...also,...the "Radiant Floor Tubing" runs are being installed in the Upper-Floor [With Heat Dissipator Plates & Reflectors]...to be followed with insulating the Ground-Floor before the Concrete is poured after the wire-mesh & Main-Floor Radiant Floor Tubing runs are installed.
  22. I am of the opinion that the 'Attachment'- System worked just fine in the game called 'PEOPLES GENERAL'!. I thought that it was 'TERRIFIC!!!'.
  23. Hello Damian!: Your nearly 500 pictures have been sent to you as well as a listing of websites to check out!.
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