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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. The big problem, especially big for prolific "vs AI" scenario designers like Hans, is that Scenario Depot doesn't let you search by "best played as". So... I just thought "OK - for my next game I'll do the right thing and play a Hans scenario and review it". Guess what. I have to wade through many many "best played vs AI" scenarios to find any PBEM scenarios. And when I get there, they don't tell me if they are balanced or playtested. I'm not moaning about you Hans ... just trying to highlight the current problems that are there for people looking for the "right scenario for their need". Right now scenarios designers feel justifiably irritated at the lack of feedback (every Hans scenario I looked at had 100s of downloads and no reviews) but on the other hand people looking for specific scenarios also have a harder time than really necessary right now. (I have to also mention the current silly review category called "PBEM replayability". Now what does that mean? Does it tell me that the person liked the scenario for PBEM (even though it only plays through once, which is the case for most scenarios) , or that it is the special kind of scenario that you might actually want to play again? If the latter, then where have the reviewers put their opinion for whether its a good scenario for once-off PBEM play?) Someone will probably leap in now and say "Hey - don't knock the Scenario Depot, it's great and we need it". It's true: it's a wonderful service to the CM community. It's just not perfect right now As someone who actually _does_ review every scenario they play, I feel like I have some sort of right to let you all know the issues I see GaJ. [ March 04, 2005, 04:23 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  2. Right - so one shouldn't think "gee, this tank has APCR, that means it will be better for <somefink>" ... ?
  3. I wasn't aware. I think it's a bug, quite a big one really.
  4. Are they modelled differently in the game, or is the info just there for the grogs?
  5. Yes, you should buy it. While CMBB is good, and CMAK is not "completely different", it's nice to have the variety of theatres to play in. Escape the austerity of the Eastern front just for a while... hear the twang of yankee voices and see that heartening stars & stripes flying over your opponent's victory sites as they wipe everything before you. Yes, you should buy it.
  6. :confused: :confused: Is this some sort of US political joke, or what... (Hans - your scenarios are generally well labelled, and I've reviewed every one that I've played. I have passed over looking at yours more recently because most of the ones I looked at were "best played vs AI", which is not what I'm looking for).
  7. Shame the pictures have disappeared from that .
  8. Something that would help people choose your scenario, and hence help get it reviews, is to have a clear indication of whether it's intended to be balanced or not, and whether it's been playtested as such. I'm sure that people like me who are looking for balanced scenarios skip over lots of new (unreviewed) scenarios in favour of reviewed and reported to be balanced ones ... I'm not really interested in finding myself on the loosing end of a historical or accidentally (untested) unbalanced battle. If you put "This scenario was designed to be balanced and playtests indicate that it is" then I'm much more likely to try it out (at least until I discover whether you're any good at making them balanced ). In fact, if you have a list of unreviewed scenarios that you are confident are balanced, please let us all know... I for one will try them... GaJ.
  9. So - where is everyone?? I have 7 games on the go at once, and not a turn to do!!!
  10. Why is it that BFC and their shills say garbage like this? . [/QB]
  11. It's one thing to say "I find this rude, and it suprises me". It's not rude to expect whatever you like. It's another to say "It's a pretty sad company that...". This is making a negative judgement about a whole company. That, IMHO, is rude. If I were any BFC person reading that the first part of your message, I might have been given cause for thought. By the time I'd finished reading the second bit, I'd probably have been thinking "stuff him, rude bastard" GaJ.
  12. I'm suprised you're suprised, Sanok. You've been around since 2003, FCOL. I would have thought that anyone who had been around that long would have learned that BFC is great at making combat strategy games and not so great at customer relations. So what? They don't have the budget for slick tongued people. Maybe people who are passionate about their games aren't even fussed about relations. Steve does take time to talk to us about what he thinks. That's good. He talks straight about what he thinks, and isn't too fussed about offending some folk. There are people out in there in the big world like that. It's just how it is. I think it could be better myself, but hey... Work with what you've got. Standing on someone's porch and yelling out to the world how rude you think the people in the house are is not the most polite thing in itself, is it? GaJ. [ February 28, 2005, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  13. It is suprising that in all this time some definitive lists haven't emerged (or if they have, they're not obvious). I set my windows explorer window to "thumbnails" then scroll through till I see likely looking ones, then quickly edit those with great bit painted numbers on them. Then I fire up the game and see what numbers I see...
  14. COG has fixed searching at CMMODS (a side benefit!) Now you can find Mod Sets at CMMODS by searching for Type=Mod Set.
  15. I've uploaded to CMMODS the set of "High Contrast Mod Set Description Files" as "Gaj_High_Contrast.zip". In this case it made sense to have a Zip file containing the bundle, because this allowed me to break the Mod Set up into logical pieces that you could choose from... GaJ.
  16. I think that if there's somewhere to find the Mods Set Descriptions, "retro making" is not a waste of time at all. Especially for more general "location" style sets. Larry said "I can move from Italy to Normandy in a click". I'd like to be able to do that too, so I need Larry's file. Although a complete MCS would be a big download, you are able to review and tick the ones you want, so you can limit that somewhat. COG has already made a place a CMMODs for Mod Set description files: you can submit a "Mod" of category "Mod Set" (by selecting country "all"). BUT ... things loaded up to CMMODs have to be ZIP files. Do people mind unzipping to get their MCS file from CMMODS, or should McMMMM do that? If McMMM does that, then how do you tell the difference between a "Mod Set Zip" and a "Mod"? GaJ.
  17. I have just uploaded McMMM V4.30 to CMMods. This is the production release of the version I announced in the CMAK/CMBB/CMBO threads last weekend. You can read about the details in one of those threads. The reason I raise it here is that I would like to draw scenario designers' attention to the "Mod Set" feature. It would be great to see some scenarios accompanied by a "Mod Set Description File" describing the mods that make it look its best. Cheers, GaJ.
  18. I have just uploaded McMMM V4.30 to CMMods. This is the production release of the version I announced last weekend. Over 100 people have downloaded it, and no complaints, so it should be OK. New features: </font> ** Mod Sets **: The ability to quickly define a group of mods that should be installed or uninstalled together </font></font></font></font>Mod Junkies: now you can easily swap from your "Normandy" set to your "Vietnam" set.</font>Scenario Designers: now you can easily tell players what Mods go really well with your scenario</font>(extra drumroll) Automatic download of mods you don't have. Yes - if the scenario designer has been kind enough to record the URL of the Mods in his Mod set, then McMMM will (if you want it to to) automatically download the Mods you don't have. No more searching through CMMODs with your browser!</font>[*]Revamped documentation, including screenshots </font> V4.30 has a couple of small niceties added, as requested by Allan Wotherspoon: - There's an option to list all the ZIPs you have in your Mod directory for a given game. - The "Extract Files" button presents a "Save As" dialog, so you can choose what directory to put the extract files in. "Do I need to download this if I got V4.21/4.22?" No, I think that unless the two items above really call you, 4.21/22 is just as good as 4.30. However, if you were one of the fast people who tried out 4.20 (thanks!!) you might want the extra "remember password" feature that 21/22 and 30 have. Cheers, GaJ.
  19. I have just uploaded McMMM V4.30 to CMMods. This is the production release of the version I announced last weekend. Over 100 people have downloaded it, and no complaints, so it should be OK. New features: </font> ** Mod Sets **: The ability to quickly define a group of mods that should be installed or uninstalled together </font></font></font></font>Mod Junkies: now you can easily swap from your "Normandy" set to your "Vietnam" set.</font>Scenario Designers: now you can easily tell players what Mods go really well with your scenario</font>(extra drumroll) Automatic download of mods you don't have. Yes - if the scenario designer has been kind enough to record the URL of the Mods in his Mod set, then McMMM will (if you want it to to) automatically download the Mods you don't have. No more searching through CMMODs with your browser!</font>[*]Revamped documentation, including screenshots </font> V4.30 has a couple of small niceties added, as requested by Allan Wotherspoon: - There's an option to list all the ZIPs you have in your Mod directory for a given game. - The "Extract Files" button presents a "Save As" dialog, so you can choose what directory to put the extract files in. "Do I need to download this if I got V4.21/4.22?" No, I think that unless the two items above really call you, 4.21/22 is just as good as 4.30. However, if you were one of the fast people who tried out 4.20 (thanks!!) you might want the extra "remember password" feature that 21/22 and 30 have. Cheers, GaJ.
  20. I have just uploaded McMMM V4.30 to CMMods. This is the production release of the version I announced last weekend. Over 100 people have downloaded it, and no complaints, so it should be OK. New features: </font> ** Mod Sets **: The ability to quickly define a group of mods that should be installed or uninstalled together </font></font></font></font>Mod Junkies: now you can easily swap from your "Normandy" set to your "Vietnam" set.</font>Scenario Designers: now you can easily tell players what Mods go really well with your scenario</font>(extra drumroll) Automatic download of mods you don't have. Yes - if the scenario designer has been kind enough to record the URL of the Mods in his Mod set, then McMMM will (if you want it to to) automatically download the Mods you don't have. No more searching through CMMODs with your browser!</font>[*]Revamped documentation, including screenshots </font> V4.30 has a couple of small niceties added, as requested by Allan Wotherspoon: - There's an option to list all the ZIPs you have in your Mod directory for a given game. - The "Extract Files" button presents a "Save As" dialog, so you can choose what directory to put the extract files in. "Do I need to download this if I got V4.21/4.22?" No, I think that unless the two items above really call you, 4.21/22 is just as good as 4.30. However, if you were one of the fast people who tried out 4.20 (thanks!!) you might want the extra "remember password" feature that 21/22 and 30 have. Cheers, GaJ.
  21. The mind boggles about how a bug like this comes into being! (Both the fire and especially the mega bomb!) I guess the mega-bomb could just be a radius calculation going astray or somefink.... dunno what could cause the pillar of fire.
  22. tiger: try this crowd if you are looking for a game. GaJ
  23. So one thing I couldn't see in the overview, as regards comparing to CM, ... is this thing basically an FPS?
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