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Everything posted by Kuderian

  1. Yes, I observed exactly the same behavior agusto. What I found though was the wheels would only spin around the z-axis at a certain zoom level and if I zoomed in they would resume back to correctly spinning around the x-axis.
  2. Thanks Ian. I am reasonably aware of the federal government vs state government laws structure in the US which I suppose was made most internationally prominent during the Civil Rights movement in the 60's. And yes I was being 'tongue in cheek' though I would dearly love to visit Baltimore sometime.
  3. I am just re watching it for the umpteenth time. The gf and I were even considering going on a Baltimore 'The Wire' tour. Is Baltimore near Washington so I can pick up some legal weed on the way?
  4. Season 5, Bunk telling McNulty he is having nothing to do with the 'serial killer' ruse?
  5. Thanks MikeyD, essential viewing for anyone interested in the past & present Afghan conflicts. The contrast with the 'Ancientness' of Afghanistan and the hi tech war machines was very striking.
  6. Firstly I forget to say, this is a Pbem Wego game. The ATG unit was not moved but it was redirected around 80 degrees. The specialist gunner was not wounded yet failed to stick to the gun. A few minutes later, the crew got their act together and rejoined. (My hypothesis : Heavy weapon crews are allergic to fences & gates)
  7. Firstly I forget to say, this is a Pbem Wego game. The ATG unit was not moved but but it was redirected around 80 degrees. A few minutes later, the crew got their act together and rejoined. (My hypothesis : Heavy weapon crews are allergic to fences & gates) This is George MC's excellent 'Fire Brigade' scenario. p.s. PM me if you want the save game.
  8. Taking the 'Schroedinger round' analogy to it's logical conclusion means there are many parallel universes where this 'problem' is not present eg. BFC selling their souls to the military for wads of cash or Steve and Charles both having Siamese twins hence 100% increase in output. p.s. the place for knocking addicts and the 'feckless unemployed' is the good old tabloid press ,not here imho.
  9. Ok, I see now. It is nice actually to have a game forum populated by reasonably polite people for a change. (Mea culpa - I might have been rude to a BFC employee once, under the influence of the demon drink, and for that I sincerely apologize.)
  10. Fantastico! Many thanks, much appreciated. Green silhouettes only work for SF games imho!
  11. Thanks Tanks. One question, my computer is quite elderly, will the mod cause a significant performance hit?
  12. Back in the days, when I was cutting my teeth on CMx1, I downloaded some most excellent strategy guides penned by the above. I would love to do the same for CMx2. Can we send Delta squad to track him down?
  13. My two cent. Use the one player scenarios as a training aid. Then find an opponent and start a Wego pbem. However good the computer AI is, and CMx2 has arguably the best combined arms AI out there, humans are unpredictable and irrational whilst computers are not. Sometimes I have watched the same juicy minute of replay from different perspectives 15 times. Good Luck.
  14. Thanks everyone, my opponent is very happy. @JonS - Your signature is based on that famous death monologue in Blade Runner performed by Rutger Hauer . What is the original and where is yours from( I love it)?
  15. I hope I am not getting too political but both Chechen rebels and the current pro-Russian Chechen government are notorious for their human rights abuses, not to say the Russians are/were any better. So perhaps 'Freedom fighters' and 'Terrorists' can be one and the same? On a side note, when I was a 12 year old schoolboy, the US ambassador came to my school to give a talk. At the time I was a bit of a ideological 'Red under the bed' and I challenged him why his government was supporting Mujaheddin 'terrorists' against the 'legitimate' Afghan government. Needless to say he slapped me down, saying something along the lines of supporting 'freedom' against evil commie bastards. Obviously when you are young everything is much more black & white. Has anyone read 'Afghantsy' by Rodric Braithwaite? It gives a much more balanced perspective without all that Cold War BS and I would recommend it to anyone interested in that period.
  16. Hi all, A Russian CMSF pbem opponent just asked me this question(he speaks no English and my only phrase in Russian is 'Возьмите меня в ближайший бордель!'). Quote - 'You know any directory on the armed countries of the world? In electronic form or the small book. That the device of armed forces of the different countries was described presently. At me only old, for 2001 You: Have you tried 'Janes'? You: www.janes.com Oppo: There only arms. The structure is necessary to me. And a directory at them multivolume and very expensive. At us small books where alphabetically (for certain year) the world countries, the population, the military budget number and structure of Armed forces (how many arias, cases, divisions and brigades were listed) earlier were published'. Can anyone suggest a suitable site? Thanks in advance.
  17. Many thanks Pete, I dig your maps. Just having excellent fun playing a ME on your 2x2 CM:BN map and look forward to doing the same on this map.
  18. And is there a quick tool in photoshop to isolate the tank/unit from the rest of the layer before you delete it or do you have to cut out the tank manually? The reason I ask, is in the hope of jazzing up my own AAR's one day
  19. Excellent AAR Bil. A technical question. How do you create your composite time lapse images, and how do you get the tanks translucent in them? Thanks in advance.
  20. I was under the impression that although possible no one had ever created a H2H campaign so I am pleasantly surprised and look forward to trying it. Credit to Fredrocker.
  21. Turn 5-6 continued. My opponent has informed me of his surrender so this is the end of this thread. I am hoping my green troops will gain some experience from their short but brutal introduction to combat Thanks for reading folks, see you in Buron!
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