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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Hey dont point with your finger on avatar!! ...avatar is now a long game player since he played me a couple of times in the past time. ....and believe me or not he loves long games now.
  2. Yep it seems some houserules of the good old SC 1 still make sense. The sea is ruling the game...imagine loading almost the whole army into boats ..40+ boats swarming out and killing every ship in port taking key cities...you wont need many groundforces anymore.
  3. Guess where i m? I just wonder why ppl preordered the game and still have to wait whilst in far far Germany they already own the game. Not to offend someone but just wondering ;D But dont get nervous i dont have it too.
  4. Hey Kuni in Germany ppl play SC 2 since almost one week hrhr
  5. Seems we all we will go for the more diplomatic option this time....bye bye cookie-cutter.
  6. I tried the demo a couple of times and in one of my demo games i noticed that ressources are not going up to 8 MPP anymore like in SC 1...on the other hand the harbours give 0 MPP !!!! shown are 5 MPP ....bug or feature?
  7. Forget trying to play that game vs the AI ...it was stupid it is stupid and it will be stupid forever in comparison to human player.
  8. Although i have to admit that SC 1 did not find my love in the first glance...later i realized that its a great strategy game and especially in TCIP mode it´s a great game....now i have the same problems with SC 2 i´m very dissappointed about the graphics. I know that HC put many many efforts to make a great game and he wanted to change and improve many things in relation to SC 1 but i would love to see he same graphics like in SC 1. The decision to buy or not to buy i will postpone for a while.....maybe a patch where one can switch between "old fashioned" graphics and 3D graphics will speed up my decision. That from the strategic vievpoint SC2 will be a great game is without doubt.
  9. AFAIK some Pl-guys will order the english version as the german version will come later.
  10. If noone is selling it in Romania i m sure someone in the Panzerliga will help you and can buy it for you ..you will have only additional shipping costs.
  11. The Pl_Site is down again it may last some time until it is online again.
  12. 1.1.2006, 2.2.2006, 3.3.2006 etc...should work fine for both then
  13. It´s a shame...just my 3rd post in the SC 2 section...representing my interest. :cool:
  14. Well, i m not following SC2 since the start of all these discussions, just looking from time to time into SC related topics if it´s on its way, but i would bet that in SC2 we will bid for the allied side.
  15. Just visited the site....funny stuff indeed....AFAIK i also wrote an essay about HDO and DAI which was the counterstrategy vs RAI+ZAS...this one is missing but maybe i wrote it just in german at the panzerliga page i honestly dont know anymore. My status lurking is correct if you mean lurking at Battlefront but in respect of playing SC i m still active ...had another 100+ games between September 2005 and now. Another interesting thing would be story about the developement of the Bid The first games were all without Bid and later when realizing that axis is way to strong several bidsystems were born. 1:8, 1:20, 1:30 1:5:20, 1:5:30 ...maybe i missed some. For a long time now 1:5:30 is the most used Bid(Panzerliga)and whilst for a long time 200 was considered a high bid, and 250 a very high bid, and 275 a huge bid i have also to mention that i play already with up to 325 BID also vs excellent players. Greetings from Austria Dragonheart
  16. If the first league was the zappleague then i can remember :confused:
  17. I guess you still play EU2 Liam isnt it? It seems EU2 addicted you more then SC ever did as rumors say that you are one of the top players there. I dont know much about SC outside PL now but it seems that it is almost finished and everybody is waiting for SC2. Surprisigly there is still alot of activity in the PL and many formerly rookies became top players meanwhile capable beating everyone out here. Yeah yoda and DH-camp took its toll and meanwhile i loose some games vs this young warriors I wonder when SC2 is out if there will be a common league. Greetings DH
  18. Just play the scen Overloard as axis vs allied +2 i bet you get your ass kicked. Even +1 will be a challenge.
  19. 2 votes out of 2 should be the bummer here. Voting is over i guess as all votes are counted now. if one vote is missing i second it too.
  20. @Alex Posting winning steaks...err streaks isnt a good idea ask zapp why Better you keep this as secret so nobody can destroy your dreams. Btw my longest winning streak was 37 games ended by zapp but i took revenge several times when ending his streaks.
  21. I think there is starting a new tourney soon, but i dont have any glue when. Dont think that we will meet there as i dont participate ..but the later it will start the higher the odds that i join. Better you dont show me this strategy so you get 1 win for free at least in case i wont be prepared as i dont have contact to anyone. BTW: For the tourney ask pfeiffer i think you have his ICQ
  22. Hey dont punish me for lurking arround here As already told i wont play now but maybe later this year and then there should be some motivation for me like a tourney or another unbeatable strategy from someone.
  23. Huh did not know that i provided this i english and german....maybe anyone need it in french too?
  24. Fact is either one enjoys the game also in full lengh or is bored and burned out.. capable to play only quickies anymore. I bet that when playing the first 100 games nobody took care on the lengh of a game from 100+ games things changed for almost everyone. To your calculation i can only add that your speeding up in mid- or lategame is just a rumor ...but thats not the point as i dont care ...when i play one opponent i have to accept his behavior as well as his moving time.....so we spent alot of time with each other playing our appr. 50 games. Sorry atm i have no intentions to play SC maybe later in the year i will make a comeback to kick your ass again.
  25. Well slow and slow there might be a difference when i played Zapp even me got nervous as even pre Paris turns took 10-15 min I think Rambo and Hellraiser can prove that sometimes i played rather quick and it isnt that worse like vs Zapp. Yep, 5 min chess is fun, i played this when i were young
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