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  1. Like
    37mm reacted to Damian45 in Damian45 CMSF2 - Mods   
    Hi everyone,
    I have a lot of mods that I have finished and would like to share with you all, I'm going to post all my CMSF2 mods in this thread to keep it simple.
    When you download the mod it will contain an Optional file that contains "Mid" with no mixed woodland camo, only place one of the two folders in game.
    Like always, test them out yourself for a better look than the pictures 
    US 3rd Infantry Division Early
    The Infantry will be equipment with M16 rifles replacing the M4 rifle, if you don't want the M4 replaced, take the Skeleton file out.

    US 3rd Infantry Division Mid

    Download link below.
    US 101st Airborne 502nd Early

    US 101st Airborne 502nd Mid

    US 101st Airborne 187th
    If you would like the 187th Airborne helmets go into the "Optional file" and open US 101st 187th Airborne and read the "Readme.txt" for Instructions.

    Download link below.
    US 173rd Airborne Early

    US 173rd Airborne Mid

    Download link below.
    United States Marine Corps Early

    Download link below.
    United States Marine Corps Mid

    Download link below.
    All my future mods for CMSF2 will be in this thread, Enjoy 
    Kind Regards,
  2. Like
    37mm reacted to Paper Tiger in Gung Ho, Hasrabit and other stuff   
    This is basically me just musing although there is some news in this post.
    I'm in the final stages of putting together the first of three short campaigns, USMC Gung Ho. I thought there would be a very quick turn-around on this project because it was already largely finished and fully tested. I thought it would just require a new core unit file and a few tweaks here and there to take advantage of all the changes that have come over the last 10+ years. Well, was I wrong. One of the missions (CAAT Fight) was just absolute rubbish. I have no idea how I thought it was fun on any level. That required a whole new mission which I'm very happy with and much more in line with what I wanted. I ended up massively expanding two of the maps as well, (Watching the Detectives and Bridges if you're interested). The opener also got overhauled and expanded as well but not to the same degree that those two did. The AI forces in each mission have been reworked as well and the AI plans totally redone. So, it's been a lot more work to fix than I'd first thought.
    Anyway, it's close to the end and if you're familiar with the campaign design process, this is when I, at least, start to look forward to my next project. I've been focused solely on Gung Ho for the last few weeks and the AI is done for all six missions and final testing is under way. But, at this stage, I feel like I've seen it all with this campaign so I've started looking at Hasrabit and boy, did I get a shock.
    Hasrabit is basically my first real project and the AI design sucks! I opened up a few missions and had a look at placement for both and was very disappointed. Then the AI plans and was even more disappointed. I'd rate the current standard as unplayable but it's definitely fixable. The maps are actually quite good although a few of them would benefit from improving and expanding, particularly the armour clashes. I used to think anything over 1km in one direction was H-U-G-E.  And back then, it was. Computers are just so much more powerful nowadays that I can manage the massive firefight that results in the first five minutes of the Gung Ho finale without so much asd a hiccup. That would have dropped to about 2-3FPS on my old rig.
    So, once Gung Ho is finished, I plan to get to work on Retribution and Hasrabit together. Red v Red is where the real fun is at for me so I'm excited to revisit the latter and to start work on the former. I expect the Brit version of Gung Ho won't take too long to finish though but no promises. I don't want to fight 'Meet the Flintstones' again for a L-O-N-G time.
  3. Like
    37mm got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in Creating Maps with CMAutoEditor   
    Amazing work!
    Funnily enough I've been thinking all of today about a project where your first version Auto-editor would have come in really handy... then I find out you've massively expanded your work & given it a GUI!
    I believe, that thanks to the simplicity of hexediting, by covering CMCW you've probably already covered CMFB, CMRT & CMBS (CM Pro too) as all of these games have basically interchangeable maps.
    @Artkin would know better but, if my thinking is correct, for maximum "bang for your buck" a CMBN or CMFI auto-editor would seem to be the most profitable.
  4. Like
    37mm reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    A near miss for Sergeant Clouseau!

    We have lost 5 of the R35's as we clear this first defensive line of infantry. The 37mm gun is practically state of the art for its time.

    The SS grenadiers pay dearly for the 5 tanks.

    End of Part 1
  5. Like
    37mm reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Tonight we have a new PBEM presented as I play it and post some screenshots with some funny commentary.
    Part 1
    The French tank forces launch an attack into a section of the German lines with their objective to cut the rail line that passes near the small village of Saint-Grammont-sur-Merde...

    The French force is composed of 2 platoons of Char R35's and 1 platoon of Char B1 bis. A total of 15 vehicles.

    It is a skinny long map...

    we will go on the left, the right and the middle. Or as we say in Saumur, "gauche, droit et centre"

    An enemy gun is detected on the right flank near the first phase line!

    The phase lines are named after the women of the Battalion Commander...
    Phase Lines Abigail, Beatrice, Claudette, Daniella, Elaine, Francesca, Gabrielle and Helena.
    We have reached Phase Line Abigail!

    The light tanks risk bogging in the muddy creek...

    The training of the tank force has been less than desired. One tank races ahead of the others. Perhaps he seeks glory?

    In another area a great traffic jam wastes valuable time...

    A tank is hit by a grenade and the crew becomes excited...

    continued on next post...
  6. Like
    37mm reacted to Butschi in Creating Maps with CMAutoEditor   
    I decided to create a new topic for this because "tool to set elevation in the editor" is no longer really a good description. Finally (from my perspective 😉) I managed to release version 2.0.0 of CMAutoEditor.

    Woah, Butschi, wait a minute CMAutoWhat? What the hell are you talking about? CMAutoEditor is a tool that takes "external" data, like elevation, and automates clicking in the CM scenario editor. This way it kind of works around "missing features" in the editor. Wouldn't it be nice to import something like a heat map instead of clicking elevations in the editor? Of course I can't change the editor but by letting CMAutoEditor do the clicking it does something similar.

    Version 2 is really a major update as it now includes importing data from OpenStreetMap. This way you can basically use CMAutoEditor to create a whole map for you.
    Still, feature creep and being overly ambitious is certain to kill such a small project so I had to triage what makes it into this release and what (maybe, provided there is enough interest on your side and enough time on my side) gets postponed to a later update.

    The cut affecting most of you is that for this release only CMCW is really supported. The reason is that there are differences in what is in the scenario editor for each CM title. That means not only are there buttons at different positions but there are also different buildings, roads, flavour objects etc. which need to be programmed as a "profile". I intend to modify CMAutoEditor in a way that the community can help with that but I am not yet sure how best to do it. So, for now CMCW only. CMBS should work for everything but flavour objects.

    Another thing I had to cut is support for Windows version older than Windows 10. I know, there are quite a few of you around who still field Windows 7. However, python is only supported up to version 3.7 on Windows 7 and a few of the libraries CMAutoEditor depends on require python 3.10. In addition, I don't have a farm of PCs idling at home where I can test different Windows version so I can really only develop for Windows 10. Sorry for that but maybe this doubles as a friendly reminder that nowadays Windows 7 is a security liability and you should upgrade to Windows 10 or 11. 😉
    There is of course a long list of things I'd like to improve eventually and given that this is a rather complex piece of code the chances that it is free of bugs is close to zero. So, feel free to contact me here or on github if you find something!

    Now, with all the caveats out of the way let's move on to the more pleasant stuff. 🙂 What's new in version 2? Well, of course OpenStreetMap data. You can import forests, rivers, roads, streams, railways, farmland, grassland, bushes, buildings and even bus stops, wayside crosses and much more. I improved the tools to import DGM data so that now arbitrary rectangles can be extracted. The information from this can be loaded into the OSM data converter so that you don't have to manually enter bounding boxes. (The geotiff tool is unfortunately among the things that didn't make it for this release so you are left with the previous capabilites). CMAutoEditor itself is now also much faster. Please note, that it may be too fast for what your PC can handle. If you experience "holes", e.g. when setting the elevation, that means the CM Editor is not responsive enough. I will make the parameters that determines the rate of clicking selectable from the GUI in a later update. Last but certainly not least there is a GUI for all the tools, so no more going to that evil shell, typing commands - kudos to @Dawntaker for supporting me with GUI making!

    One more thing. I won't repeat the mistake and not have a manual or tutorial video ready at release: Since my previous tutorial video is now totally deprecated I am doing a new one. This time, instead of just telling you what the different features do, I'll do a step-by-step tutorial in four parts where I will create an actual map. This way I will certainly miss a few features but you should get a better feeling of how to actually use the tools in reality. Part 1 is finished already and it covers "installing" (i.e. downloading the .exe files) CMAutoEditor, installing other necessary tools, selecting a location for the map in map.army, finding and downloading elevation data, downloading OpenStreetMap data and getting historical aerial imagery and working with it. So, basically the boring stuff, some of you might say, but possibly the most important part. 😉
    In the future I'd like to adapt CMAutoEditor to one of the WW2 titles, I think CMFB or CMRT would be best. Obviously present-day OpenStreetMap won't do for that. So, instead I'd like to make another tutorial showing how to use and old map or aerial image to make "OpenStreetMap data" from scratch and feed it into the CM scenario editor. Drawing polygons and tagging them is still - in my view - much more comfortable than clicking in the editor with some semi transparent overlay. So, if you have good material, go ahead and make a suggestion here. 😉
    I hope you enjoy this new version of CMAutoEditor and the tutorial video(s)!
  7. Like
    37mm reacted to WimO in New campaign for CMBN: "Mission Boston - Objective La Fiere".   
    I have this evening posted my 82nd Airborne in Normandy campaign, "Mission Boston - Objective La Fiere" at the scenario depot.
    This is my final contribution to CMBN. With that I am retiring from all things CM and moving on to other interests. I will check in here once in a while for the next few months to see what's new.
  8. Like
    37mm reacted to The_Capt in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    Cold Warriors.
      Well it looks like Steve has already dropped the mic over on the annual update thread, so let myself, Bil H and Cpt Miller (along with a small team of unwashed heathens - two of whom are actually from the UK), be the second to announce the first CMCW Module - CMCW - British Army On the Rhine (BAOR).

    We are still in development so I will only outline the broad strokes of what we are working on, and insert the caveat that we reserve the right to add/subtract - 
     - Time frame of the game is going deeper backwards into the Cold War.  We are setting the clock back to 1976, so CMCW will now encompass 1976-1982 (including some minor tweaks to the existing US orbats).  As has been noted we are less interested in the later Cold War years largely because they really do start to resemble the later CM titles and we are shooting to keep CMCW distinct in its own right.
    - UK BOAR - right now we have a pretty comprehensive build planned for the UK units as they transitioned from their 1974 structures - to where they landed in 1980.  As per the picture above players should be able to become deeply engaged within the historical BAOR sector of the ETO.
    - And because I just have to represent the home team, we are also doing the Canadians.  That little black box is the planned 4 CMBG AO - you will note this was right at the tail end when the brigade was still part of the BAOR, although for those that really want to play First Clash and park them down in Lahr you are fee to do so because the basic unit structures remained the same.
    - We do have plans for the Soviet side, but are going to hold off on details until we zero them fully in...more to follow. 
    - I will let you all speculate and discuss what new vehicles and weapon systems we are talking about but there is a not insignificant list of new ones we are planning - more as we start to get some cool screen shots.  
    As noted by Steve, we are well on our way and are planning for a release this year - content and full scope remains TBA.
    Thank you all very much for your support, the response to CMCW has been well beyond what we were expecting and that is entirely thanks to you guys.
  9. Like
    37mm got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Battle for Mariupol (my first created mission)   
    I'll definitely be giving this a whirl when I get time but, after reading your designer notes, just wanted to let you know that with the 'Early Spring' option from the '2022 All in One' your scenario looks like this (with a bit of reshade too)...

  10. Like
    37mm got a reaction from Kovy1986 in Battle for Mariupol (my first created mission)   
    I'll definitely be giving this a whirl when I get time but, after reading your designer notes, just wanted to let you know that with the 'Early Spring' option from the '2022 All in One' your scenario looks like this (with a bit of reshade too)...

  11. Like
    37mm reacted to AtlasActual in Canadian Armed Forces Rework   
    Updated to 1.1
    - Added my old vest design with revamped pouches back in the mod as some people may prefer that one over the chest rig.
    - Added dirty uniform versions for both tac-vest and chest rig.
    - Incorporated 4 different combinations of vest/uniform and their respective mapping files. Here's what you can expect to see:
    Tac-Vest Clean Uniform Tac-Vest Dirty Uniform Chest Rig Clean Uniform Chest Rig Dirty Uniform These combinations will now appear randomly on soldiers within formations.
    They are also customizable to your liking by simply deleting the ones you do not want.
    Here's a great video by content creator K.O.B featuring this mod tweaked to his liking.
  12. Like
    37mm reacted to Damian45 in Damian45 CMSF2 - Mods   
    Welcome to the forum mate! I really love the uniforms around this time so I had to make them 😀 
  13. Like
    37mm reacted to DougPhresh in Shock Force2 v2.06 patch is now available   
    Do Dutch engineers still carry two rifles? I haven't been able to check. 

    I'd just like to know if our bug reports are seen and acted on, is all. What were the major fixes here? 
    "Matrix/Slitherine Tournament scoring fix" does not really address the bulk of the problems. I'm a little disappointed, if I'm being frank. 
  14. Thanks
    37mm reacted to Kovy1986 in Battle for Mariupol (my first created mission)   
    Hello everyone! I found an excellent map of Mariupol on the Internet (the left-bank district adjacent to Azovstal) and decided to redo it a little towards realism (replaced non-existent three-storey, four-storey, six-storey and eight-storey buildings with standard "Khrushchev" and nine-storey buildings, changed the entrance system to buildings, leveled roads, etc.), creating my own mission for the Reds against AI. I paid the greatest attention to the arrangement of Ukrainian units in defense. The conception is based on the advantage of the Russians in firepower, and the Ukrainians in communications and organization.
    Battle For Mariupol.btt
  15. Like
    37mm got a reaction from Sunbather in Initial 'All in One' modpack   
    I keep meaning to post about the update so thanks for giving me the opportunity.
    One of the focus points of this update was indeed to try & get the old campaign mods to stop clashing with F&R.
    Users of the old mods would see the new German (often M44) uniforms popping up in unexpected locations or have autumn terrain/foilage overiding their snow terrain* or, in the case of @umlaut's building mod, leave scores of pitch black trucks littered all across BFC's Berlin maps!
    The task was complicated by the numerous tags scenario & content creators decided to use over the years. For example, there were, at least, five different tags for Stalingrad battles (stalin, stal, stal+, umlauts_building & 24pd)... plus many more if you start counting up the uniform & snow tags also used in Stalingrad scenarios & campaigns.
    Scenarios can be retagged easily enough but campaigns are another matter.
    So all of these mods had to be sorted, pruned & reworked.
    This task has now, for the most part, been done.
    I'm sure there's errors here & there, perhaps some German voices bleeding into the Finnish scenarios, things like that. Often I had to leave things out just as a space saving measure (normal bitmaps were pruned especially heavily) but, overall, the mods should now work & stop clashing.
    However, you mentioned "The Last Panzer" mods & I immediately grew confused.
    Did you mean "The Last Bridge", I thought? I had spent quite a bit of time on the mods for that campaign.
    Nope, I've just done a search & sure enough "The Last Panzer" is a campaign chock full of mods. I have absolutely no memory of ever reading that campaigns thread!
    I'm not even sure how I have the .cam file!
    It looks like a very complex campaign &, IIRC, @dragonwynn has lost all of his old campaign & core files.
    As such, I'm pretty sure the mods for that particular campaign will NOT work as intended nowadays and this updated 'All in One' will likely NOT help with that campaign.
    An oversight that I'm sure will be corrected one day but I'm not in any rush to return to the Eastern Front right now, as I've already spent much of my 2021 & 2022 hobby time on CMRT & CMBS.
    *The reason for this is that September was originally a Summer month (untagged) in the base game but, since F&R, is now considered an Autumn month.
  16. Like
    37mm reacted to Paper Tiger in Help please. Road to Dinas   
    Their MG ammo is bugged? Since I'll be using both, I checked both the mech and the non-mech airborne and you're right - 100 rounds each.   I guess I'll have to work around the issue then. I'm not sure I want BMP-3s in all my missions so those little cars will have to do when they're choppering in. I guess it's not too much of a fantasy to say that they were choppered in. The 'why' is obvious.
    Yup, 'Carry On Up The Khabour' would really be in very bad taste for a Syrian Civil War campaign but with our British tongue-in-cheek humour, it's not actually bad for a British Forces campaign. I probably won't do that now as I'll be using the Khabour maps for the Syrian airborne campaign instead.
    Red v Red is where the game really shines for me too. I've got a system for keeping Blue v Red 'interesting' but sometimes, you just want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women.
  17. Like
    37mm reacted to Paper Tiger in Help please. Road to Dinas   
    Another incipient campaign? Yikes! I have completely forgotten about that one as well as that flu. That was nasty - three visits to the hospital before a doctor finally got the diagnosis right. I was also a tad sensitive back then about PC which I've since learned to give the middle finger to. A lot has changed in the last 11 years. That seems to be something I had planned after work on the 'Scottish Corridor' was finished and indeed, something 'new' for BFC came along shortly afterwards which would demand my attention for a while afterwards.
    I'm glad to see I posted a fairly good concept for it as it looks like a good one and it will help reconstruct the idea in my mind. I've been looking at the maps I did for the NATO campaigns and it would be good to revisit them and do something Red v Red with them along those lines. The map I made for 'Charity' was a real labour of love. There are two maps that nearly 'broke' me, 'Charity' and 'Brew Up'. I still have the Charity map but the Brew Up map was a new final bonus mission for the Scottish Corridor campaign which was lost in the crash as well as that Dinas map and the German map mentioned that never made it to the campaign. I can't even remember what those latter two looked like. 'Brew Up' I will never forget though. It was so much work to do and the 'right' battle was proving equally challenging to find.
    Right now, I am fully at work on a rework of the 'USMC Gung Ho' campaign which is almost an entirely new beast from the original as I've reworked the maps and massively expanded three of them and thrown out the original CAAT fight mission which I just don't get. How did I ever think that was fun?  I spent the entirety of Sunday and yesterday afternoon developing the new 'CAAT among the pigeons' mission which is both in line with what I wanted and is also a lot of fun to play so I really want to finish this before moving on to something new. What that might be though will be decided later, an update for Hasrabit was the most likely bet because I wanted to do something with the Republican Guards but this discovery might change that. 'Carry On Up The Khabour' sounds like something I might do though
  18. Like
    37mm reacted to Paper Tiger in Help please. Road to Dinas   
    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. After reading my concept, I think it's a really good idea and also have identified the first two missions in the campaign (Suburban Hell and Al Hasakah). So I have created a new folder called 'Retribution' and shifted in five maps for the time being. I think this will indeed be my next project after 'Gung Ho!' and it will consist almost exclusively of Red (player) v Uncons missions, at least in the first two stages.
    I put an enormous amount of work into creating those maps and it would be nice to get a bit more mileage out of them and to use the Syrian Airborne, a formation I haven't done anything with.
  19. Thanks
    37mm got a reaction from Paper Tiger in Help please. Road to Dinas   
    Apparently you also started work on another Red versus Red campaign called 'Retribution'...
  20. Like
    37mm got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in Initial 'All in One' modpack   
    I keep meaning to post about the update so thanks for giving me the opportunity.
    One of the focus points of this update was indeed to try & get the old campaign mods to stop clashing with F&R.
    Users of the old mods would see the new German (often M44) uniforms popping up in unexpected locations or have autumn terrain/foilage overiding their snow terrain* or, in the case of @umlaut's building mod, leave scores of pitch black trucks littered all across BFC's Berlin maps!
    The task was complicated by the numerous tags scenario & content creators decided to use over the years. For example, there were, at least, five different tags for Stalingrad battles (stalin, stal, stal+, umlauts_building & 24pd)... plus many more if you start counting up the uniform & snow tags also used in Stalingrad scenarios & campaigns.
    Scenarios can be retagged easily enough but campaigns are another matter.
    So all of these mods had to be sorted, pruned & reworked.
    This task has now, for the most part, been done.
    I'm sure there's errors here & there, perhaps some German voices bleeding into the Finnish scenarios, things like that. Often I had to leave things out just as a space saving measure (normal bitmaps were pruned especially heavily) but, overall, the mods should now work & stop clashing.
    However, you mentioned "The Last Panzer" mods & I immediately grew confused.
    Did you mean "The Last Bridge", I thought? I had spent quite a bit of time on the mods for that campaign.
    Nope, I've just done a search & sure enough "The Last Panzer" is a campaign chock full of mods. I have absolutely no memory of ever reading that campaigns thread!
    I'm not even sure how I have the .cam file!
    It looks like a very complex campaign &, IIRC, @dragonwynn has lost all of his old campaign & core files.
    As such, I'm pretty sure the mods for that particular campaign will NOT work as intended nowadays and this updated 'All in One' will likely NOT help with that campaign.
    An oversight that I'm sure will be corrected one day but I'm not in any rush to return to the Eastern Front right now, as I've already spent much of my 2021 & 2022 hobby time on CMRT & CMBS.
    *The reason for this is that September was originally a Summer month (untagged) in the base game but, since F&R, is now considered an Autumn month.
  21. Upvote
    37mm got a reaction from George MC in Initial 'All in One' modpack   
    I keep meaning to post about the update so thanks for giving me the opportunity.
    One of the focus points of this update was indeed to try & get the old campaign mods to stop clashing with F&R.
    Users of the old mods would see the new German (often M44) uniforms popping up in unexpected locations or have autumn terrain/foilage overiding their snow terrain* or, in the case of @umlaut's building mod, leave scores of pitch black trucks littered all across BFC's Berlin maps!
    The task was complicated by the numerous tags scenario & content creators decided to use over the years. For example, there were, at least, five different tags for Stalingrad battles (stalin, stal, stal+, umlauts_building & 24pd)... plus many more if you start counting up the uniform & snow tags also used in Stalingrad scenarios & campaigns.
    Scenarios can be retagged easily enough but campaigns are another matter.
    So all of these mods had to be sorted, pruned & reworked.
    This task has now, for the most part, been done.
    I'm sure there's errors here & there, perhaps some German voices bleeding into the Finnish scenarios, things like that. Often I had to leave things out just as a space saving measure (normal bitmaps were pruned especially heavily) but, overall, the mods should now work & stop clashing.
    However, you mentioned "The Last Panzer" mods & I immediately grew confused.
    Did you mean "The Last Bridge", I thought? I had spent quite a bit of time on the mods for that campaign.
    Nope, I've just done a search & sure enough "The Last Panzer" is a campaign chock full of mods. I have absolutely no memory of ever reading that campaigns thread!
    I'm not even sure how I have the .cam file!
    It looks like a very complex campaign &, IIRC, @dragonwynn has lost all of his old campaign & core files.
    As such, I'm pretty sure the mods for that particular campaign will NOT work as intended nowadays and this updated 'All in One' will likely NOT help with that campaign.
    An oversight that I'm sure will be corrected one day but I'm not in any rush to return to the Eastern Front right now, as I've already spent much of my 2021 & 2022 hobby time on CMRT & CMBS.
    *The reason for this is that September was originally a Summer month (untagged) in the base game but, since F&R, is now considered an Autumn month.
  22. Like
    37mm reacted to Kuli in CMBS Scenario "Rainy day in Bastogne"   
    Hello everybody, I present you with my first try at a competent AI plan, and I think it turned out okay. To summarize the mission is about a Russian Mechanized Assault on a Ukrainian Held village, with an American QRF on the way to help. Should be very high intensity, hope it proves challenging. Please share any feedback you may have, enjoy. Link below

  23. Like
    37mm reacted to nickyscriptz in A Freezing Gloomy Day in Ukraine Meeting engagement/QB playable   
    A map with many strategic positions for cover/angles to flank and maneuver Meeting engagement/QB playable blue or red A Freezing Gloomy Day in Ukraine .zip

  24. Like
    37mm got a reaction from David Jaros in Engine 5 Wishlist   
    Distant sound .wav's (they could be generic "standard" & "heavy" like gun shot trails currently are)... also a "heavy bullet zip" sound would be appreciated.
    Infantry that are cowering/supressed could be yet more resiliant to long range fire.
    The Alt-T option that removes all foilage could instead make foilage translucent.
    A creeping barrage artillery option (especcially for WW2 battles).
    Bullet impacts much more likely to generate dust puffs/debris/mips.
  25. Like
    37mm reacted to Malaspina in Quick Campaign Generator for CMFB (Fully Randomized!)   
    Hi fellow CMFB-ers,
    have you ever thought of making your own campaign but were intimidated by all the hard work that goes into it?
    I’ve been recently tinkering with the scenario editor to create a historical campaign in CMFI and, in my recurrent drunken stupors, I came up with an idea to quickly create fully randomized campaigns: The Quick Campaign Generator!
    The QCG creates a 10-battle campaign in just a few clicks (well, a few hundred…) putting you at the head of your core force, which you must lead throughout the campaign to achieve glory and win some medals, recording their progress in the meantime. It is in part reminiscent of Robo's quick campaign generator for CMx1 titles (as some of you may remember).
    Essentially, it is an Excel spreadsheet that lets you create a ‘bare-bones’ linear campaign comprising ten battles without having to do any historical research, map-making, briefings or artwork, i.e. the exact opposite of @Ithikial_AU’s excellent tutorial (https://community.battlefront.com/topic/137921-fire-and-rubble-preview-the-anatomy-of-what-goes-into-a-stock-campaign-release/) that I’ve used for my historical campaign.
    The purpose is to have fun with all the goodies (tanks and vehicles especially) that CMFB has to offer, without the headaches. Pure CM sex with no emotional involvement 😉.
    All the Scenario Editor choices, for example Weather, Ground Conditions, Experience, Headcount, choice of troops etc. are completely randomized to let you try out all possible combinations. Although, these battle are heavily biased in favor of armor, I must admit.
    When you open the spreadsheet, you will see:
    a tab called ‘Battle generator’, which provides random battle conditions,
    two tabs called ‘Human ATT’ and ‘Human DEF’, which generate a random force composition to be used in the various battles if you’re attacking or defending;
    the ‘Allied AAR or Axis AAR’ tabs, where you will be recording your progress during the campaign. Beware, your performance will be accurately monitored and judged 😉.
    Ignore the other tabs. They contain data used for the formulas. I’ve protected the sheets to avoid mistyping into a cell containing a formula.
    This was the situation for my Elite Panther platoon in a German Wehrmacht campaign called “Panthers on the Prowl” that I created using QCG:

    Notice the nice array of medals my core force troops earned! (Well, it was on Easy mode...)
    As you progress in your campaign, your results will be recorded and medals awarded. Statistics include tank kills, tank losses, infantry casualties, etc.


    Your overall performance will be duly monitored as shown here:

    I did pretty well, apparently.
    Basic knowledge of how the CM Scenario Editor works is of course recommended, but not a requirement. Full instructions are provided.
    Inside the package you will find:
    -          - three versions of the QCG spreadsheet (one for a US campaign, one for a German Wehrmacht campaign, and one for a Waffen SS campaign);
    -          - a pdf file containing Instructions (and a Quick Start Guide);
    -          - six campaign script files “(QCG) Campaign Script.txt” (easy, medium or hard for Allied and Axis forces);
    -          - five text files for the type of battle you will be fighting;
    I’ve also added a couple of campaigns that I have created using this system, with the related Excel files that only contain the AAR tabs.
    Enjoy! If you have any questions, just let me know.
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