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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Aehmm, to see who is the better player wouldn´t be a mirrormatch more adequate?
  2. Well some things are certainly true: - Terif knows the statistics of the game in his sleep. Remember your last AAR comments like KB Rusia 60%, 5% above average - Psychological defeat: I know I will loose and start to make stupid mistakes because internally I already gave up. ´ Ways to beat him? Will ask Deepthough: Deepthoughs answer: Hmmm, interessting question, I will will need some time. In 5 millions years I will give you an answer if it is possible.
  3. High bid for Rambo but it seems that Terif has the situation under control, as always. Seems to be buiseness as usual. Prediction: June Norway and Vichy bite the dust July Sweden decides joing the axis of evil
  4. Hurry Rambo. The clock is ticking.... What are the war readiness levels of USA and Rusia?
  5. Dammit Rambo! Christmas riot was not a game but a riot which ended with JerseyJohn and Jim Boggs banned and Moon forced to lock 15 threads 11 pm on new years eve. </font>
  6. @ Ken, I think nothing is wrong with the bid system. Only the need for abid system Point is the game is unbalanced and the allies simply don´t have achance without bid. This is not historical correct IMHO
  7. Well, if the axis player knows what he does, than a bid 1:5:20 ; 175-200 MP is adequate. I think this is even true for equal players. Lioneyes, if you look at opponent finder forum you see that Terif even offered a 8000 MP advantage for Rusia. His own word were: To make the game more interessting
  8. Well any update for developers diary soon? Liam in Germany there will bereleases even a gold edition of SC. Though it seems to be quite succesful. Why would they stop SC2?
  9. How many times you will get an adavance in JT in time to make a difference? On the other hand mostly disadvantages: Invest in tech is "dead" money during France. IMHO it is better spend to mantain your airfleets at maximum readiness. Buying a new airfleet or buying corps. Even if you have early advantages in JT. What real startegic advantage do you have until USA and Rusia join? Axis will spend money on JT and catch up real fast destroying Rusia even faster with adavanced jets, in case of sealion you have to deinvest your chits, buying additional airfleets are really expensive with JT, replacing looses/ replacing AFs for GB are really expensive. Winning against the axis without a bid. Well if you can do it than the axis commander did a really bad job.
  10. Well hijacking this thread. Would it be possible to save the reports after each round automatically in a text file ? Writing AARs would be much easier. Perhaps there will be although teh possibility a key to caputure sreenshoots? They will be inclued in this file or created in a folder you choose , please?
  11. Cool Jersey John a coffeemachine with wheels
  12. @SeaMonkey Yeah, Micromanagement the bane of gameplay => Master of Orion 3. SC is a GREAT game from my point of view only a few things should be changed/enhanced. Fortunatly Hubert is the "only" designer though I am still looking forward for SC2.
  13. No way Tony, stand and fight. Don´t you see these old fossils, are using even older survival strategies. Come on look at their uniforms, they are still using horses even.
  14. Well why on earth do I want to help the axis in their research. ? I am for a fast follower strategy. Buy airfleets first invest in research later Same game different strategy
  15. Giving the good old LC gambit a bump . The bane of the "newbies".
  16. 336345303 Timezone (Germany GMT-1) [ July 19, 2004, 08:15 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  17. Advantages if France takes LC are. You can buy youself some nice toys. Tank for Bruessel for example and you build very rapidly a defense for southern france if necessary. If you have to carry over all the troops from britain these are extra costs. Advantages for GB: You can spend early much money to build up your AFs. Disadvantage is simply you still have to ferry over troops to France. Since I intend to stay in France a LONG time I prefer giving LC to France.
  18. Tony_S. Let them have this pitiful place _ There are new worlds waiting to be conquered. (just kidding) Regarding the old guard. Drageonheart lost his fire and is playing HOI right now. Rambo stumbles around in Europe getting beaten up by Terif mumbeling words like : I lost my army , where is my army....
  19. Thanks friendly_fire. Nice games Tony_S
  20. Hi Tony_s I am average player. If you want you can challenge me I am avaible
  21. Well, you can simply disband two battleships and the french airfleet turn 1. Buy an HQ. Put an english corps besides Bruessel ready to disembark... Attack with 1-2 french army... If needed with with the english corps or third army ... one airstrike should be enough to finish of the defenders...=> 2 carriers as a reserve You can although disband the bomber in turn one to buy additional english corps. If you need to fill out the line put the french HQ on a fortress hex. Important to fill the hex, east of Bruessel
  22. Aehmm, you have 4 full turns before the UDSSR war readiness increases. After turn 5 only 2% by the way.... Regarding the defense of Poland: - try to limit the access to Warschaw if the german player can only attack from two hexes you can hold Warschaw easily - if not try to cut supply like Waltero said - Ever sent a corps to berlin ? - Never counterattack - if the polish air isn´t damaged why not transfer it to London for a Dutch Gambit or a Counterattack in round 2 -3? or send it to denmark to spot the german sub for an attack on the baltic sea... My preference is to bind as many german troops as long as you can in the east. With some well carried out counterattack in the west early on you can slow down the german advance considerably.
  23. Early next year?!!?!!?!? I am verrrrryyyy old. Oh I wanted to see SC2 before I die. You can´t deny a last wish . Can you? P:S: If the I am old line doesn´t work: Perhaps: - My cat, dog ist sick and need something to cheer me up - My fortune teller told me the world is to end at the 31.12.2004 though please hurry up
  24. I would like to hear some more comments regarding seasons / weatehr effects. The situation in SC1 is: - You can launch an invasion in Rusia regardless of the season. Though many times the german player can wait up to Dez.1941 for maximum build up for his forces to launch Barbarossa. More interessting would be IMHO if the Axis player has to decide: launch an attack early when my troops can still move or risk that Rusia declares war and loosing the surprise effect. - You can launch a seainvasion regardless of season / weather etc. Wouldn´t it be nice to see a small popoup asking you to launch the invasion and risking high casulties due to weather or wait a turn? - Reduce the effektiviness of airfleets due to weather effekts for example 50% less attack ?
  25. I was Allies so he started the game. </font>
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