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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Not sure about this. The USA didn't joined because the CP were winning the war, but because the germans took steps which were bad for the american business (unrestricted sub warfare). But with Italy fighting for the CP, why should Germany have felt the need to use these desperate measures?
  2. Well, you did found something: I'm sure that most players (like myself) don't read manuals, or at least not very thorough. So messages like yours will help forum users to learn more about what is already within the game engine.
  3. It is a very old feature, and, of course, explained in the manual (page 65). So it was probably mentioned years ago when it was introduced into the game engine. But who would love a publisher who advertises "old" (but still good) features?
  4. Coal didn't last long in these times. The german Hochseeflotte wouldn't have been able to steam into the atlantic, not without a port to fill up the coal supply. As far as i know ships in SC don't lose any supply while at sea. Only if they attack a naval vessel or a convoy line they will lose one supply point.
  5. Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were always ment to receive 38 cm guns, but this never happened, when Hitler decided to abandon Readers fleet concept. The guns, once finally produced, went toward the atlantic wall instead. What happened when the Scharnhorst hat to fight its hopeless fight against a fully equipped Battleship is know. Scharnhorst fought, bravely, but without any any hope of victory, against the British Duke of York, and was sent down to the bottom of the cold sea. A survivor of the Scharnhorst once lived in my neighborhood, my brother had the chance to talk with him.
  6. But still you can equip larger guns, better firing systems, more armor, less redundant weapons etc. I think that SC WW1 with its very expensive upgrade costs is on the right path here.
  7. Sounds like Destroyers would make a good WW1 naval upgrade tech.
  8. You have a point, Gorgo Primus. I would love a menu with all campaigns too, regardless from which installations, regardless which SC game would need to start after i decide to start one campaign of the list. Sigh.
  9. In SC (battle)ships don't represent single ships, but task forces.
  10. Been there, done that. Still hard to read any name on the map, except for the Wargamer Logo in the lower right corner.
  11. First, in the west, there is the german race into and maybe even through Belgium. In the east the desperate try to hold of the russians. Several side quest, with Serbia, the Kaukassus, Iraq, Egypt & Palestine. And of course the naval war, with all sides having very large fleets. It won't get boring, too much to do, too much to decide, lots of options. It plays like a charm, don't miss it. And it offers even a WW2 campaign (with the largest map of the ETO since SC2 Blitzkrieg). If you liked SC Global Gold, go and grab SC WW1 with the Breakthough addon. You will thank yourself for the purchase.
  12. Well written and presented, kudos. Any chance to improve the pictures a bit (so that it is easier to recognize things)?
  13. I guess you are refering to the Blitzkrieg 2 campaign with the global map, correct? SC Global Conflict has many, many more (and better) game features than SC2 Blitzkrieg. The map is much larger, and more detailed. Global Conflict has endless great campaigns, and even more, if you have the Gold addon. While it is nice to have a global map if you only own SC2 Blitzkrieg, you will never play it again once you have played SC Global Conflict. Try to read the Game differences here.
  14. Well, if Singapore is active, you can send reinforcements. With reinforcements, you can try to stop the japanese invasions force. If Singapore remains inactive until the japanese war declaration, it might be too late or simply impossible to bring in reinforcements. This decision event gives you a choice and an option to defend the far east. If you want to pay a price which you historical counterparts weren't willing or able to pay for. So you are in charge, you decide about what will happen to the British Empire. But than you need every single pence for the defence of the British Isle and Egypt. If Singapore fell because YOU refused to send help early, than only YOU are to blame. Explain that :eek: to your voters once the war has ended. What is right, what is the wrong decision? Where should the UK take its stand? That is what this decision event is about. Make you think, think hard, and sweat a bit about the future of your Empire.
  15. There have already been several WW3 campaigns (SC2 Patton drives east, SC Global Conflict). I would vote for both SC 2 GC Gold and SC WW1 breakthrough redone with a SC3 engine.
  16. Works with the Kiel canal / Suez canal as well (and with every harbor bottleneck on the map).
  17. Correct, once the harbor of Gibraltar has been bombed, shelled and exploded to strength 0, the passages opens for all ships. Once the the harbor reaches strength 1, the passage will be closed once more. This is a very old Strategic Command feature.
  18. A map split is always the second best solution compare to a real globe, no matter where the map gets divided. But does the current split line hurt the game or help the USA? I like to think no, but that is only my opinion.
  19. That can't be a Win7 problem. I run Win7 64bit, and had never even the slightest problem. My guess: either an antivirus problem (false positive, isolation the exe file), a corrupt file or maybe a right management problem (are you installing with admin rights?). Could you try to check you antivirus program, and try to redownload the game? Else i would like to suggest using the Battlefront helpdesk.
  20. 1) as far as i know units are ALWAYS able to move at least one tile. And if there are only 3MP tiles, well, there you go (no pun intended)
  21. It is not out yet. I don't know for sure when it will be released, but from what i've read here or here it might be October 1st "..Coming October 1st, this brand new expansion takes the "...the most comprehensive World War I computer game yet." - Armchair General to a whole new level...".
  22. Photobucket won't upload on my side too. Sorry, i thought i could help, but i can not. edit: Hm, but when i tried again, than it did upload:
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