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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Yes fun game. My anti sealion corps came two turns to late. Still the british empire is much better off in Egypt. Warmer weather , girls are more beautiful.... In 1942 already saw the conquest of Greece, Iraq joined, Norway switched its alliance to the Allies and as Diced Tomato will notice US will come now strongly into the game looking for a colonial empire of its own. Rusia feels securce, winter will come to Rusia soon and already orders are placed for all tank groups avaible . Shukov feels a strong grudge against the Finns. Stalin wants to drink Wodka in Berlin latest 1944 better yet 1943. P.S: Allies experts estimate that the sealion of Diced Tomato ruined the german treasury. Its no wonder that rusian technology is much superior compared to the 3rd world country named Germany. [ June 20, 2006, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  2. I believe the Allies have right now the edge. Simply the Axis has so many possibilties to make mistakes. Anybody putting its money right now on the axis? (besides Terif?)
  3. The usal windows security updates and newest driver for my graphic card. Then my guess is the new driver tnak you Hubert
  4. Yes you can take Poland , Denmark and Benelux quite fast in turn 2. Step by step: 14th army attack Krakow corps 8th army attack krakow corps vIII corps attack krakow korps southern airfleet attacks krakow corps. (Now at least it should be destroyed) 10th army moves to Warsaw xvI tank moves to Warsaw and attacks Katno corps V corps moves direction Warsaw and attacks Katno Korps Rundstedt moves forward to secure supply and block polish movements 4th armny op move to 75, 16 XiV panzer op move to 76, 17 Bock moves to Frankfurt northern airfleets op move west (west of Hamburg for example) Cruiser moves into Königsberg habor. Königsberg corps => Amphib transport Königsberg army attacks polish army. München corps moves southern Siegfriedline 1 korps moves to northern siegfried line. 1 Corps stays in Dortmund is upgraded to 1 IW 1 AT Western Airfleet upgraded Berlin Corps op moves to danish border (You have to sell rocket research) Voila you are set up to take all three countries on the 2nd turn. [ June 20, 2006, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  5. I agree, I don't see how England does it all, with their 60 MMP. </font>
  6. I think most of the people underestimate the moral impact if you lose your capital. The english are proud that nobody invaded succesfully their island since 1066 (battle of Hastings) I believe if London had been lost and Rusia would have been in its death throws the US would have said why sacrifice our people for a lost cause . In the long run its not our concern. Neither can I see that England would have moved its captial to Canada. I dont think that the rest of the commonwealth would have said yeah sure now the excile goverment in Canada is the boss. I dont thinkt the commonwealth would have survived without the threat of the working british empire. If the germans had conquered London and installed a puppet government (like vichy) the british emoire would have desintegrated quite fast ( the commonwealth hasnt been a love affair back then) I like the victory conditiosn as they are now and think even the moving capital from England to Egypt quite cheesey. Its like Hubert has seen that sealions are to easy in SC2 and looked for counter measure.
  7. Since applying the latest patch the game doesn´t like it at all if you use the windows key to minimize the screen. The game crashes nearly immediately. Kind of strange becaue before you you tap out of the game and if you were back before the other side sended the turn everything was fine. I noted that suddenly sometimes background music (windows media player) stutters. Don´t know the internal changes in 1.02 but at least for me the game runs less stable.
  8. Colin the game is not broken. For me it is already much better and interessting than SC1. Still some areas of the game should be improved because certain strategies are "to good" to be ignored. Sealion is till pretty easy . Yeah you can make it very hard to carry our or even prevent it but only if you put all your resources in it. Pretty boring for the allied player. There are other examples.
  9. It would be nice to see more of this AAr. I learned from Bashy and Jollyguy already the importance of Kiel and the "Blashy Syrian attack" => activating 50% of Iraq.
  10. I disagree Sc2 has much more potential to be a better game than SC1. What do you want to improve in Sc1 anyway? Throw out the AA - bug? One improvement I wish for is a windowed mode for SC2 or at least the possibilty to move over the map while waiting.
  11. DT, soemtimes you have to cut back in research. Contrary to Terif I think intelligence is useful if you are the underdog How much I invest and the placement of my troops depends much on luck of research. One of the keys to Rusia for me is to place some lucky chits in producion tech and industrial tech. (Its some kind of chain reaction if you get advances there early on). In the beginning you have already quite a nice force of troops avaible I am still looking for a spare task force to take out the Finns with the start of Barbarossa
  12. TaoJah, France is doomed if the Allied player does not pull back its troops from the Maginot line they will be cut off and die without doing anything in the french campaign. Sending British troops to France you can do against the AI. If I see a human player doing it I think "another army of the walking dead from England". You cant win in France, at this point or doing any good there. In ´SC1 you had to sent reinforces to delay France. In SC2 never ever do it only if you want to lose the few MPS England has and open yourself WIDE for sealion.
  13. Jollyguy not much to add to your analysis of the game. The game form my point of view was a little bit weird because Spain never joined ( 4th time in a row) this limits severely the options of the axis. Hitting on Kiel (the port near Denmark ) and keeping my resources down in the west was a real pain. Your air was simply deadly in the west. With the tech limits you dont have any possibility to invest in Air defense (And I wished to) In SC1 you could hold positions with numerical inferior forces. Sc2 changed that rule, the side with "more units" wins an encounter. I think Hubert did the right thing to strengthen the defense of armies a bit. After I got used ot the new defense its fun. Simply you have to threaten your enemy to counterattack forcing him to concentrate his troops where you want him to move and slow him down. Piecemeal defense 4-5 units here and there is doomed. Usally I have 3 waves of troops ready to hit. First attack taking out the defenders, waiting for the counterattack and then move in again to wipe out the weakend attacker and in case the rusians still have untis you need another fresh wave of german troops. Weather and speed is very important here. I agree with nearly all your points regarding the Russia strategy. I build up as Axis for Barbarossa to start in May - June 1941. The Russians should do the same having their core troops placed latest in June. From July 1940 I think the Russians should constantly buy a least one unit every round. Its simply to have later on enough troops to cheaply replace them and having reinforcements arriving every round to fill up gaps without op move units. Same goes for the US they should build up their forces to be ready for action as soon as the Us enters the war round about May 1942. At this time Germany is pushed to its limits in the east having to face the Siberians etc. If you can take cities in the west at this time the axis to is already spread to the breaking point. The longer the axis is in the war the more difficult it gets for them. IMHO they have only 1942-1943 to win in the east or at least braking the Russian back. Afterwards you will see a rollback and a race to Berlin. The moment the axis is losing the iniative and has to react to Allies moves its over for them. P.S: Jollyguy if you don’t mind I would like to play the Allies in our next game or having to games at the same time. Somehow everybody wants to play Allies and from time to time its nice to switch sides.
  14. :confused: Ok before the patch the Allies needed some help but now? Most player in multiplayer want to play the Allies and soon it seems you have to start bidding to get the Allies from time to time. [ June 18, 2006, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  15. DT while I play with other people with the US Version of the game it works. Funny is tried it with somebody who has the german version and wow you get an direct x failures faster than you can say amen. Really annoying
  16. Actually I am playing Sc2 much of the time Unfortunately SC2 doesnt like it all if you alt tab from the game.
  17. Your allied play must be very very VERY bad Rambo. Get yourself a decent internet connection and I will gladly teach you the basics
  18. Still august 1942. Germans take Kubsubsy (no idea how to write that). Allies take Bruessel. A German task force dispatched to France to clear things up. Allies a way superior in Air but their ground troop are way inferior in tech but superior in numbers. Will be interessting...
  19. France should have a chance but than the arrival of the siberians should be delayed.
  20. Fratknock3r it isnt about that you can´t do it. Its about having the option to different strateigies and counterstrategies. Some of the changes in the last patch improved the balance alas taking away lot of hte fun of the game because if you want to win the number of ways to do it has been limited strongly. Therefore my suggestion to give the french armies the same defense as all the other armies delaying France and delaying the whole buildup for Barbarossa etc.
  21. One of the biggest changes in patch 1.02 has been to move the failsafe date of the Siberian tanster to the beginning of 1942. This has been done to increase the game balance and it works somehow stillat a high price. I have not seen one game as a allied player who had a chance if he doesnt start Barbarossa in latest July 1942. You dont have any choise anymore. As soon as you get this major force pool you always buy bakc the lost troops for half a price. The consequnces of this approach are: Rusia only concentrates on tech: To get maxed out siberians and anyway you dont need to invest in troops anymore to stop the germans you get them for free... Results are: Rusia will have higherr Tech than Germany (feels wrong) and it simply limits again game possibilities for different strategies (aka Sealion etc.) The problem of version 1.00 that the axis was to strong (played in the right way) and one of the reasons from my point of view is that the french campaign was to easy. I don´t know why Hubert increased the defense of armies (which worked quite well) and left the defense of the french armies low. If he had changed the defense value of the armeis perhpas we would have seen a harde rfight for France => less preparation time for the axis for North Africa etc => weaker Barbarossa=> no need for the siverian ghost amies to save the day and game balance I think Hubert should change the date back.
  22. Well Sombra, USA took Casablanca and Algeria's Capital in November of 1942, something that was not possible before the latest patch. But it is now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Torch </font>
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