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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. Long ago I had a CMBO battle zip that contained the cmb, txt of the battle (French and English), map, photos. I liked it. IIRC it was over the 100kb limit of TSD. Don't remember where I got it.
  2. You did much better than I. So far I haven't done more than three turns without quiting. I lose so much straight away that I have to start over.
  3. Earl Grey, do you play with bases on? (shift +
  4. At Shrapnel's WSPMBT forums. Retrieve a downed Kiowa and crew. Lots of Stryker variants and other support units.
  5. My manual index shows page 125, Pre-planned Bombardments. Basically either side with or without TRPs can plot a target on the first turn only and it cannot be changed later.
  6. I did a search in BB and AK and only found this. If you were being tongue in cheek, I missed it.
  7. It dosen't look the same as the one at Zimorodok's site. I like the camo guns in that mod better. Are you going to move the mods from Zim's to cmmods someday?
  8. I like it. Can't wait for an ETO version.
  9. Hertston I dl'd the demo for TSATC but didn't find it user friendly. I've never played this type of game before. Any tips?
  10. I humbly request that Gurra's JPZ CMAK mods be converted too. Thanks again for the others.
  11. Mark Gallear's Mod Corner at the bottom are links to his tutorials that are very helpul.
  12. Still, it's nice to have a fan club isn't it? We would probably be happy with your "crappy" mods.
  13. LOL, I was thinking of posting something similar a while ago. Logged in when I got out of bed, been checking ever since. Mikey is posting all over the place so he is online.
  14. DG gave me a thought, US taxpayer funded training sim, $5 billion Syrian training sim, $35.00 plus shipping from BFC warehouse. Look on Steve's face, priceless
  15. I suppose I can do Khalkin-Gol in Manchuria in the summer of 1939.
  16. The first one is definately martial arts training.
  17. Oh heck yes. I tried to make an op for one of the multi day battles but the enemy units won't stay in place after the first battle. I was hoping the campaign would make things somewhat better. On further thought, these campaign battles will end up being random placement vs AI. My first mods and battles were for PTO in CMBB while waiting for CMAK to arrive.
  18. How bout sons of ... Anyway I am asking about the OP map as we can have large lakes in CMBB. (and thinking of my own island hopping campaign)
  19. How will these be handled? Lakes, oceans, beaches? ATM I only see rivers.
  20. I agree and one of the reasons I have avoided these types of games. The counters wih numbers mean nothing to me also.
  21. Tom think of this story. The current secular regime cooperates with the US and pulls back from its borders. It gives the UN/US permission to seek and destroy radical groups along those borders. The radicals decide to occupy the major cities and overthrow the government. THe US/UN assists the current government in removing these undesirables. Are the US/UN going to bomb friendly cities first? No.
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