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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. Thanks pat, those are really nice. I see that you even thought of the Romanians Nils
  2. If you have applied the patch 1.02 according to the instructions then start OSF again. Start up the 1st battle and you'll receive a message that CM has been recovered from a crash. Close OSF and start CM again.
  3. 1. Uninstall and reinstall OSF again. Read the instructions in the Install Wizard carefuly. You should install OSF where you have Combat Mission 2 installed. That's why you need the 'browse' button to point the right folder. 2. You adviced to patch your 1.00 version to 1.02. You can download it from our download section at Eichenbaum.org (ca.632KB). You can also download the full 1.02 version; then you only have to uninstall 1.00 and install 1.02.
  4. Run the 'battle' from OSF again. You're surpose to get a message that is has been recovered from a crash without that CM starts up. Close OSF and start CM.
  5. Thanks Jim R. We're gonna build things up over time. If too many people want to download OSF at once then I'm sure our private server will crash and my provider maybe want to take actions. We do not have any mirror sites availlable yet. It can happen that files are not being handled by OSF if the container folder is opened. Windows 2000 showed this behaviour. When files are not handled CM's file structure could be messed up causing OSF to give an 'Error'. (This has to to with networks & file rights) Since 1.02 it will be restored automaticly but you cannot be sure enough. We certainly want to avoid that somebody has to reinstall CM because of this. You should start up OSF from the Start Menu. (CMBB CD-ROM in the Drive). [ June 23, 2004, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  6. The 3d enviroment runs on the Internet Explorer Object (iexplore.exe). Local properties of this microsoft application will have effect on the 3d scene (vrml). Check the advanced and security properties. Maybe activeX controls are being blocked and the vrml engine cannot be excuted.
  7. Hereby I want to thank you all for the support in these stressful days. Those posts with kind words really motivated us to get this done a.s.a.p. Nils
  8. OSF Release 1.02 and and OSF Patch 1.02 are availlable for download at our website http://www.eichenbaum.org/OSF/Index.htm With kind regards, Eichenbaum.org
  9. The new patch that needs to fix crashed OSF versions shows too many unstable processes to release it at this moment. We want to make certain that damaged Combat Mission installations are fixed with any errors. That's why we delay the release until further notice. We're sorry for the inconvenience this might cause you. You’re advised to wait for the patch if you can’t or don’t like to reinstall CM after a crash. Nothing is damaged beyond repair. You only have files with the wrong names after a crash, that’s all. It’s important that you don’t start OSF again after you got a black screen; then there’s a chance your CM will look like the Crimea permanently. DirectX problems or dysfunctional 3d menus are not on the top of the list of priorities. OSF needs DX to run but does alter it. The error message that can occur after an OSF crash says most of the times that there’s a DirectX problem, but the only problem there is; is the missing interface bitmaps. OSF can be played without the 3d menus. Those are an extension so not crucial. You won’t be able to manage the campaign after the 1st scenario without it. For more support you can visit the site: http://www.parallelgraphics.com and look for ‘Cortona vrml Client’. Our download section will stay off-line until all the bugs have been solved. OSF will be updated at the same time as the patch comes out because it takes the same amount of code to extend. A backup script will also be implemented to make sure that these kinds of problems do not appear again. We would like to note: that OSF 1.0 has been successfully downloaded for more the 200 times until last evening the 19th (downloads with accelerators not counted for). 5 crashes have been reported. We are just a few guys who made a mod for you to enjoy CMBB once more. Everything has been created in the late hours after our daily jobs, football, wives & children. As a team we have witnessed coming & going of members, diehards and freaks. Despite the bug that appeared after our first release does not take away that we are proud to present an extension for CMBB. It’s a free product and you should play it at your own risk (You were warned at our download page). If you’re subscribed to our <u>forums</u> you’ll be notified by e-mail about the evolvements of OSF, bugs & patches. (Newsletter). I'm also asking you kindly to go to our forums for technical support. A regrestartion with Name, E-mail and password is enough to reply, post etc... With kind regards, Eichenbaum.org
  10. Due to a bug in our program have we placed our download page off-line until further notice!!!
  11. Not yet, but we're working on it. Our server is indeed very busy these last few days.
  12. Those damaged CM versions aren't good. That will keep me out of my sleep tonight. Though I cannot offer you a solution right now. It cannot be damaged beyond repair so you do not have to worry. I'll come up with a full restore program by this time tomorrow. <u>But do not experiment or delete files</u>; Then I cannot garantee that everything will be saved. [deleted] We're sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused you. [ June 21, 2004, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  13. DirectX problems cannot be caused by OSF since there were no modifications with the installation of OSF. GJK is right about updating DX, though it's wise to this before you install CM. You could also check the shortcut that you use to startup CM. Sometimes 2 files are not being removed with the uninstallation; CombatMission2.exe and OpenPlay.dll (CDV version)
  14. OSF always starts the Ms Internet Explorer for the 3d menus ("Career"). The setup wouldn't have installed OSF if you don't have Explorer on your system. Other browsers are being ignored. You could try install the Cortona vrml engine manually: <u>Click here</u> to download the setup file (1.58MB)</a>. I beleive this could solve your problem.
  15. Thanks Lucho. That is very useful info. I'll create a German patch a.s.a.p. The server I placed the files on removes the .exe when it offers it for downloading. You can rename the file or go visit Macromedia website for the original locations. You can find the links to the setup files at MacroMedia's support centre. Follow the topics 'Trouble Installing'. It should be there somewhere.
  16. Operation Storfang does not overwrite any files. If you start up OSF from the 'Start Menu'; textures and scenarios are 'switched' with a temporary version. When you close OSF; everything should be in place again like it was before. Regardless the state of CM, clean or extreme modded, you should be able to play it without the OSF style. Uninstall OSF does not change anything then only you won't be able to play it anymore. Already 196 bitmaps are changed when you start OSF 1.0 and the amount will grow with the future releases of OSF scenarios. A mod manager is not an option because every scenario will have its custom mods. Like the objective flags are different with every scenario you'll play because it contains an access code. You have completely surprised with this one. I have never known that CDV translated the names of folders in CM's file structure. We do not have the luxury to test OSF on all localized versions released by CDV. The UK version of CDV and Battlefront's version worked perfect on various systems. When CDV has renamed the folders for every localized version then we have a problem here. My advice is to Not run OSF when you have a localized version installed. You can have a look at the 3d menus with the 'Career' function but do not start 'Battle' because the structure of CM might get damaged. You do not need to worry if files are overwritten or deleted because OSF does not function like that. Give us the time to create patches that handle CDV's versions of CM. The English version (UK) should function without any problems. Now we need to know the file structure of CDV's localized versions of CM. If you could provide the information we would be very grateful. Like the folder name 'Scenarien' instead of 'Scenarios'. After all we only need to update about 10Kb to make OSF work also with these versions of CM. We're truly sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you. Please do not experiment with OSF because it make things worse then it already is. Nils, Eichenbaum.org [ June 17, 2004, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  17. Sorry, OSF is only for Windows32 systems. (Win98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003 etc..) Nils, Eichenbaum.org
  18. <P align="center">We are proud to announce that... <P align="center">Eichenbaum's Operation Storfang - Part 1 has been released !!! <P align="center"> <HR> [ June 22, 2004, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  19. From Odessa to Kertch the Russian Naval used various AA guns for everything that moved. Those guns often didn't had any wheels so you'll encounter them in the front when the Russians had to take a step back. Nils
  20. PG = PanzerGeneral An old-fashioned operational wargame made by SSI. This excelent PC game was one of the 1st in its kind and released 10 years ago. http://www.panzergeneral.com
  21. No, Then you'll have to use CMAK. CMBB is restricted to that size.
  22. No, it's not possible to track the casualties. You can only read them from the battle AAR that popup after a battle. In an operation (sequence of battles) only your own casualties are shown. The last AAR, when the game is over, show both parties. During a battle you have 'fog of war' that makes it impossible to know how many and what units have died. That's why you only get the true figures after the battle; as they counted the dead and measured the damage. Nils
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