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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I don't need any new modules announced. I just want them to FINISH the games and modules they've already announced.
  2. Mord, do you know of one for night?
  3. I too have wondered about curved roads etc. There must be some technical point that makes them difficult, or at least difficult when you have a terrain editor.
  4. I'm not sure if Santa is Canadian or Danish or Russian since all three have claim to the North Pole right?
  5. We don't want kittens anyway. We want cows. Live cows. Dead cows. Live cows you can make dead cows. Oh and cowbells of course.
  6. para. This thread is a good one to read regarding mods: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=88410&highlight=essential+mods
  7. I will have forces for Canada, Germany and the Netherlands. The rest of NATO will be out of luck except for the US and UK who already have their own modules.
  8. I assume you mean the NATO module for CMSF? Don't expect it before the Holidays. We might see an official announcement for it before then though and a better estimate as to when it will be released. Here's some screenshoots: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&show=Neato.html&Itemid=213
  9. Yeah you've been making a lot of typos lately. I thought you were just drinking.
  10. Well whatever Snowball used (and I wouldn't be surprised if they used Red for the Soviets) it won't change at this late date. Here's hoping we get an official announcement on the game soon.
  11. I'm not a Battlefront Sales person but consider getting the Marines + British bundle. With the Marines you get T-90s and BMP 3s for the Syrians.
  12. For your viewing pleasure I have put together a list of all Combat Mission projects Steve has semi-officially announced, plus the semi-official projected release dates. I hope this will be of service to many of you. Combat Mission Shock Force Base Game Released July 07 US Marines Module Released Sept 08 British Forces Module Released July 09 NATO module Release first half 2010 Combat Mission “Normandy" (unofficial name) Base Game Release first half 2010 “Commonwealth” Module Release 2nd half 2010 “Arnhem-Sept ’44 ” Module Release ? “Even more ’44 stuff” Module Release ? Combat Mission “Soviets in Afghanistan” (unofficial name) Base game (only one announced) Release first half 2010 Combat Mission “Battle of the Bulge” (unofficial name) Base Game Release ? Possible modules not mentioned yet ( probably at least Commonwealth, and Spring ’45) Combat Mission “Operation Bagration” (unofficial name) Base Game Release ? Possible Modules not mentioned yet (Finns hinted at plus follow ons to end of war.) Also mentioned was a desire to do Eastfront games for 1943,1942 and 1941 in that order. Combat Mission Shock Force II (unofficial name) Modern Combat between major powers. Base Game Release first half 2011 Possible modules not mentioned yet.
  13. Was Summer Glau in Firefly? I was too busy looking at Morena Baccarin.
  14. We'll they did give us a Patch on 11/11 so it's not as if they haven't given us anything, but you're right. Last official NATO bone was October 2nd. The Normandy Bridges bone was Mid September. I think they've been busy though with PT Boats and Empires of Steel. Russian winter might be slowing Afghanistan.
  15. Many people have asked about this since CMSF was announced. Battlefront is just not interested. Same with any Arab-Israeli war. CMSF 2 will have Russia and maybe China vs Nato but set in the very near future not the Cold War.
  16. Just wondering since it was said the game may be coming out in a year or so, will development be done by the home team or, since it involves Russia, might the Russian team that's doing the Soviets in Afghanistan game be tackeling it while the home team continues with WWII, namely the Bulge + game? That was a long sentence. Of course, maybe no decision has even been made. If the Russians do it I'm sure we'll see campaigns from both the Red and Blue side. We'll soon see how well they can do with the Afghan game I suppose.
  17. I know you were joking and I'm sure Tagge or Sergei will correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Finland never considered itself at war with the Western allies. Finland joined Germany not as an ally but as a co-beligerent when Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941. Finland saw it as a continuation of the Winter War when the Soviets attacked them in 1939.
  18. In another thread there was some discussion about players caring more when their units took casualties in CMSF than they did in CMX1 and whether this concern was due to the modern setting or 1:1 modeling or both. This reminded me of an issue I’ve thought about numerous times when playing CMX1, and that is Unit Preservation. This concept was first introduced into board Wargaming way back in the early ‘70s by Jim Dunnigan in a number of old SPI games. Here is a extract from the rules of the man to man level game “Patrol”. “Preservation General Rule A group of men can only sustain so many losses and so much combat before their overwhelming primary interest becomes one of saving themselves to the exclusion of any military objective or mission. When a group reaches this point, it is said to have reached its preservation level. The preservation level of any group of men varies according to the determination of the men and the situation they find themselves in. Effects of Reaching Preservation Level The effects of reaching the Preservation Level or (for short) the Preservation Effects, begin on the Game Turn following the turn in which the Preservation Level is reached or exceeded. They persist thereafter until the scenario terminates. They are irreversible. Once a force has reached Preservation, it is permanently affected and nothing it does can cure its situation. Once a force has reached Preservation, there is no need to continue the chit drawing process since the damage has already been done. In that that respect Preservation is like pregnancy – a little bit or a whole lot is the same thing in the end. Preservation Effects come in two classes: general effects which apply in all scenarios to all forces, and specific effects which apply solely to a force in a certain scenario. The general effects of Preservation are described below while any additional specific effects are described in the Scenario instructions when they occur. General Effects on Firing and Movement: When a force triggers preservation, its ability to fire is curtailed while its ability to move, for the purposes of exiting the map, is improved. This effect operates through altering the Panic Rules. Increase the Panic Level of firing men by 40% and reduce the Panic Level of men who are executing Movement tasks toward or off the map-edge to a uniform 10%.” Not surprisingly in the SPI games, WWII Soviets and Japanese have high Preservation levels while regular U.S. troops are lower than average. As implied above Preservation is a different issue than Panic, or Command Control rules. My point is not to suggest that Battlefront incorporate something similar into its games but rather to a desire to discuss Preservation in wargaming in general. But to bring the Combat Mission games into the discussion, often time while playing CMX1 games both the attacker and defender may have taken more than 50% casualties but units obediently continue on with the attack or defense when in reality I can’t help wonder if units would really just call it quits. Not panicking but retreating or halting the attack. In wargaming however, Preservation, like Command Control and Panic one risks alienating many players. They may think, “What do you mean the attack is canceled?” “I have 70% of my guys left!” This would turn off many players. We want control over a battlefield much more than our counterparts in reality would have. In CMSF I only play the Blue side solo and rarely take high casualties, so the issue has rarely emerged, but as others have noted, there is more reluctance to commit a squad that has taken high casualties. I think that’s great. It reflects reality more and it may not even have been intentionally programmed. What are your thoughts? What other games incorporate preservation? Is there a desire for such a thing in CMX 2 games? Is there anything that can easily be done to incorporate it? Thanks
  19. Nah, Steve will just say they already have hot babes going home with them.
  20. Not necessarily, Cassio aka Webwing who is heading the NATO project hinted they might be first. Speaking of delays though, weren’t we supposed to have an announcement of CM:Soviets in Afghanistan by now?
  21. We can get the GMG Jackal now. Cool.
  22. This is for all of you who argue the CMSF should be more realistic. Here is the game for you. Listen about it here: http://www.theonion.com/content/video/ultra_realistic_modern_warfare
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