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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Germans move Af and HQ to Algier. Both navies retreat from the rock. German taskforce in the Atlantic suspected. Allied carrier group moves carefully. Brest Bordeaux and Vichy now in the Hand of Evil. Beirut taken by british corps
  2. Bloody battle around the rock. German movements carefully monitored. German reveal bombers to help battel fo Atlantic. Italian sub and Battleship no more
  3. Itlian Battleship destroyed. RAF monitores movements of german ships in the Channel. Italian army pinched.
  4. Nuff to say. Good campaign from Rambo so far.
  5. Hmmm, crap instead of taking Paris Rambo attacked with his whole LF a Basttleship forcing intercept and afterwards destroyed an allied AF. Monit is not amused. still it will be end of august until France falls.
  6. Axis moves up to paris. Italy enters the war and takes Marseille.
  7. Mine falls. Axis adavance. So far no setback for the axis.
  8. Mine under attack. Allied commanders starting to destroy papers in Paris and bringing the reasures from the Louvre out of France
  9. English corps cut off at the elbow HEX, Mine under attack. Canadian Army destroyed. French beginn pullback from Maginot.
  10. Axis on the march again. Destroy BB and corps and move in the direction of Paris
  11. Axis destroys english corps but don´t mve forward. German fleet appears in the north sea. BB damaged. Allies patch the gap as good as they can.
  12. Axis widens the gap and move tank forward. Subs survive and dive 4 times. allied commander very curious wants to get german sub commander alive to trach secrets
  13. Allies reinforce and fear. Subs survive and dive 4 times
  14. Denamark and Poland surrender round 3. German corps destroyed. Subs found dive 3 times.
  15. Warschau falls round 2 . Poland fights on. Rambo moves many troops to the West. Denmark under heavy attack.
  16. German breakthrough in round 1. Polish troops disperse perhaps we can fight on without Warschau. Attack on the peace lowing cheese aters expected. Snake free Island attacked.
  17. New game. Bid 1:5:20 . Bid 215. Rom Gambit forbidden. Rambo Axis, Sombra allies
  18. Axis is yours. Bards tale Ispend hours on my C64 trying to get to level 2 and survieve a night....
  19. I loved Ultima II-V. Afterwards I never really played it. Even if they say VII was the best. Bid 205
  20. At lord British command. Your are a false AVATAR!!! Not one of the eight virtues can be found. I will prove it . Since you love the all out defense of France . My first bid for axis is low 175 MP 1:5:20.
  21. :cool: Keep hiding!!! There are MANY dragonslayers out there.
  22. Rambo, during the week 7am - 5:30 pm I am usally at work. Droping in from time to time to see if something interessting happens. My wife spends her holidays with me and uses "my" computer and doesn´t answer at ICQ. Even if spending time with SC and you guys is one of my prefered pastimes, I still prefer more to spend as much time as I can right now with my wife. Short I quite limited to play SC right now.
  23. Rambo can you check if you can make it on sunday morning? If not perhaps Avatar would like to drop in ?
  24. Perhaps my wife was using the computer and I didn´t see your message. Terif is to hard, hmmm I thought Terif was only another EURO walkover for you american guys . Feeling like a beginner against Terif is a fate you share with many other SC players around the world. Loosing against me will let you feel as the biggest loser in history :cool:
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