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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Turn 3 -Breakthrough in Bloodhex -Elbow taken -all 3 subs will be dead next round
  2. Turn 2 -Warsaw taken-->poland surrenders -Lc taken and surrenders -crappy plunder -Zapp not using RAI as he dowed irland -subs almost sunk eng. cruiser (1) -denmark pinged
  3. Turn 1 -used HDO this time -central corps killed using 1 Air too -Subs raiding -denmark dowed -Warsaw down to 8
  4. Second part of our best of 7 series will start at 22.00. Stay tuned. [ June 16, 2005, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  5. No need to waste my time with a golfer. You can do the same like with Korut -->book your victory and get out of my mind.
  6. The only thing left from a legend is that he is still writing crap in the forum, his gameplay sucks so much that he retired but obviously to late so everybody could see his downfall. But hey why shall i discuss with a golfer?
  7. Ah you are climbing to the first spot in your one man league? Cool you get even victories for not playing. That´s it what you want isnt it?
  8. @Rambo Never hear new things from your side always the old crappy stories. Zappslow,Dragonslow,bad rolls,cheating stories,retirement etc... Honour is not a matter of rules...if an opponent does a bad mistake or misclick why the hell i should have an advantage by this? If you feel good if you win such a game then go on with your behavior but your style is against my rules and i m glad that you retired so you cant annoy noone anymore here.
  9. Carriers for blocking duties :eek: ...your advantage should be high if you can afford that.
  10. Mulligan hmm let me think i think its an expression from golf...where you can redo your drive or T-shot or put... without getting a penalty. Well Hellraiser an me always grant a mulligan when we misclick or even had bad rolls at the start as we aint have that competition feeling like you have....just wanna have a cool game.
  11. Just realized that i have a massage date this evening so i will come home at 20.30. My grafic card is out of service too so i have to install a new one also this evening. Better to start Thursday 18.30 then. Let me know if ok for you. Cheers DH
  12. This evenenig i m not at home..we could play tomorrow...arround 18.30. cya DH
  13. You are talking about pride?? Just clean up the case in front of your house i would say. Hellraiser will confirm that i dont play every game until the fall of the capital...but you are rite sometimes i do..either if i see some minimal chance or as its just fun to work on strategies you can seldom train....defence of Berlin or London or whatever. And sometimes this reckless style brought me wins were others have surrendered long ago......but anyway everbody has its own style to play and own sense of honour. We never had problems with each other so i dont see this discussion as argument.
  14. Ha you are a joke, looking for an excuse for your quitting? You lost therefore you quit. Your game is not competitive anymore no chance to reach the final, so you quit. Maybe i wont reach final too but i signed in to play this tourney no matter which place i will reach. Better you sing some gospel and pray in church,care for RL and for golf. So far i can see is Group B the most active group with most ongoing and finished games in comparison to group A.
  15. Can play almost every day starting with 18.45 (GMT +1) pls leave me a message when you wanna start. On weekend even earlier but have to check also RL then.
  16. Can play almost every day starting with 18.45 (GMT +1) pls leave me a message when you wanna start.
  17. Incomplete or not the Euros were leading 6:0 so it does not really matter.
  18. LMAO America Cup consisting of only 2 players. Great move so you chances to win this one are much higher.
  19. Zapp could you pls set a time limit ...whilst some ppl are really busy playing this tourney some others even did not show up so far. To sign in and vanish in a cave is not enough!!!! Everybody is responsible to contact his opponents and to get the ball rolling.
  20. Unfortunately i misclicked in this one game ag zapp so i had to continue to attack the army...it messed up my game and my following tactic had completely to be changed. Having the 3 minors in time was not the point ...the point is another but i wont state this now ... as there are 6 other games ag zapp....but hey perhaps even a RAI from my side.
  21. Oh nooooooo they cant do that!!!!! What the hell shall i do in the evening the next 3 month.???
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