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Everything posted by Blashy

  1. The Japs have a huge navy... agreed 100%. USA has a HUMONGOUS navy and once it gets going Japan is toast if it splits up and it can get going pretty fast if a player goes that route. Add USA and UK, Japan is dwarfed. Japan is playing against time and that is the biggest challenge, knowing when it is time to be on the defensive and where you will make those biggest defensive lines to hold on until the time limit.
  2. June 42, China replies by bringing a tank unit to 3 and another unit to 1 but never enough to take one down... but I think we are succeeding in making it a time consuming experience . Still, good weather like that and the air power will devastate China! In India UK goes on the offensive right at the Burma border just doing 1 damage to the unit there but I am sure it is feeling pretty lonely with a 1 tank and 1 armies coming towards them... rain keeps my air power from engaging, typical in Burma. USA... well now I can't say anything about those guys and their innovative tactic (I hope).
  3. You need 4-5 units to keep partisans away once China has surrendered. Have a look at the scripts if you find what locations. Although I am in favor of simplifying the process with this idea: A) ALL capitals need a unit on it or it could have a physical partisans popup. Any other city would just get damage from partisan activity.
  4. UK is very different than USA, USA is green while UK is beige. I really have no clue what you are seeing! lol.
  5. I have taken those Islands from the AI a few times and quite honestly I did not see a difference in how it played out, funny as in one game it let me keep it the whole time and took other Islands.
  6. If you have a place surrouneded, it will go down quite fast. Never has been an issue for me.
  7. The bottom line is: GREED... It ALWAYS comes back to greed. GREED will kill us all! NOTE: Excellent post by thetwo.
  8. Burma can be ok if you do 2 things. A) Use your air just for China Use only ground troops in Burma Burma can work out pretty damn good if you do one extra thing. C) Invest in mobility for ground troops with your first 100mpps and hope you get a hit within 12-15 months after. That one is a real boost to moving into India.
  9. Burma is the worst, they have a Monsoon season from June-September. But heavy rain can start as early as April. I have found my air to be quite useful in China, when it rains it gives you a chance to reinforce them. As well they are quite useful vs. Russia.
  10. May 1942 and finally some rain in Burma. UK is hoping for the typical 6+ months of rain to keep enemy planes out of the fight. Fear of the navy is what is next, those carriers can get out of the rain and wreck havoc in India. Meanwhile the line holds in China but we take more damage than we can give back. USA is VERY quite...
  11. What JJvR stated. Example, some USA oil fields are worth 30mpps. You want to protect oil fields and mines, they are worth allot.
  12. He does not have tiles ON so it does not make it as obvious for him is what I gather.
  13. I never use it as well, I just go to the map screen that shows ALL blinking units which means they have not been used. Much faster IMO.
  14. It is located in: C:\Program Files\Battlefront\Strategic Command WWII Pacific Theater\Multiplayer\E-mail It will create the folder named Multiplayer automatically the first time you ever start a MP game. So if you start OpZ as Japan it would auto created it. If your opponent did and you have never played a MP game before you would have to create the MP and Email folders yourself.
  15. Ahah, so we have an AAR do we. I will do my best to add info as well. So I am going for an innovative strategy in this game. It might take a while to play out and just blow up in my face but we shall see! Colin got a really good run in Burma and took it easily in no time flat and will probably knock out the STR 5 HQ that popped up in that area. Plus he has not had any typical Burma weather (RAIN), something I look forward too. China is able to dig in and brings in more assets. While Japan comes to close to the Communist China border which brings them into the fight (1 HQ and 2 Armies). The US is basically non existent on the map, simply preparing for the master plan! The UK & Minors forces have a weak navy but they still engage Japan causing some damage but at a loss of some naval assets... all part of the sinister plan!
  16. I dived right in playing Japan at the most difficult setting and never looked at the manual or scripts before doing so. I believe any SC2 vet should do nothing less if they wish to feel a challenge, especially anyone who has HvH experience, which I have very little myself if that offers any help.
  17. I would not even play a mini one first, find out all that stuff in the thick of the action. Play Japan first, cause within 2 years you will feel ALLOT of pressure to prepare for the Allied onslaught, remember you can not DEFEAT them outright, you have to win by resisting long enough. Any experience SC2 player should go with Japan first, they are more difficult the first few times.
  18. I watch TV shows via viptv.net , I do not watch what the AI does to add to the difficulty.
  19. SeaMonkey, anything less than the most difficult setting (+100% & 2.0) will probably not give a past SC2 player of your experience a good challenge. This is what I did the first time I played.
  20. I always get China to surrender, since the first time I played. I play at the hardest setting.
  21. SeaMonkey, the Allies had that advantage because they invested in it, if Japan does the same then the advantage could be in their favor. That is one goal about these games, doing things different than history. Still USA being already ahead prior to the war is factored in as Japan can only get 2 levels of Intelligence while USA can get 5, which helps simulation a little bit. At level 5 you pretty much spot enemy units every turn.
  22. Congrats Bill... now how big is the Fury Software employee list... two . Or one full time and some part time? Honestly I always figured Hubert was the solo full time person, but I might be wrong!
  23. The MPPs satisfy this for me. When you are short and can not repair a battleship moving it is most likely suicide. The abstract works well for me.
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