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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. All that said Pershings in CMX2 will be cool. I fondly remember a CMBO tank duel scenario set in the snow of a platoon of Pershings and one of Shermans vs a mix of heavy and medium German armor.
  2. Hmm. Let's say I have my doubts. It's not hard to put a basic heater in a vehicle, and on cold nights you're supposed to run your engine once in a while anyway to keep it warm and the radio batteries charged.. P.S. Besides most of a tank crew's time is spent outside the tank.
  3. Sarge, I'm pretty sure the JSIII never saw action against the Germans. Still Steve has hinted at possibly including things like it however.
  4. Well I don't think the Pershing was too little too late as the Allies won the war. Just as more Panthers would have been better than the King Tiger, lots and lots of the reliable Shermans was an excellent strategy. Tank vs Tank duels was only a small part of what Tanks were used for. Even vs the Panther the Sherman the had the advantage of at least being more likely to get there when you needed it. I think people underestimate how much maintenance has to be performed on heavy tracked vehicles.
  5. Minor Spoiler: To me it sounded like the German pilot said "Ich muss sterben!" ( I must die). What did you hear?
  6. What do you mean? Fortress Italy is obviously broken because it doesn't have the ammo carrying bear the Poles had.
  7. Not even any Hitler Youth in Lederhosen defending Berlin?
  8. Yeah I've been trying to find the screenshot I thought I saw a Kuebelwagen with a roof and can't now. Probably a hallucination. I actually have had Combat Mission dreams by the way.
  9. Just wondering if CMFI has two versions of the Kuebelwagen now, one with and one without a roof? If that's the case could then one using the Schwimmwagen blender mod get a scenario with both a Kuebelwagen and Schwimmwagen?
  10. The CMBN Market Garden module has the Pz IIIg so someone was using them as late as Sept '44, but I don't remember who. IIRC Tiger battalions had a few Pz IIIs but I don't know when that stopped.
  11. I can understand the desire to include them, but unless one provides documentation that a certain vehicle was operational in combat in the time frame of the family, Battlefront just won't do it. I recall in CMAK there was a vehicle type (I think it was a Pz III with a 37mm gun) that was removed in a patch because it was determined it never operated in North Africa. It was later reintroduced in a further patch when some one produced evidence it was. I don't know if the vehicles you mention qualify or not though I'm guessing the Protze does.
  12. Different time when losing "less than 200 men" was light casualties. I assume that was not all KIA though.
  13. By the way Steve, about never wanting to cram as much into a module again as you did with Rome to Victory - didn't you say that about CMBB as well?
  14. Possibly for the same reason the CMSF US forces don't have MRAPs ? They wouldn't be the first choice for wide scale conventional warfare due to added transport cost and fuel consumption perhaps.
  15. I certainly remember the initial CMBN screenshot of a Tiger Tank and the uproar it caused.
  16. Not wanting to digress this thread too much but does camouflaging a building in that way actually fool anyone?
  17. Doug, if any force gets added to the Western Front Families that's not already there I would hope it would be the Free French. Perhaps the work on CM:FI RtV would make that easier.
  18. I thought Stalin said that. I think Napoleon said something like "'God is on the side of the bigger battalions".
  19. Besides other nations one can do an entire expansion based around the operations near Budapest.
  20. Kursk would be a new family according what they have said before. Of course plans can change. As for further Red Thunder content the Ost Front is so huge there's still lot's of fresh subjects in the June '44 to May '45 period that could be added.
  21. I doubt that will happen as it would require a lot of extra coding and graphics for the dozer use. It's not like BFC to add something to a game and not have it perform its function.
  22. Is there a small chance sometime way down the road of more CMBN and CMFI content?
  23. Educated guess really. I knew Berlin had islands but I bet Budapest does too.
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