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  1. Seems no reason to suppose that within 24 hours given an adequate supply of defence stores that pits with overhead cover could not be constructed. Pre-fab pillboxes in steel or concrete can be quickly set up. I am not sure how this equates to the time periods of CMC though.
  2. So....if you can add an s60 or voroshilovets tractor, a T-28 might be included too?
  3. Seems to me that CMBO is in a museum, CMBB obsolete, CMAK obsolescent. All are good fun, but the models are looking dated (nip over and look at IL2:FB), 3 man squads a giggle, and one skin-many models rather sad. I still enjoy the game, but I Hope nest time They will m ake an engine pack and option packs for various theatres so that the game engine stays up to date, and I can buy the areas of interest to me.
  4. Seems to me that CMBO is in a museum, CMBB obsolete, CMAK obsolescent. All are good fun, but the models are looking dated (nip over and look at IL:FB), 3 man squads a giggle, and one skin-many models rather sad. I still enjoy the game, but I Hope nest time They will m ake an engine pack and option packs for various theatres so that the game engine stays up to date, and I can buy the areas of interest to me.
  5. Ahh What a great pity. I so looked forward to CMBB, My favourite period is the initial period of war on the Eastern Front. I was greatly disappointed by the omission of the T-28, T-35 T-50, amphibious capacity for T37, T-38, T40, Komsomolets tractors, anything to move heavy soviet AA, cretinism of molotovs. I loved the KVs and the sounds. Sigh Still I well and truly got mu monies worth. Wol
  6. What on earth makes you think Luftwaffe Flak did not engage tanks?
  7. They did say there would be one last patch...any ideas when? This is starting to look like a declining research project Wol
  8. But maybe the last before CMBB2 I suppose, and all the other games that BFC seem to have anounced for the future. Can you guys enable some greater arcs for MG sub-turrets by the way?
  9. Actually, I think that Mr Tittles gives a good (if ad hoc)account of why such figures can arise. It is precisely because of not counting the same things when accounts are used thatcauses problems. I recall many instances in writings where 'our' KOs (here meaning something like write-offs), are compared with enemy losses. Even worse sometimes our write-offs with enemy losses from all sources. But let us be clear about one thing. Providing an account of how some rubbery figures can be arrived at is not to provide any defence (even if intended) of the utility of these figures. BTW I would have thought that the ratio of KO to TWO was more like 3.5 to one for T34s. I recall that the average T-34 was rebuilt about 3-4 times during the war. Of course, many rebuilds may have been necessitated by mechanical rather than battle damage needs.
  10. How about a comment from BFC? I play russians a lot and i agree that they (MC) harm your chances of success. The russians are too stupid to be even allowed grenade bundles
  11. Why are the commonwealth sections led by sergeants? Surely they should be corporals. ???
  12. Rexford writes "The higher Sherman 75mm APCBC penetration in CMAK is due to the publication of face-hardened figures for the round instead of homogeneous armor performance. " but not all face-hard armour resists equally, even if it has the same metalurgical consisteny. So what were the details of the plates from which these figures were derived? How deep was the face layer/transition layers/ What hardness was the face/back layer? & the metalurgical properties. I realise that FH armour was little used, butI doubt if even all German FH armour was produced to the same formulae. cheers Wol
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