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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Likewise, PP, i will definetly try to get access to this series (even though iTunes doesn't offer everything everywhere, but maybe iTunes Germany let me access them, at least thats what i hope for, sigh).
  2. Might be interesting for some history buffs: News at NY Times Soundclips can be found here (scroll down, btw: used google translate for this)
  3. rjh1971, i use a free AV programm (Avira Free Antivirus). But i honestly think about following Bill Runacres advise to change to Microsoft Security Essentials.
  4. Once more i would like to tell my story: when i bought some years ago a Norton Antivirus programm i ended up with a slower and slower system, many crashes, and lots of problems. Once i got rid of these "professional" anti-virus programs my computer runs and runs and runs. Smooooothly.
  5. There are no easy answers to this. One would need to know what happened in all turns before. But than, on the other hand, if my opponent pays lots of money to prepare an early attack on france, he won't have the same money to invest in techs or diplo chits. Just look what happened and develop your way to counter at another place. Btw.: today i think France and the UK (or maybe all western allies) should have their National Moral to a certain kind connected. Horrible French losses should affect the UK, and vice versa. Or these losses should affect the diplomatic percantages of neutral countries. Wasting french navies just because they will surrender next turn should be punished (i'm not saying that in this game anything was wasted, this is more a general statement).
  6. If I want to get Malta i usually use a HQ, a strategic bomber, 2 Tac Bombers, maybe a fighter too, all placed at Sicilly. The only backside is that those plane might be needed on other front lines too, so that one has to decide what is more important.
  7. Valid question. I tend to research industrial techs for them while they are still neutral. But that is only me, and i'm not sure if it is the best approach. Doing nothing don't sound so good. Let their money work for you. Either more or better units, or better techs.
  8. Hi leopardson. No, this is unfortunatly not possible, you will have to stay the supreme commander of all allied forces. Claus
  9. Great joy to read your entries here, guys. Keep them coming!
  10. I learned this move from Bill, and i used it myself in a game and turn, where all hell broke loose around my opponent, just as one more and additional shock wave. But in the end i would use it only for this purpose: throw my opponent off balance, stall him, as he usually won't know what will happen there next to him.
  11. In my games against a human opponent i never immediatly withdrew. Often enough you can press the turks if you send reinforcements towards egypt (like the ones where you get asked about in Decision Events). If the turks advance, than they have bad supply and combat values. And they leave open cities up north, where you can sting into. So i guess an immediate retreat should be avoided. But thats me, what do i know.
  12. HI ghor, and welcome to the forum! What you have had discovered was no bug at work, but a new research routine invented with SC WW1: The new Research system has three main featuresResearch progression every turn. Progress is trackable. Guaranteed ultimate success. Once research has progressed beyond 25% (edit: might be slightly higher in SC Global Gold, haven't checked it) there is a chance every turn of a breakthrough, with an automatic success once 100% has been reached. This new system will ensure that there is a minimum and maximum length of time before a research advance is achieved, while also ensuring that the date of achievement isn’t entirely predictable. One result of this is that there will no longer be any immediate breakthroughs in the turn you start researching a category. The new research system aims to be both less random and more realistic than before while also enhancing the overall gaming experience. In short: your trick-safes won't help you until your research progress hasn't exceeded at least 25 - 40 % (check the manuall for the exaxt number). Needless to say, that constanly reloading is a) no fun and considered cheating while playing against human players. While playing the AI, i would suggest to lower the difficulty level if the AI is still to strong an opponent.
  13. 1.07 is for the "standard" Global Conquest WITHOUT the Gold-expansion. After you have installed it, the "standard" Global Conquest (without the Gold-expansion) will be at version 1.07. So if you want to play the most modern version of the STANDARD Global Conquest, install the patch 1.07. And yes, the result will probably be that your safe-game files won't load anymore. But the new game features are worth it, espacially if you still play the standard Global Conquest version 1.00. If you have bought the set from Battlefront (Global Conquest together with the Gold expansion) you don't have to install no patch right now. For the GOLD-expansion there is no patch (at least not until today). So if you play SC Global Conflict Gold in version 1.00, than everything is fine and as it should be. If you already own the STANDARD SC Global Conquest without the GOLD expansion, than you should download and install patch 1.07. as this offers some fixes and corrections and prepares the STANDARD Global Conquest for a GOLD-expansion installation. Repeat: there is no patch yet for Global Conquest Gold. And the GOLD-expansion is an expansion. You have to own and install the STANDARD Global Conquest to be able to install and play the Gold-expansion. Which is more than worth its money.
  14. Big Al, thanks for all your efforts in this direction! The AI is the most important task at hand, i completly agree, as we won't always have time, contacts or opportunities for multiplayer games.
  15. Funny, i just had the same thought only two days ago, even though from a different angle: jungle war. Where there are no roads, motorized units are probably even SLOWER than foot based units. I don't know the best solution here, you had some nice ideas, and there are probably other good ones around, too. Maybe tank and motorized units could suffer from bad terrain like ships from bad weather? Readiness levels could fall if a tank / motorized units ends its turn in a rough tile. On the other hand, maybe all we need are a couple of new tiles, forbidding entrance to any tank and / or motorized unit? A tile where only infantry units without motorization can get full supply won't suffer a readiness loss can move without extra movement costs attack with a bonus against tanks or motorized units get extra protection against tac airSo many ideas, and only one Hubert at hand to read, to decide and to programm. :eek:
  16. You're right, SeaMonkey, of course (even though it might happen that all you need for the time being is the help granted to you without any love for your cause). I want my pressure points!
  17. Winning or loosing the war was probably more important than any diplomatic corps. And than the germans pressed some countries into their alliance ("do or die"). Another thing the allies couldn't do very convincing as long as the 3rd Reich was winning every or most of the battles. I agree that Ribbentrop was in no way a good diplomat, but than weapons speaks sometimes louder than words. Clash of Steel had the option to gain diplomatic pressure points from victories. These points could be used to press a neutral power toward you direction. Sometimes this backfired. If you had to little pressure points. You could always try, but with nothing in the backhand to impress the other side, the pressed one felt strong enough to tell you want he thought about this pressure...
  18. All time witness accounts i ever read (be it WW1 or WW2) stated that the italians fought as good and valiant as every other soldier, sometimes even better. But they were usually badly led by their general and higher officer staff. So if we need an adjustment, it would be best to change HQ values. Or italian units could be limited in the infantry weapon tech, under which i would file tactics as well.
  19. When you start the game you can choose 3D units or "no 3D" units = nato symbols: In the game you can change the setting back and forth anytime from the same menu, which you can enter by clicking on this little button called "options":
  20. I don't know AVG, but Avira is one (if not the) the best german anti-virus software. here the awards it constantly wins: http://www.avira.com/en/company-awards here a list of reference users: http://www.avira.com/en/company-references
  21. NEW! 1940 Fascist Alliance: Germany has initiated Sealion and Spain has joined the Axis as a result... NEW! 1943 The Last Democracy: Japan attacks the USA historically and wins decisively in the Solomons & Midway... NEW! 1948 World At War: With the Axis powers soundly defeated, the Western Allies' alliance with the USSR and China becomes fractured as ideology now trumps previous allegiances... NEW! 1939 Brute Force: An alternate grand strategy WW2 map that covers just the important zones of combat in WW2 globally...The AI attempts to maximize its ability to win the game over historical play...
  22. Thats tough, and i can understand your feelings. I know it won't help you or make you feel any better, but i never experienced anything like this, and i run the game since the start of the beta phase. I wish you all the best, and that you (together with the helpdesk) will be able to find soon the reason and solution for this oddity. edit: btw: i'm using avira free antivirus: http://www.avira.com/en/avira-free-antivirus
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