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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. This is a well known "feature"/BUG. You need a connection to a capital to build units. This can happen in France short before the fall of France during a Sealion in England and like you noticed in Rusia. Since most players know this bug the simply don´t let it happen that the axis encircles the capital. In other words when the axis is able to surround moscow Rusia is doomed anyway. Though normally there is no need to forbid especially this move
  2. When we look at the time scope of SC one turn is around 1-3 weeks real time? Though a cut off unit already can fight a quite long time without supplies (1 turn)
  3. Just keep me updated. No big deal if you can´t play. right now I quite limited although in playing time.
  4. Hi Rambo, after this masterpiece of an AAR, I think we should start a new game . I noticed you were tired and you made quite a few beginners mistakes due to a lack of concentration I think. I offer you to play 7:00 AM my time on sunday. Saturday 22:00 for you. Basic rules of conduct, because I REALLY hate it when somebody writes comments as: "this is rigged", "something fishy is going on" etc. , please save game in your first turn when I host and I will always give you my password after the game when you feel something with the setting is strange. I ask the same of you. When writing AAR please wait until the other sends signal to send turn because you can´t see the enemies movements if you send the turn before I finished writing. Before disconnecting suspecting a "hang up of the game" please send message by ICQ to verify. You can play with bid 220 for axis or start with a new bidding if you feel the bid is to high. I think we should start a new thread because I feel this one is getting embrassing for both of us
  5. Anytime you want to rematch send me message through ICQ. Good night "Everytime the things don´t go the way I want it is the fault of my enemy"
  6. Axis doesn´t take Poland the 2nd. turn. Sub has surprise encounter with battleship. NL falls, Denmark down to five. Rambo is tired and terminates conncetion
  7. Replay, same bid. Rambo with polish breakthrough in turn one. Polish border a mess. Allies declare war on Ireland. Axis on Denmark
  8. Allieds move out the balitc sea after a battleship is lost. Rambo doesn´t tell that a strengh 8 sub destroyed a battleship 5 in one shoot. Either way the Allieds are very happy how the war goes
  9. Allieds get bold and move into the baltic sea. Bad idea due to a surprise encounter with a sub BB reduced to 5. July 1940 and Germany stills struggeling in the LC
  10. Germany destroyed finally french army in the forest of the NL. Allieds retilate and destroy german corps and move again into LC
  11. Rambo reloaded the gameand is hosting now. June 1940. Axis prepares to put its first feet into France
  12. Tell me how to do it you attacked the units 3 turns in a row now. Load your first turn [ August 06, 2004, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  13. After Rambo couldn´t destroy a french army in the ardennen forest he terminated the connection without a word.
  14. Monty plays although with the AA Bug . Rambo last round army of your survived due to 3 attacks minimumdamege from my side. This turn a army of yours survived 2 x minimum damge. Please lets play the game and see what happens
  15. 1 axis ship sunk. Subs no more Even if Rambo is angry I am surprised that Rambo could take Low Country this turn one really good ground strike +1 airfleet which were intercepted. Either way two english corps cut of at the wrong side of the battlelines Bruessel now axis
  16. Subs dive togehter now 9 times Bad combat results in LC. shame I wanted to throw the axis out of the netherlands. Grr hopefully now the army in Bruessel survives. Hamburg retaken. corps moves back to the NL. Nothing much else. Axis had 548 MP at the end of round. 3 or march
  17. Allieds take Kiel. Move into germany to attack airfleets. Poland surrenders Yes I had luck but it can happen if you don´t molest yourself in destroying the surounding corps, that with bad luck entrenchment 1 a 10 strengh corps survived if the first attacks on the city are carried out by the no directly supported units mister Either way defender of Denmark killed.
  18. Defender in Warsaw was ten because i exchanged the corps there against a "fresh one" LC I was lucky becaus in last turn I could hold it. Allieds take Hamburg and destroy 2 corps. NL nearly 90% allied. Subs found.
  19. Attack order of Rambo on low country: Army , AF intercepted by RAF, AF intercepted, AF and tank than than corps. Allies kill in counterstrike german tank and take Koenigsberg. Corps shoot down to 3 in Low country. NL corps marches on Hamburg and Kiel
  20. Evil germany was looking everwhere to find a general to carry out there dirty plans to conquer the world. For much money the well known mercenary Rambo took over the axis high command. 1 turn: Knowing that they are doing evil german troops enter polish soil but don´t kill any units. Denmark attacked. Allieds building up fearing the worst
  21. The time of the SC1 JEDI KNIGHTS is almost over. THE dark side will take over with SC2 in 4 months :cool:
  22. sorry, 7am saturday morning is quite early for me. I will be half asleep already
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