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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Somewhere Steve said they would not go back and do North Africa as a Fortress Italy module. North Africa would be a new game. He also said Gustav Line would be the only Fortress Italy module but they may do one or more packs to include such things as late war vehicles and French forces. So do you trust my memory or are you going to make me go back and find the quotes?
  2. 2.0 was not part of the CMBN Commonwealth module. If you did not buy the 2.0 upgrade for CMBN previously for $10 you will have to buy it to play the Market Garden Module. You can buy it for $5 if you buy it along with Market Garden. It doesn't matter what you have for Fortress Italy as that is a separate game.
  3. A quote from Steve in the main Market Garden thread.
  4. I'd be interested in opinions if the new bridge types Market-Garden will bring will make a satisfactory enough facsimile of Pegasus Bridge? Of course this will be a subjective opinion. Perhaps there's already a Pegasus Bridge scenario most people are happy with.
  5. Speaking of windmills, some may find this interesting. Don Quoixte's sidekick Sancho Panza was so named because of his weight. Spanish panza = belly. The German word for armor-Panzer- comes from the same root word as it originally refered to breastplates.
  6. Battlefront doesn't tend to give out info on more than one project at a time. They were pretty quiet about Market-Garden until after Gustav Line. I would not be surprised if they wait until after the initial week of sales of Market-Garden before they start talking some more about Bagration and Black Sea. In that case we may see them promoting two different products at once as there's not as much buying "crossover" between Modern and WWII. Getting indignant because they did not meet one's own release expectaions will not get them talking.
  7. Well I now have the answer to a question I had regarding the Moebelwagen as to if the sides would go up and down. I see the answer is yes.
  8. Now I don't know squat about windmills but is it possible they normally didn't rotate even in a good wind unless they were actually at work grinding grain to save on wear?
  9. We'll be fine for this release but I see now we can expect the first Battlepack will not be released between June 12 and July 13 2014.
  10. Hmm, I think they need to give us some more screenshots so we have something else to talk/bitch/moan about.
  11. Since we're talking about Monster games, I thought this might interest some of you since it's topical. My Monster game was Highway to the Reich in which I attempted the full game twice but never got past a week of game time before having to pick it up. I remember the weak German Naval units up around Arnhem. There was also a weak Dutch SS battalion to the west of the 1st Airborne landing zone. There was a full German SS infantry battalion just east of the 1st AB landing zone that always caused trouble but was eventually overwhelmed. Since the Germans were required to send the SS recon battallion across the Rhine bridge down to Nijmegen before it could return, the Brits could always sneak a battalion to the bridge behind them. If they were lucky they could also capture the Railroad bridge before the Germans could blow it. The game did not permit the Germans to blow any of the Main Highway river bridges or there would not be a game. The US airborne units always had problems capturing canal bridges because of the strong German Flak units which they had to be lucky to destroy quickly. I don't know how historical that is. The 82nd always had to leave a lot of units in their landing zone to protect it from strong German attacks coming from the east or they would lose all supply. XXX corps had to fight heavy traffic jams to make progress on the narrow front. IIRC the initial German front was held by Fallschirmjaegers. I always tried to send this Brit Armoured Cav regiment around the German Flank. I don't remember the unit name. At the tail end of XXX corps there was the Free Dutch Princess Irene brigade. It would be fun to have them in a pack someday with those unique Dutch helmets.
  12. They need to leave something for the Battle Packs.
  13. Love the Drilling Pics by the way. That is a Drilling isn't it?
  14. Since I'm anticipating another round of screenshots before the M-G release, I thought I'd start a thread for requests of what we would want to see. I want to see a PSW 234/3. Also Steve mentioned the Fleigerhorst troops whatever they are had different uniforms than any other German troops and I'm curious.
  15. Wasn't there talk about "pre-fabricated" blocks of tiles that would actually speed up map making?
  16. I agree, I'd like to see that happen before we get infantry riding on tanks.
  17. Regarding Packs, IIRC you mentioned the possibility of doing some small ones. If the first pack is mainly vehicles, could a second pack include things such as Free French and Ostbattallions? What takes more time by the way, vehicles or new "Armies" such as the French?
  18. You apparently haven't heard of the adult male my little pony fans. Not that I'm one.
  19. I like CM:West Wall. It's more inclusive then Battle of the Bulge. But then we will have two other new game familes come out before it does so they have a while to make up their minds.
  20. Okay thanks, I was going by what I remembered some one else posting once. Oh and I wasn't expecting troops to be able to be on the top exterior of a windmill. I was just wondering if they were multi-storied.
  21. Well, since we do have Steve's attention in this thread, at the risk of sounding like a fanboi I'd like to thank Battlefront for including some things in the module that if they didn't no one would have probably complained but they did it anyway. Specifically: Kriegsmarine Infantry- I don't think any one would have noticed if they were not included. Finding TO&E info on them must not have been easy. The Crusader AA- I doubt very much if it participated in the M-G campaign but it's cool and I'm surprised Elmar hasn't been around since the announcement to comment on his favorite vehicle. The Moebelwagen Flkpz IV. I've already commented on it and it's really going to be fun for me to finally have one in a game. No CMX 1 game did. Erzatz and Schule (replacement and school) Battalions. It will be interesting to learn about these units. I'm assuming some of the TO&E on these was conjectured as there probably wasn't a standard (I'm guessing) but using them in the game is something I'm looking forward to. And as someone pointed out, they really didn't have to include windmills as there were none in the area of operations of the battle. Can infantry get to the top of them? Anyway I'm sure I can think of some more (the Hellcat for instance could have waited for the first pack) but those are just a few.
  22. Just to show I try and be evenhanded, Waclaw only Blstk posted insulting comments about Poland and that was in another thread. Those comments were deleted and he was warned. I thought Steppenwolf's comments might be interpreted as going down the same path but I take his word that they were not intended as such. I really don't think this thread deserves to become another flame war. You are entitled to you opinion and other share it but many do not and I think saying Market Garden is only a few new vehicles and nothing else is rather dismissive of all the work put into it.
  23. Hey guys, can we keep the ethnic stuff out of this please? As Steve pointed out Moon is Polish. Well at least before he became a German and then an American.
  24. So your saying because you have something in Fortress Italy it lowers the value if it's Duplicated in the Normandy Family? Hey, you're entitled to you opinion but I don't think a lot of people are going to agree with you.
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