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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Always taking the minors in no time at all. Nice AAR by the way Dragonheart.
  2. Some_GOD gave up. Most of his fleet was in bad conditions. Russian KB very low. France surrendered to early to fetch up.
  3. 25 th of August. The british med. fleet is no more. Carrier, battleship and destroyer sunk. Alexnadria will be attacked an taken next turn?
  4. 8 of August. attack onAlexandria beginns. brit. fleet seriously damaged. Schweden joins Axis. Brit robed country only 253 MP left when Germany liberated the country.
  5. One carrier less in the atlantik to troube the german high command. Sweden survived round one . Bad campaign fom my side when I invade. On the bright side forces are moving to Alexandria. Brest taken, Malta taken . 28 of July
  6. Germans destroyed an kanadian corps and a brit. battleship.Norwegen fell on 7th of July. German aircommand surprised that the britisch carrier still tried to intercept to no avail. Malta port bombarded. Itlians begin advance on Alexandria 14.of July 1940
  7. Well Some_God I cover the German side at the Panzerliga. It is May 1940 and Germany is still preparing his next move. Italian high command swears. the brit. Med fleet will not see England again
  8. First two terms showed the usual things. Denmark DOWed, NL Dowed and conquered on turn 2. Polen resist and aggressivly defend. NO surprises up to now
  9. OK, first show tonight. This day all gods will die.
  10. Will the young Luke Dragonheart fall prey to the dark side? History can and will always change in the world of SC. Dragonheart is EVIL beware
  11. One Point of this game is to change history: Research and development is related to the money you spend and to luck. If the Americans get trashed and don´t have the resources they simply can not build more advanced planes. If a player thinks the Germans should have developed stronger and faster tanks he should be able to do it and see the results. The mayor drawbacks of the old system were IMHO: - Instant upgrade of all units across Europe - Research money is never spend - All research areas cost the same even if some are vastly superior to other It seems that Hubert has adressed most if not all of these points though I am happy.
  12. Wow, clear and fast knock out after 15s in the ring. Well congrats Rambo. Dragonheart go for Europe!!!!
  13. - I think putting a timer in the game is a must. - Shifting some of your actions to your enemys war moves => something to do while waiting for example politics, minor set up, diplomatic, perhaps already buying the units which will appear next turn, renaming units?
  14. Status up to date: Some_GOD Allies, Sombra Axis Bid 175 MP, 1:5:20 => 175 MP GB, 875 MP USA, 3500PM Rusia Please, give me your time preferences for playing. My preferences: Friday: 23:30h => 17:30 for you or a little bit later. Saturady: 06:00 Am => 00:00 AM for you Saturday: 13:00 => 07:00 AM for you (I would have to leave after 5 hours) Sunday: 7:00-13:00 => 1:00 Am -8:00 Am for you Today : 20:00h => 02:00 PM for you...
  15. By the way Some_god. I know you said it as a joke but calling a German a Nazi is one of the worst insults you could use in Germany. We are quite aware of our crimes but still it is topic not open for joking for a German at least. We dont mind if our ´president is sleeping with all his staff or is already married 4 times. But everything smelling of antisemitismus is a NO NO for every german politican and citizen. For your handbook : "How to get along with Germans" [ April 28, 2004, 05:23 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  16. Dragonheart you know that dev0 is famous for his way of playing SC . I think that many many PLer are reading these AAR and con not believe what they are seeing
  17. dev0 vor noch ein Tor Ups wrong forum. Many players in the Panzerliga are observing this match. Nice AAR Comrade Trapp
  18. Hi, Some_GOD. Eastern Time Zone though you are liveng 6 hours behind us . I will start loking for you today at 20:30h my time => 14:30 h your time. If you are working at this hour please leave only a messange. The Axis is looking forward to invade the USA Please give me the times when you will be avaible. I will be away from home between 4-12 of May. though it would be nice if we can finih before. Kind regards Sombra P:S: Please define Z-League rules
  19. Yeah there is one thing I would like to know 4th quarter 2004 is what? September, okt. nov.dez? Any guess?
  20. My point Dragonheart give me a 1000MP starting bonus for GB and lets hope it is enough to stop you:D Come it is only 1000 MP.
  21. Well Dragonheart this 525 MP bid is something for the record history of the PL. What do you think ? Go Europe go. Break Germany in France stop I am german though who´s side I am on ?
  22. :confused: The top ten players: 1. Terif (quite frustrating playing against him) 2. Dragonheart ( well if I am not really lucky he will smash me) 3. Zappswerden (Well his reputation speaks for him) 4. Rambo (the selfconfidence must be based on something) 5. Fiendly fire has won against Dragonheart though he must be good 6. Kuniworth (Well a nice reputation) 7. Feldtrompeter That leaves 3 spots for my big EGO 8. Sombra 9. Sombra 10.Sombra
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