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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Just wondering if the standard we hold Combat Mission games to is higher than that of other games? That is, the standard needs to be close to a perfect rendition of reality. When one sees a blemish, and the blemish may be different things to different people, we exaggerate the importance of the blemish as far as actual game play goes. It's an psychological thing perhaps I'm thinking. The games are immersive and that immersion is appealing, so when that one finds that one blemish that breaks the immersion for them, they're passionate about the blemish. In a way this passion towards the blemish is a credit to the passion and immersion the CM games can bring. I think the combat flight simulators fall into this category as well but that's about it.
  2. But that's happened unsurprisingly in CMBS but Battlefront did it anyway.
  3. IIRC Steve even hinted once they might do it but it's all a matter of priorities as Battlefront can't do everything both they and us fans would like them to do.
  4. Anyway, while I would like to see a North African Family some day myself, and I do think it would be a be and require a new Family and not just be FI add ons, I just have a feeling if there are any new Families introduced, it will be Fulda Gap '85. I just have a hunch they'd like to break some new ground. This would be after the other Families are filled out, and there's still a lot to do there.
  5. It is not true. The Soviets had defeated the Germans at the end of the Stalingrad campaign at which point only a small percentage of the Lend Lease aid had arrived. Sure it helped, it helped a lot, and without Lend Lease it the would of taken the Soviets much longer to defeat Germany but it did not win the war for the Soviets. P.S. But since this is a North Africa thread. I refer you for a continuation of the subject to this thread-just one of the previous threads on the subject.
  6. Yes but in CMX 2 games we're looking at the TO&E down to the individual vehicle and man level for a battalion. I don't know the fidelity of CM:A in that regard.
  7. What is meant by garbage Combat Commands? Do you mean the organizational structure was poor?
  8. First off I don't have CM:A. I've read how researching the to&e for CMFI was a pain, and was curious how well the to&e for CM:A was put together, as the game wasn't done by BFC? On the other hand the producers, Snowball, may have had access to information not found in English. Anyway one of my CM dreams is to have a 1980's NATO vs Warsaw Pack game and was wondering how useful the CM:A to&e would be to such a project?
  9. I'm also hoping someday Rangers and Commandos get added to CMBN. Plus CMBN needs the Brummbar. just saying.
  10. "Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan", right?
  11. You may propose anything you wish, and I doubt you'd be surprised you're far from the first to propose something with the IDF. Politics may indeed have something to do with it, but I think it's mostly to do with the BFC team's interest and the sales potential.
  12. I found the post. It was Chris "NormalDude" ND when he had Elvis's job, not Steve, and he did state in all caps it was subject to change: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/121562-2015-christmas-bones/page/6/?tab=comments#comment-1646080
  13. Interestingly Steve himself once mentioned the possibility of not partisans but an Elite forces pack for CMFI consisting of, iirc, the 1st Special Service Force and the 442 RCT among others. If there's still a chance of it happening "Nembo" and the other Italian add-ons would be good additions.
  14. Doug, what is missing from the Italian Sicily roster? I thought the Italians had no real armor formations in Sicily for example?
  15. Seems to me the most likely additional country to participate in this fictional war would be Poland.
  16. Elvis, that Battle for Normandy cover is hilarious.
  17. @Ridaz See the Year Ahead Bone Post in the Red Thunder forums. Also I left out: " CM Red Thunder Battle Pack. A bunch of battles for the late Summer 1944 time period was started a while back and is now moving forward again. At least one more Battle Pack, yet to be determined."
  18. Announced projects they're working on: Red Thunder End of War Module Final Blitzkrieg Commonwealth and End of War Module Black Sea US and Russian Marine module. Lots to keep them busy for at least two more years I'd say. Anything beyond that I doubt BFC will share before the next New Years bones post from Steve.
  19. Minor detail but the CMBB Russian edition was published by Snowball Studios, the same folks who produced CM Afghanistan. They since have been purchased by a larger company.
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