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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Me too. In my eyes SC WW1 is the best SC game ever released.
  2. I experienced the same, and i came to the same conclusion. Operate and Disband are to close together in the right click menu. It would be best to move both options away from each other. Or to change the message when you are asked if you want to disband a unit. A bright red window, or a "noooo"-sound (like the one you hear in the Total War Medieval Series when you get asked if you want to execute, free or ransom captured units) could help too. Every two or three game i disband a unit i wanted to op. But because i click fast, i don't really read the messages, so i never was aware that i was going to disband the unit. Its just like when you fly often. You don't listen to what the airline tells you before you start. "Safety belt-blablablabla-oxygen mask-blabla-emergency exit-blabla". But "Do you want to have a drink", asked by a nice stewardess get ALWAYS my full attention.
  3. Lettowvorbeck, this depends on the date you look at. 1914 would be different from 1915 - 18, etc. etc. What you describe is the german "no-triple alliance / after complete victory over russia / early 1918 / ready to roll over the west with all combined german armies"- point of view. Surely everything would have been different under different circumstances.
  4. Card driven board games give the player action cards in the hand. And at the end of the card you can see what might happen if you throw the right dice results. SC already uses kind of "action cards", the decision events. If i could decide, i would go this way. If a player wants to declare war on a country, a DE kind of thing could happen. There you could get some historical background infos, a nice picture, maybe even a sound file, and an insight about what might happen if you do declare war AT THIS TIME. I would add to all decisions (like buy a diplo chit, purchase a unit, change convoy money) an info like described above. All just for the glory of the game engine, which has to take a stand against critics from everywhere, and this every day, with little help but its pure but wonderful working game mechanics. SC WW1 was in my eyes a very, very well done first step into this direction.
  5. Templer, i never said that i have "a problem". But of course if have always a couple of ideas for improvements.
  6. Best would be a permanent message log (read all messages of the entire game).
  7. Welcome aboard, Jamie Thomson! Storm over Europe is a single theater game, you play in Europe and north Africa. In Global Conflict you play the whole war, in Europe, Asia, Afrika, the Atlantik, the Pacific, North & South America, Australia, the Indian Ocean, the Chinese Sea, etc. etc. The Gold update introduces - more campaigns, some of them are very enjoyable "what if"-campaigns, - all the game engine improvements from SC WW1 (which was released after the vanilla Global Conflict) - the most advance Strategic Command Game engine ever - a faster playing AI If you like SC2, than you will probably love SC Global Conflict (Gold). You can find the most important differences when you look and read here: Global Conflict Global Conflict Gold
  8. Leopard I was introduced only in 1965. Why should it be in a 1948 campaign? But there are jet planes and newer tanks in the 1948 campaign (Migs, Sabres, M48 etc.).
  9. Hi RaRa, keep your posts coming, it is nice to read first hand experiences of these older but still great games! I for myself love the PDE 1946 Case Neptune campaign the most. But boy, how i envy you! All these other great games still ahead of you. I can promise you: they get better and better with every release! Enjoy your SC2 WAW and PDE campaigns, they are indeed very good. And when you are ready, go for SC Global Conflict (Gold) and SC WW1 The great War 1914-1918. We will wait there for you!
  10. But what always work is to move air units, as they don't fall under the Congress ban...
  11. Hi Luke. The US pacific fleet will be placed at Pearl Harbor once Japan declares war against the USA (which usually is the case when the japanese player has his carriers moved next to Pearl Harbor, so that he can attack it once he declared war...).
  12. Try to hold down the "Shift"-Key, this should bring you from the "move" mode into the "recon flight mode".
  13. With my back pushed against this wall i vote for National Morale: no more kidding, wasting or playing around with your navy, you better watch out and try to avoid any unnescessary losses...
  14. Click with the left mouse button on the unit you want to move / to shift. Than press and hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard. While doing so, click with your left mouse button on the (still unmoved) unit you want to swap with. This should do the trick. Btw.: you will mention that the mouse cursor will change into two arrows pointing into different locations once you move the mouse cursor over the unit you want to swap with.
  15. There are so many great features, every time i chose one, i skip it in favor of another one. That what i like the most: the legion of good ideas, which make you love the the game and generously overlook its shortcomings.
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