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Everything posted by junk2drive

  1. civdiv I had the opposite happen with a unit (PB?) below a ridge. As my troops moved above the ridge they were hit and went to ground. I had no LOS to the unit but it continued to fire at the troops. Remember that we see three solidier icons but the game sees 10-12 men spread out in a "footprint".
  2. If it is, or is like, the one that I played, you will enjoy it David.
  3. I'll be out of town until Sunday evening so it is ok by me. Big thanks to hairy booty FLY and COG.
  4. Posted at Axis History forum by David Leamann Laffly W15 TCC in action (truck mounted ATGs). It reads in part: "On 5th June, the tank destroyer platoon is deployed on the Belloy heights (1 km north-east of Molliens-Vidame – near Abbeville, on the Somme River). On evening, about 20 German light tanks are spotted on the road to Abbeville. The French 47mm AT guns open fire at a range of 2,000 meters. The 5th Laffly W15 TCC led by brigadier Rayon puts immediately a German tank on fire. The 3rd AT gun destroys a second German tank, which is also seen burning. Two additional German tanks seem to have been knocked out and immobilized. On 6th June, the 54e BACA is deployed to block the Abbeville road. The 1st Laffly W15 TCC commanded by adjudant Marchal spots about 50 German tanks. He destroys 3 German heavy tanks (Panzer IVs probably) and then retreats, attracting the German tanks towards the 2nd and 3rd ambushed Laffly W15 TCC tank destroyers. The 3 French self-propelled AT guns open fire resulting in 6 German tanks burning and 4 other ones knocked out. The German crews of these 4 tanks bail out and begin to sneak towards the French vehicles. The French crews defend themselves with their SMGs. About 10 German soldiers are hit and the others are forced to retreat, surprised by the resistance. According to their usual tactic, the Germans avoid the area where French troops are resisting. They move back to start a renewed attack on a different axis. According to the testimony of battalion commander Decoux, leading the 7e Régiment de Dragons, also operating in this area, 18 German tanks have been knocked out by the 54e BACA during these combats. Sous-lieutenant Brussaux on its side could personally witness only 9 burning and 4 knocked out German tanks. ..." I guess we face the same challenges some days in CM.
  5. I had it happen in this battle as the USA. Infantry sitting near a mine tile, enginneers toss a satchel on their own, boom, casualties. Being a night battle may have had something to do with it.
  6. Of course we remember. The Outpost was a great resource. Thanks for doing it.
  7. I don't recall mines being a problem but everything else is. I'll try not to add any spoilers here but the stuff over there (hint,hint) can't be taken out, smoke is gone too soon, and now it seems futile.
  8. Since I wasn't around in the old days I haven't burned out on CMBO. I find it enjoyable for PBEM especially with people who have older computers that can't handle the big scens of BB or AK. JasonC's more realistic equals more of a challenge to play well. There are a few more subtle differences from BB to AK also.
  9. Play Tank Warning (CMBB) from Boots and Tracks by email as Soviets vs a good opponent. Then see how you feel.
  10. Most of the times as Allies that I have lead with tanks I end up with burning hulks. Shrecks and inf with fausts hiding along the path or long range ATGs that give no marker. Occasionally a TC hit by ss fire. I hate losing high points pieces just to find where to target my mortars and arty.
  11. In a CMBO battle I had a single road between woods. A lead Wasp set fire to the road and nothing but infantry could continue forward. Be careful with fire.
  12. I am frequently presented in scenarios with a large map and a mobile force. Light tanks and/or ACs lead the pack. Down the roads my columns move until something in front goes boom and flames. Since the sneakiest units are small and the best spotters have binoculars, sharpshooters or Platoon HQs (could be split) should lead the pack. Most scenario designers don't include ss though in the starting lineup. I think I had this thought before. I'll have to do a search.
  13. No Same answer for flamethrower packs and fausts.
  14. I watch an opponent's PSW go up in smoke and pondered recon in CMAK. Picking July 44 Italy, PSWs are twice the price of USA jeeps. They last about as long. For 40+ points I can get a jeep and a sharpshooter with binoculars. The ss is 22 and a platoon HQ is 20 with 5 men and binoculars. I assume the other countries are similar. What is your choice for sending out front for recon?
  15. Bannon and I are PBEM Little Stalingrad CMAK. I think the 15 turn chunks are just fine too.
  16. Lucho and I tried it long ago while making a battle in the Philippines. A WWII forerunner of the Brown Water Navy. The river was three to four tiles wide and made from ford tiles. I tried every APC the Allies have and they all got shot up, reversed, traffic jammed. IIRC it was also done in the CMBO PTO mod battles for island assaults.
  17. He means the keys for making craters, expanding the map from bottom and left, any other secrets.
  18. Anyone have a battle in Italy winter 43-44 with snow? I've never seen these in a battle.
  19. Helge's other website http://www.thedesertfox.net/ hasn't been updated in a while but I see him around at the WSPMBT forum. You might email him.
  20. HeinzBaby's is good. From cmmods description: MikeyD's StuG F refited for the StuG B This mod for CMBB only. Special thanks to; MikeyD, His StuG F backup your originals
  21. Don't forget to install David's Normandy mods in your Sie Kommen mod.
  22. I snooped around the usual and unusual places. I don't remember Magua doing vehicle mods but I wasn't around in the old days.
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