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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. Speaking of Little Stalingrad, Bannon DC and I are into battle 2.
  2. To add to this, unbuttoned TCs can see better than buttoned, and buttoned depends on the above.
  3. Any unit with binoculars spots better than one without. Tank TCs you can see have them. Some units you click on and hit enter to see more info. Has Binoculars will be listed.
  4. Some people have asked me for all-in-one mods or if my "mod" is ever going to be finished, i.e. Pacific, Vietnam, Korea. I do stuff as I need it. Some I share. Some I change as I go along. I like to keep the zips small for the dialup people.
  5. Another scenario could be Kurdish autonomy. Would the US defend the Kurds against Turkey?
  6. I made that CMAK battle in May after Syria announced that they were pulling out of Lebanon. With all that has gone on between Israel, PLO, etc in Lebanon, I could foresee the US invading Lebanon after a behind the scenes agreement to prevent Israel from doing it themselves.
  7. Back in May I made a battle for CMAK from the US side. It is available at TPG Titled "Lebanon Tutorial" Map by The Enigma "mogadishu map" at the-proving-grounds.com Description: A tutorial battle with troops and a mix of armour vs a weak enemy. City and long range fighting. Dust, smoke, speed and power. Features Veteran infantry, T8 recon as M113, Chaffee as Bradley, M20 as Humvee, Churchills and M4 105s vs Tigers, AT teams, FJ, green troops. Overall briefing: Title: Lebanon Tutorial Type: Allied Attack Fictional Turns: 30+ Forces: USA Vet vs Syria Green (German) Size: Medium 5500 Points Date: May 200? (May 1943) Location: Mediterranean Coast (NA) Conditions: Dawn, Clear, Very Dry, Still, Sand Play As: Allies vs AI Stick to Scenario Default FOW Full Map by The Enigma "mogadishu map" at the-proving-grounds.com By junk2drive@hotmail.com After a full withdrawal from Lebanon a defiant Syria decides once again to occupy it's neighbor. In order to prevent further escalation of violence in the region, the USA mounts a full scale attack. This battle depicts an amphibious landing at a port, driving North into enemy held territory. Syria / Green Syrian troops / FJ Soviet supplied armour / Tiger Fanatics / Tank Hunters RPGs / PZShrecks Americans / Veteran Infantry / Rifle 44 /Rangers M113 / T8 recon Bradley / M24 Chaffee Hummvee / M20 Scout Abrams / Churchill XI SP Arty / M4A3 105 Main Mission: Town Hall Train Station Secondary: Drive the insurgents out of the area. The world media is watching you. Keep your losses to a minimum. Spare the local infrastructure. No buildings are to be destroyed. There are 5 small flags. For each flag held: 1=Draw 2=Tactical Victory 3=Minor 4=Major 5=Total If you lose more than half of: Troops -1 level (ok vs casualties) AFVs -1 level (10 or more) Ten days ago I placed another battle by Rob Purvis for CMBO converted to CMAK: Baghdad: 2003 Scenario Designer: Rob Purvis Designed: February 2003 Converted to CMAK by junk2drive@hotmail.com Adjustments made for changes in CMAK. M26 replaced by M4 E8s Ram Kangaroos by M3 Halftracks Italian Airborne as Regular Army German FJ as Republican Guard MG42 by Breda MMG Original text: Overview: D+3 The Conquest of Iraq So far the attack on Iraq has gone better than planned. Resistance from Iraqi regular army units has been light in the open desert and country around the cities. Mass defections and surrenders have taken place. There has, as yet been no sign of the much vaunted Republican Guard. Iraq's oilfields are a flaming ruin (torched on Saddam's orders). However the awesome task of taking Iraq's largest cities awaits, and the regime seems to have selected these as the place for its last stand. Is the writing on the wall for Nebuchudnezzar? Scenario Guide: This scenario is an attempt to understand some of the tactical problems that may be faced if the war with Iraq currently anticipated involves an assault on built up areas, notably Baghdad. It is not a normal CMBO scenario. It is not intended to achieve play balance, fairness, a sumptuous map, but to give some small appreciation of the dangers of fighting in a built up area, when there is no political will behind you to enable you to use maximum force and where your opponent wishes to cause maximum casualties to you and his own populace. Using CMBO as the engine for this is obviously a problem due to it being 50 years on. However, the grittiness of street fighting remains similar, and so there should be some parallels. Troop and vehicle selection have been done to reflect the qualitative training, equipment, morale differences between the two armies. Odds are roughly one of an assault with 2:1 superiority (11500 to 5000 in CMBO points: much of these due to high quality allied forces) to the Allied force. There is reinforcement of both sides during the scenario to reflect the arrival of Iraqi reinforcements from inside the city. The Allies task is to breach the outer Anti-Tank and Anti-Personnel defences, which include an anti-tank berm and minefields, and fight into the city before the Iraqi reinforcements arrive to make life really difficult, and to do so with minimum loss of allied and civilian life and damage to buildings. For each large building that is rubble or burning at the end of the game, mentally subtract one point from your score. Similarly for every 20 allied soldiers KIA subtract one point, and for every 50 allied soldiers wounded subtract one point. See if you can still achieve a winning score! I think this extra pressure reflects the political difficulties under which field commanders will have to operate. Something which their WWII counterparts did not really face. The Iraqis task is to frustrate this allied objective and make the entry to Baghdad as costly as possible. The more Iraqi civilian casualties the better, as that would be fodder to the Western Media and will give the Iraqi leadership moral ascendancy. This scenario is not recommended for PBEM or TCPIP play due to its very large size. You would need broadband to cope with the downloads in a reasonable time frame. Play as allies to see how you could crush the resistance (recommended) or as the Iraqis to see how nasty you could make it. Default set ups are recommended to save time, and the Iraqi is padlocked to save time and to represent the inflexible orders of the higher command! Increasing or decreasing the AI's forces would be inadvisable as it would change the essential nature of the scenario, and if you are the allies you would spend the whole game clearing minefields under fire! Be warned - the Iraqi briefing is as useful as you would expect from the Iraqi high command. fytinghellfish if this is hijacking let me know and I will delete and start my own thread. I thought it best to keep them in the same thread.
  8. I've been using the search function in between periods of "work" but haven't found it yet. I'll get back to you unless you find it first.
  9. Who remembers the Shah of Iran and the hostage crisis? I can believe a scenario like CMSF for Somalia, Sudan, Libya and Egypt too.
  10. Iron Duke has a Vichy French battle at TPG. Sequoia made a mod for French unis, flags and markers for the Italians at cmmods.
  11. You asked about recruiting. Meaning the Army is spending big bucks to advertise on a top market radio station.
  12. Listening on the net this morning to KFI, Los Angeles number one talk radio station. There was an advertisement for an Army recuiting office in suburban Pomona and the $20k signup bonus.
  13. Yes, that is one of the major improvements in the Windows friendly version.
  14. At the risk of being moved or locked... If you guys want a taste of what SF will be like or want to learn something about the units, why not try WinSPMBT? It's a FREE download game. Turn based, top down 2D. It's not CM but still can be enjoyable.
  15. 14+ Months If the game is retail ready Q4 2006 then...
  16. Looking better. Thanks to both of you. Great community effort.
  17. Dorosh by 2007 there will be the United States of North America and Quebec so you won't need to mod Canuks anymore.
  18. Looks like something I will buy. Hope my computer can run it with all the bells and whistles.
  19. Nice job. Lots of little detail. It would be nice to see shadow on the gun barrel but I couldn't do that either.
  20. MikeyD and DavidI I Irfanview'd Makjager's gelb Lynx. Just need to adjust the darkness a little. Thanks for the offers but I have what I need now. I'll put it up soon.
  21. "My part was mearly removing the cargo from the CMBB mod. By the way you can find Paul's excellent winter Lynx for CMBB at CMHQ/CMMOS!" At the first link on the CMMOS page, Updates. Took me a long time to find it.
  22. No David, do not try this tactic. You already beat me bad enough. Remember my comment in Breakout? My CO HQ spotted, but poorly.
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