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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Terif at his best wondering where the next enemy will come from Armed sandflies could really threaten the axis dominion in Egypt.
  2. While you are waiting Terif perhaps you can post your "shopping list" This new rules seem to include a lot of silent moments for meditation
  3. Well, I think a replay option would be cool :cool: Still more important for me are additional confidence building measures as pregame view of setting for both sides etc. anything that makes cheating more difficult. Even more important for me (having played Europa universalis ) Safty measures to recover the game if more than two players play. Being able that anohter player takes over a drop out player or the AI gets in, stable recovery files, no time outs etc. Voice chat would be nice , Or a nice clean chat "window", "sreen", or part of the screen would be nice Additional request would be an small update on the report screen A simple "How much the income the allies receive and how much the axis"
  4. for bid 220 it is your game. I am looking forward for this game.
  5. Bid 215 [ August 03, 2004, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  6. Nice to see the effect of your strategy. I think holding Paris until September against Terif is pretty good. => Translating in holding "forever" against average player
  7. History became legend , legend became myth Rambo I don´t want to highjack the thread of avatar, though how about: 7-11 am Saturday my time should be 10 PM -2 AM your time for a game? (Right now I kind of limited to play SC) Rules: Only thing forbidden Rom gambit First bid : 200 MP, 1:5:20
  8. I hope I will not be as good as Rambo I hope I am/will be better If he is Patton call me Hannibal
  9. Well Rambo, seriously you MAY be a good player up to now you haven´t demonstrated it to me. :eek: From the Nr.2 in the world I expect a constant top notch playing, no lapses like I was only fooling around. Either way you are right we need to dodge it out in an "official" AAR in battlefront.com By the way compared to DH there are many slower players out there...
  10. Sure Oktober 1940 or Sepetember 1940 is going with ease through France. Well, only solution seems to be a duell here in the battlefrontforum. Bid stands at 200 MP
  11. :eek: Loosing against Waltero (nothing personal Waltero ) that is record for a top league player like you Rambo
  12. Well Rambo, we already agreed on a AAR in Battlefront Forum. Sorry to tell you, you are right that we only played two games against each other. But you lost one game and the other (A-Game from you ) is going downhill for you quite fast though if you are are the Nr.2 in the world.... Right now my wife spends her holidays with me though I am more limited to spend long time playing SC. But my first bid for Axis is 200 MP 1:5:20. May the looser live in darkness and in shame
  13. Well Avatar good luck !!! May the dark side of the force be with you. Always! On the other hand I am although an aggressive allied player. Still I prefer to move round 4 the Malta AF to London when the canadien corps arrives to take its place in Malta. I always need corps from GB to replace the looses of France to hold the lines. Still interessting way of getting more MPs due to oil wells in Irak. Terif used this strategy once against me. I think simply without an France HQ to counterattack. the German ground troops don´t need much air support to advance. Well at least you will have many spectators for your match.
  14. Avatar, some time ago there was a thread if it is possible to break the normal (turn 2 )LC gambit against an experienced player. Friendly fire (quite a good player) tried to defend himself and was not able to stop the axis in the end. Your tactic combines for me (IMHO) the worst of the LC gambit without its advantages -No plunder from the low countries -Foothold for the axis already provided -Early war entry of Italy. Well we will see how far you get. My best advice is start already digging your hole.
  15. @ Avatar: your strategy in short is: - Break the axis in France Disadvantages: +2 corps for LC for the axis + throwing away 1 french army which will be destroyed nearly always in turn 2. +2 Dows for the allies + -1 DOW for axis (You won´t see the US in this game for a long long time + Italy enters very early in the war. => Italy will get very strong. If he hides in ports until the end of France you will have a hard time securing the med as allies. (Italy can help the axis , buy aircraft, buy subs, buy GL tech etc.). If you sent to early to many ships to the med. The german subs have a field day. If you sent them to late the itlalian navy can operate around in the med. ------------------------------------- Resumen: You will stop the axis in France but you will do it with airpower of the allies only, NO HQ for FRance. IF axis has some good combat rolls early on you will not have time to build up even a corps defense in France. Your defense crumble fast. On the other hand you can perhaps take the LC as allies? On the long run rating the strategy (without playiugn it yet) I would give it 30-40% chance of stopping the axis in France. This can be a very good ratio for the allies. Either way the game is over fast. If the axis get rolling and reach Paris the game is over for the allies. I
  16. Many contenders for the number 2 spot. Rambo if you are the Nr.2 I throw my hat in the ring. :cool: Still no other contenders for the Nr.1 position
  17. Simply move a LF to Beirut. THe itlian war readiness only rises if a town is not occupied
  18. Terifs goal wasn´t conquering the irak only taking the oil wells. Knowing from the beginning taht he will strike at Italy he calculated 30 MP per round for the allies until Italy /Germany can conquer Egypt. ( In this game Italy never even landed near Egypt, Irak struggeled on until it was to late for them
  19. Willebra, it is more like. Most players don´t play with a real long term strategy. It seems to me for Terif the game is more like a puzzle. Example: Terif is playing as Allies: Stratgeygy : Domination in the med: Exectution: - Turn 2 attack on Irak, - Corps defense in France - In June when the german troops reach Paris, massive surprise attack on Italy with enough troops to take half of ITaly even Bari afterwards Tobruk etc. Normal good players have difficulty to balance the gameplay enough to hold France long enough that the invasion troops for the med are in position (overcommiting or undercommiting) forces in France.
  20. Willebra, even in chess there are a lot of standart situations. Faszinating with the sucess of Terif is that he wins with both sides! When you only have to play by the book to win it should be possible to win against Terif. If you haven´t played him and believe yourself a good player challenge him Terif seems alway willing to oblige you. I believe myself already a good player. I know I have at least a good chance playing against other good players like Drageonheart or Rambo. Still against Terif I feel "always" like a total newbie.
  21. "you must rule to win or serve and loose suffer or triumph be anvil or hammer"
  22. Aehmm, to see who is the better player wouldn´t be a mirrormatch more adequate?
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