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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. <font size="-4">(Oh yeah, that peice of land. Sorry, 2nd thoughts... I don't think Florida is the state for me. Every time you want to vote on another president then Bush it will be 'coverted' to a Bush vote anyway)</font>
  2. Never tried it out but it's an idea; Drive a tank in the barbed wire and stop. Then try to embark infantry squads/teams on one side and disembark to the other. Maybe you could guide a whole platoon within 10 minutes. Nils
  3. Bought some spare CD-ROMS for 5 euro's a few months ago. Those CDV CD's are much too easy damaged. The installation of the WAV bin file gets corrupted. Already have 2 that can't be used for installation. So do 3 friends have this same problem. It's wise to have an unused CD as backup in case you can't get them anymore anywhere (like PanzerGeneral II for example ).
  4. I stand corrected; It's not 'always' but 'often'. Assault operations behave differently.
  5. If you can wait until 7 june you can try <u>OSF</u>. Nils
  6. Yes you're right. Resupply isn't realistic if applied on all units. It would be for assault guns, tanks and on map artillery (depending on how long the battle lasts and map size of coarse).
  7. No, that's not what I meant. On global proportions is the setup zone of both sides always 50% of the complete map in de 2nd battle (nomansland not counted for). If you give the attacker a small strip of setup zone in the 1st and he doesn't do anything then he'll still get a setup zone based on that fifty-fifty rule. Much more ground then he did concur. There are gaps visible where the opponent had his units in the last turn and some extensions if the player moved beyond that 50% but that's all. On large maps have those small areas not much to offer and in most cases insignificant if it's a player vs. AI scenario. I believe that would be different for every scenario. Nils [ May 18, 2004, 10:42 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  8. I find the set-up zone of the 2nd the biggest problem in operations. The engine is always trying to divide the map in 2 equal parts (Axis & Allied setup zones). If the attacker had just a small section in the 1st battle, he'll get the remaining ground for free until about 50% has reached. These jumps create unrealistic situations. Another problem is the perception of what is really going on. The time gaps between battles where units are getting resupplied, reinforced or withdrawn is often not understood by the player. Once a scenario designer has created an operation he'll test it before handing it over to players. If he witnesses unwanted side-effects of 'battle windows' or 'objective flags' he'll get very depressed to see he can only adjust the parameters with <u>dramatic results</u>. Single battle scenarios are quite better to play then operations when a fully developed time scheme has been applied on the 'reinforcement markers'. This way you can create a operation like scenario. But the negative side of large battles is the absence of 'ressupply'. Nils
  9. Stay put, adjust the target close to the spot you had pointed before. If the LOS line is green instead of blue; then the grenades will fall much quicker. Try to add an HQ unit. Miscalculations are often corrected when the FO needs to pinpoint again. If he screws up for the 2nd time; shoot him! Nils Edit: If the LOS line is black then find a decent spot to observe the target. [ May 14, 2004, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  10. Alkiviadis, Everything should work with 400Mhz. That can't be too slow. But I'll check it out once more to be cerain. Thanks.
  11. I was worried you were gonna say that. It's CMBB. Running on a PIV 3.2Ghz - 1024MB DDR. If it is so that a maximum of units was exeeded then I guess it's a clear signal. I'll have to keep it below this certain 'level'. I'm truly worried now that files can get corrupt this way. On the other hand should I have made copies of it. Thanks for your help Schrullenhaft. Nils
  12. I have been working on a CM scenario for 8 hours now. Saved it many times. But then CM crashed after hitting the preview button and gave the following error message: Now every time I try to open this scenario CM crashes, even after a complete system reboot. The file seems to be corrupted somehow. Is there a way to recover this file? Nils
  13. We're alive and growing... http://www.eichenbaum.org A few ago weeks we added a new page: http://www.eichenbaum.org/OSF.html Grussen, Nils [ May 13, 2004, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  14. 26 Days! Don't abandon your CMBB CD-ROM yet, You might need it soon Nils
  15. We're proud to announce that we'll release the OSF Demo in 27 days. Eichenbaum.org
  16. ( Woow... you own a DShK? Nice pics man! Do you mind if I use those for a 3d model?)
  17. Ohh Yes, that's cool. I still find PGII the best game in the world. Never had so much fun and never played it out so many times....(Sorry BFC; CMBB is the 2nd best game for me )
  18. edit: Sorry... It was indeed too much. Nils [ May 03, 2004, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  19. Do you like to play night-time battles with CM? YES/NO
  20. Give a 'cover arc' without a direct target and the tank will choose for it self wether to use the main gun or just the MG.
  21. If you played historical battles then it's possible you never saw them before. The DShK was a bulky gun for the Russian Marine. You could encounter them in battles on/at/near the Black Sea.
  22. DShK would be to heavy for the experience I have with wooden pillboxes. This 12.7 mm weapon can knock out a PSW with a blink of an eye. Never seen this happening... I beleive Maxims or DPs are more likely to be found in CM's pillboxes. Too bad; DShK's in concrete would be hitorical acurate in my own home-made-scenarios of Sevastopol.
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